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Author Topic: Humidity and flushes  (Read 3405 times)


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Humidity and flushes
« on: August 20, 2015, 03:13:52 PM »

Hi all
I just want to highlight the effect that the current weather is having on our symptoms.  I am on HRT and have been fine - no flushes etc - until recently, since the really humid weather arrived.  I'm reading a few posts on MM with ladies saying they are suddenly getting their flushes back and feeling nauseous and not sleeping.  I do think we need to be aware that the weather is a big factor and that even on HRT the humidity we are having will make us think the HRT isn't working, when in fact our bodies are just not coping with this weather.
I woke drenched in sweat last night - so did my husband!!!! So nothing to do with hormones just horrid humidity.
DG x


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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2015, 03:46:46 PM »

Thank you, been feeling lousy last few days 8)


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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2015, 03:57:37 PM »

Humidity def makes you flush more / worse.

I was on hol in july 33/34 degrees but around 70% humidity some days, at first i thought gel not absorbing but felt better when the husband fessed up to warm moments as well.

Love the heat not the humidity.


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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2015, 08:44:36 PM »

Oh give it a go in Scotland. I still have my duvet up to my ears most nights. With the window open its fresh to say the least.

We are at the top of a hill facing the sea so the temperature is never very high.




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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2015, 08:42:44 AM »

thank you, I was wondering why I was waking up with wet pyjamas (not incontinent yet  ::)) and feeling so very hot after months of it all tailing off.

This forum always makes me feel so much better.  Off to hoover the small guest room now.

See you all after the weekend xxx


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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2015, 10:15:01 AM »

HB I have always wanted to live there, I hate the heat - far happier in a wooly jumper and thick duvet at night.


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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2015, 02:13:35 PM »

Glad it's not just me - I've been taking Clonidine for just over 3 weeks and thought it had started working to alleviate the hot flushes - then the last couple of days I'm all hot/bothered again...
Today I came on here to ask what to do next...back at the GPs surgery next week and was getting to the point of chucking the towel in and asking for HRT - something I always said I would never do.  Now I think I'll see what the weather does over the next few days and how it affects me. 
Hubby says my thermostat's knackered  ;D
love to all,
Spadger x


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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2015, 02:32:24 PM »

Saves on the heating bills though  ; to find a positive somewhere.

I "do" for my mother. Her house especially in the winter gets to sauna temperatures. I insist she turns it down before I go....the poor soul is going around with three cardigans on while I'm just wearing a T shirt  ;D

And I'm on HRT. Still don't normally feel the cold at all.



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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2015, 03:31:47 PM »

The humidity today got to a whole new level today. I'm a tour guide for a brewery and distillery and I've done two tours today and both sets of equipment were in full use - the heat was unbelievable, the humidity was intense and I simply don't know how I got through this.  The people on my tours seemed to cope OK but I did whisk them through the really hot bits and into air conditioned areas as quickly as I could. If I hadn't been on HRT it would have been impossible.  DG x


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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2015, 04:58:51 PM »

It's not so much the heat in those's the combination of heat and smell.

I baled from a whiskey distillery tour a few years ago leaving hubby behind. Just couldn't cope with it at all

Well done you.



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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2015, 07:04:20 PM »

Glad to know it's not just me that's always warm, my office is temp controlled, I've been boiling all day, had to put the fan on.

A colleague who is 48, a year younger than me dared to say she was cold and put a jacket on this afternoon, I'd took my shoes off by then trying to think cool thoughts.


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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2015, 04:10:25 PM »

I thought this was a really useful posting DG. When the weather's like this it's hard to know what might be meno or just the weather; when abroad recently I got into a car and it was so hot the sweat just dripped off me in seconds. Quite normal really!
The question I'd like to throw open is..... we read that women in Asia seem to experience less symptoms, the word menopause is not even noted. Given that one of the top problems with meno can be the hot flushes, does anyone think climate of those Asian countries might have something to do with it? The women don't significantly notice the flashes, (but might still experience other meno symptoms which is simply put down to getting older)?  I've often wondered if an Asian lady, who has moved to the west, but tended to remain with her Asian diet, way of life etc, experiences more flushes due to our usually less humid/hot culture but not as bad as an English lady who hasn't had the Asian diet. What about an Asian lady who moved to the UK and adopts full western culture habits, does she now experience all the meno symptoms?
This is a generalisation I know and very unscientific but I'm just keen to know. We seem to read about the Asian diet and the menopause, but is it just the diet?


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Re: Humidity and flushes
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2015, 04:56:16 PM »

Sunnydays - I think you are basically referring to genetics. It is thought that Japanese women don't suffer bad meno symptoms because of their diet but I believe that it may also be about their genetics - although I have absolutely no scientific knowledge about this.
I'm sure more studies will be done but I'm pretty sure that genetics must play quite a big part and probably certain cultures will have particular genetic traits that mean they do not suffer the same meno symptoms other cultures do. We often hear on MM that women describe getting similar meno issues as their mothers and even grandmothers - it's certainly true in my family.
Lifestyle choices must also play a part as with any health issue - so if a women smokes this can reduce the positive effect of HRT and increase her risk of breast cancer.
We are told to avoid foods and drinks that might trigger flushes - so a curry is definitely out.  Traditional Asian food is often quite spicy!!
I often wonder about cultures where women are covered from head to foot in black fabric in very hot climates - how on earth they cope I don't know.  How do they get sufficient Vitamin D as well?
I think we are only just seeing some true realisation about the problems that menopause brings as more women  are expected to work and live longer.

Maybe a time will come when they will treat meno symptoms through genetics?  DG x