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Author Topic: My Story  (Read 10821 times)


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Re: My Story
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2015, 12:46:23 PM »

good luck Vicki, thanks for the recommendation for thrush treatment x


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Re: My Story
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2015, 02:34:08 PM »

LIVE yoghurt eaten and applied can ease thrush …….. one pot in the fridge to eat regularly i.e. 3+ times a day: and applied in bed using a tampon as high up as possible, then rest  ;) - try for 5 days and then see how the itchiness is.


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Re: My Story
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2015, 04:06:53 PM »

Well, here goes.. back from GP and almost 'over' my pity party now.. okay, I am not - actually sitting in floods of tears wondering what to do next.

The good news is all my blood tests were fine, and of course no problems with my hormones either ::) But, I am the right age (her words) and with the right symptoms (bare in mind, they are all on screen infront of her as given to the nurse).

Deciding that the bladder issue's were the worst I am to go for a bladder scan, I am to phone up in two days and then wait weeks for the appointment, and more weeks for the results - then............ we can start looking at treatments.  HRT, she is not really fond of but 'if I insist' it is my choice, so I have an entire rain forest of information she printed out for me to show me all about HRT and all about 'Alternatives to HRT'.

I then told her my anxiety is about as bad as it can get, so she has give me '20' Propranolol to try.  Chemist told me to just start at one a day and see how it goes, and that it can take 3 weeks for any results.

Looks to me like I have to wait till the results before I can go any further, as she wants to rule out any nasties with the bladder, which is fair enough but as I have been like this for over 3 years now I would say its doubtful.  Having said that, at one a day I am looking at 20 days before needing 'something' to help with the anxiety, either more beta blockers or something else.

I have put out a local appeal to see if there is a GP in my area who gives a ***t.  Maybe my own fault here as I should not have gone in with the attitude that she may have some sort of concern for how I was feeling.  I will know better next time.

Considering the private option, or at least my mother is - I just managed to phone her with update before the tears, but I think even she is starting to see behind the front I put on now.


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Re: My Story
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2015, 04:18:58 PM »

Hi SadLynda, sorry to hear it didn't go as well as you hoped, I do hope you get your scans quickly. That's the trouble with hormone blood tests, as they fluctuate so much readings don't really help so much, and you have all the symptoms. I'm not sure why she can't start you on HRT if you wanted if you are presenting with all the symptoms, and as you say it's been 3 years with the bladder, but obviously I'm not a doc. At least you have the Propranolol to try, it may see you through until you get some 'proper' help.

No, you're right, they just don't care, I think the only time you get 'good service' is when you pay to go private - it's all wrong! x


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Re: My Story
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2015, 05:00:16 PM »

Hi SadLynda

Sorry I can't remember where you are in menopause eg re periods etc and whether you have other meno symptoms? In terms of your blood tests of course Unhinged is right - if you are peri-menopausal one test doesn't mean a lot and it also depends on where in your cycle it was taken.

Do ask for a print-out of your blood tests and especially look at what your hormone readings were ( despite their unreliability) out of interest ie the FSH and the estradiol - you can phone up too and ask them.

It is good to look at your bladder and be checked properly, but if you have dryness etc and you know you are peri-menopausal (from periods and/or flushes especially) - then something like Vaigfem should be prescribed, even while waiting for your specialist appointment.

You absolutely should not have to go to a private doctor and no GP should be saying they will only give you HRT "if you insist" and should make sure they are up to date with all the information at least on this site.

Not sure what the Prop...does but doesn't sound like a menopausal treatment...

Depending on your answer to some of the above I really would go to another doc!

Hurdity x



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Re: My Story
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2015, 05:07:34 PM »

Propranolol stops anxiety surges.  I take 40mg at night and it has helped for several years. 

As for 'if you insist'  >:(.   :bang:.  At a time when a lady feels vulnerable and shaken by symptoms one expects support, not the Spanish Inquisition  :-\

I would be ringing to say , that as these symptoms are long-term for the last 3 years without anything more serious presenting, that I would like treatment for vaginal symptoms this week …….

………  and would also be ringing the Dept to which you have been referred for the bladder scan to see what the actual waiting list is likely to be: also if you are able, offer yourself for a cancellation appt. at short notice? and make sure you have someone to drive you there and back. 



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Re: My Story
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2015, 06:08:56 PM »

Thank you :thankyou:


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Re: My Story
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2015, 06:11:58 PM »

Sorry you've not had a great experience today lynda.....don't really have any suggestions apart from multi vits, fish oil, vit e, d, bs,....someone has suggested whey powder for amino acids in the brain aparently boosting serotonin so have sent for some....fingers crossed....if it helps will let you all know .....hugs xxx


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Re: My Story
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2015, 02:41:04 PM »

Thanks TV.  I have been on the vitamins and supplements a while :(

just an update.  I had a long email convo with my yoga/acupuncture guy last night - being a bloke I wasnt going to mention this to him, but was so desperate last night I have.  He has been great, very supportive and helpful and I will be starting a course of acupuncture for the anxiety and insomnia next week.  I know some of you will not believe in this, but he cured my sciatica, back pain and hip pain so that is good enough for me to try.

i have posted about this now so I can update and it may be of some use to others to if it helps.

Still booking my bladder scan and hoping to then start the hrt after that, I am not 'that' conventional.  Took the beta blocker last night, felt okay but did nothing to help me sleep, though that might have been the stress of the whole day.


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Re: My Story
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2015, 02:59:44 PM »

Beta blockers keep me awake so I take mine in the morning after breakfast. I only take 10mg as I find anything stronger just makes me feel very washed out.

I found acupuncture very helpful for arthritis in my knees. I had it done by a physiotherapist on the NHS so it's a recognised form of treatement.

I really hope it helps you, please let us know.

It's always great to hear if alternatives work.



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Re: My Story
« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2015, 05:41:37 PM »

So sorry to hear you feel unsupported by your GP.

Sounds to me like you need HRT. It really is the key to the insomnia and anxiety.

I now see Nick Panay who is brilliant. He understands exactly about the menopause and never makes you feel it is anything other than hormones. He is a leading expert in hormones and has a realistic view of HRT. Get your hormones sorted and you will be fine.

Take care


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Re: My Story
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2015, 06:06:07 PM »

funny isn't it, BBs help me go to sleep if I am wired and jittery, and I only need 5mg morning and evening.

Good luck finding a treatment regime to help you sadLynda


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Re: My Story
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2015, 07:52:16 PM »

Sadlynda - did you get any info about your actual hormone levels from the doc?

From what I've read, acupuncture (using pressure points) won't work as such for menopause symptoms ( ie oestrogen deficiency) but can have a therapeutic value (the actual process - relaxation and needles) - for those who wish to use it. There was a brief mention of it here on this thread:,28940.msg457620.html#msg457620

Hope your bladder results come back OK and you get the treatment you need to improve - without encountering further unhelpful resistance from the medical profession!

Hurdity x


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Re: My Story
« Reply #28 on: August 27, 2015, 09:08:25 PM »

Hy Sadlynda - I hope accupuncture is helpful for you, I have a treatment once a month and it has certainly helped me.  Because it treats the body as a whole I can't tell you that it 'fixed' specifics or whether it is the accupuncture, change in diet and extra excercise I am doing, but I feel a whole lot better generally.  Sleep, appetite, heavy bleeding has diminished, skin issues and energy levels.  Not 'perfect' but better - accupuncture cannot directly 'add' hormones, of course, but it can balance them, in that way, there are less ups and downs of levels and I believe that is why it has helped me.  Helping me adjust to the hormone levels changing.

I also have a less than helpful GP which I have avoided since my last visit a few months ago - wishing you well with the needles :)


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Re: My Story
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2015, 11:25:46 AM »

thanks for info on acupuncture, thats great to hear.

It is my intention to have the acupuncture mostly for the anxiety and insomnia, until the results of the bladder scan come in and I get to go back and probably insist on hrt then if I have to.  I do believe my hormones need a little help ;)

First appointment made for Tuesday.  Had a good yoga class last night, all geared up to help with anxiety - must be good as its at least 48 hours since the last flood of tears ::)
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