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Author Topic: Sat crying in Sainsburys car park  (Read 7847 times)


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Re: Sat crying in Sainsburys car park
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2015, 05:56:44 PM »

Taz2 yes I am hard on myself for not being strong.
I know in reality I've had a lot this year with surgery and the crazy vitamin D reaction, followed by a return of tinnitus and hyperacusis oh and meno too.
I honestly hate myself for being the twit who got caught with all this. I just want to be normal again. I've lost this whole year one way or another.
You've all been very kind.
I hope my bits improve then maybe my sleep and then tinnitus improves with sleep so it's all linked to destroy me.


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Re: Sat crying in Sainsburys car park
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2015, 07:41:07 AM »

I just want to add to your love and ((HUGS)) Sweetie, I hear ya! I hate Supermarkets anyway, so I think you choice of location to have a good cry is fantastic, so clearly you are still able to make excellent choices and are a strong and capable woman!  :-*

Is it any wonder it is the number one place of choice for our children to melt down!?  ::) Hang in there Hun, I hope today is one of the better ones for you.


Mrs January

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Re: Sat crying in Sainsburys car park
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2015, 08:36:45 AM »

Hi Sarai

Bless it's a hard time you are having. My motto is look at quality of life over feeling that you have failed in taking HRT, if it helps you to be happier in the here and now that's important.

My counsellor taught me to relict of the close chapters in the past but now dwell on them and let them cheat you of opportunities for the future. As for the future it isn't here yet so why worry about what ' might be' so to speak.

I guess I am trying to say look, plan, action and enjoy, do what you can, delegate what is too much and live only for today honey as it is all you can influence.

Hope it helps and makes sense

MRS January


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Re: Sat crying in Sainsburys car park
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2015, 02:05:36 PM »

Mrs January, its a good logic I know. I do look back all day as a year ago I was so happy and fine.
I've suffered so much this year, not least with a tinnitus and hyperacusis flare up which meant normal sound was intolerable. plus i cant go out and enjoy myself in places like restaurants, pubs etc.
I have no fun at all right now, I'm either totally shattered, not sleeping and brain fogged, got a massive headache or ringing ears, or a painful neck I haven't had a day with nothing since May.
This is why Im so very down, oh and of course I'm very down too. I wake up disappointed to wake up and count the hours to bed again.


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Re: Sat crying in Sainsburys car park
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2015, 05:24:37 PM »

I'm with you Sarai.  I went for my b12 jab yesterday and the nurse said 'God, you look tired' and I broke down too!  When will this nightmare ever end!


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Re: Sat crying in Sainsburys car park
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2015, 05:59:51 PM »

Sarai sending you a big hug.  You're not alone in this menopausal stuff xxxx

Try not to beat yourself up - it's not something you chose is it?  You didn't bring this on yourself so being hard on yourself is unkind.  Sometimes life just throws crap at us for no bloody reason.  You will get through it.  Things will get better.  But in the meantime be kind to yourself xxx 

And giving in by taking HRT isn't giving in - honestly, as soon as I was put on HRT my brain started to function again and the brain fog lifted - I couldn't believe the difference it made.  Having said that, I had a breakdown as part of my meno crap and so recovering from that is taking time - but I am a hell of a lot better since March (when it happened) - so you will be too.  Just give it time and be kind to yourself in the meantime - treat yourself the way you would treat a best friend going through this - you wouldn't beat them up would you?

Hugs xxxx 


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Re: Sat crying in Sainsburys car park
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2015, 06:04:03 PM »

I feel exactly the same sarai....can't even watch TV sometimes as get so stressed...feel toxic...frigging awful....I have been lilke this for a year and could just scream, shout and cry....I hear you xxx


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Re: Sat crying in Sainsburys car park
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2015, 12:32:31 AM »

I totally empathise. Many women know how you feel and feel your pain. I have found HRT a God send. After a year I have been through the whole cycle of feeling terrible and not knowing why, desperately going backwards and forwards to the doctors for weeks, being off work for 5 months, finding a brill HRT doctor (DR Annie Evans) getting treatment, recovering and now feel happy again. Its taken a year. But its worth it. You are worth it. Much love and sympathy. Keep on keeping on. You will get there.

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