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Author Topic: please please help!!  (Read 2493 times)


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please please help!!
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:50:28 PM »

Lovely ladies,

what is your experience of too much estrogen??

I thought I was low for the last month but im now thinking its too much my E levels came back today and they are 440, that's with 100 patch and 1 pump of gel, before I added the gel I was 270.  I added the gel 4 weeks ago and ive felt crap ever since, boob pain, anxiety, jittery feeling, jaw ache, an inability to concentrate, terrible muscle fatigue, I find im clenching my jaw and its really painful, bloating, physical pms type symptoms, I just feel very flitty/flighty, don't want to sit still, I haven't felt like this the whole of the 4 weeks but its progressively got worse, the last week being bad, I see the consultant next week but his secretary today said that he was pleased will my levels?!?!?!?!?!?

I am thinking of stopping the gel as I was better before it, im tired and wired as I cant sleep and my brain is all over the place, flitting from thought to thought!! fell asleep at 3am!

arrrggghhhh bloody hormones!!

thanks  S xxxxxx


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Re: please please help!!
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2015, 07:51:46 PM »

You poor thing - how miserable!

I've never had too much oestrogen - but of course levels are only a guide - but it could just be that your body is still adjusting to the induced menopause ( I looked back at your posts to remind me).

440 is definitely not overly high at all though and much lower than you would experience during menstrual cycle at pre-ovulatory peak.  For example mine last time they were measured were around 220 - not much less than yours were and you are very young. I am in my 60's and well post-menopausal and never feel that zingy feeling I used to feel when in my fertile years. It may just be coincidence that you are feeling like this but also does the induced menopause also reduce testosterone ie is it like a total hysterectomy with ovary removal? You could ask about this at your appointment. This will be a great shock to the body. Also of course adding in oestrogen, even bio-identical as the gel is, is not the same as producing our own as there are all the other mechanisms and feedbacks involved - it is only an approximation. I would want to continue with these levels especially at your age - but hopefully the consultant will be able to help.

The only thing I would say is that during our menstrual cycle the levels do not stay that high all the time, but of course if you were to try to cycle it - you would then have to deal with the effects of low oestrogen too. One thing too is that pms is a combination of the effects of low and decreasing oestrogen and high/increasing progesterone.

Sorry I'm not much help....

Hurdity x


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Re: please please help!!
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2015, 11:05:54 AM »

Sazduggs - what you describe is exactly how I felt until I stopped my HRT 4 weeks ago (I had terribly dry itchy skin aswell, though no boob pain). All of the symptoms disappeared within days except the anxiety which initially reduced but is increasing at the moment. Do you feel overwhelmed, as if your body is running on the wrong fuel or a fuel that's too rich? Almost as if you're having a bad reaction to a drug? As if you want to flush your body out? Sorry if this sounds weird but it's how I felt. I got so desperate that I stopped my HRT altogether and feel much better. I have no idea if it was the oestrogen or the progesterone or the regime or the ratio that was the culprit though ( I was on 50 Evorel patch and 100 Utrogestan continuously). If you're desperate it might be worth stopping for a few days to see what happens, or using just half a patch. I don't know if this is appropriate medically for you of course but in my case I didn't see that a few days was going to do anything awful to me, and it didn't  - quite the opposite. Time to see your GP and talk about taking a step back maybe? I hope you feel better soon.


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Re: please please help!!
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2015, 05:38:53 AM »

Hi Freda, I know that this is an old thread but I feel like I am running on rocket fuel a the moment.....and not on hrt.....I feel wired n all over the place.....period started this am ......dread period stopping too as I get a real dip where everything is overwhelming.....maybe not this month but who knows....periods every 3 weeks.....oestrogen makes me feel more wired too or maybe it this that combined with prog withdrawal....?who bloody knows but fed up of this crap...hope you're feeling better :-)


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Re: please please help!!
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2015, 09:03:25 PM »

This is exactly how I feel when estrogen goes too high. It has taken me a while to work this out but feel anxiety fidget upand insomnia kicks in