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Author Topic: Who is still up?  (Read 137026 times)


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #735 on: January 18, 2019, 11:36:15 AM »

Apparently I have been snoring for three nights in a row. Husband looking 😴 tired.

Think I am stuffy due to central heating so any suggestions would be appreciated. By my husband that is.


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #736 on: January 18, 2019, 04:43:15 PM »

What about those little containers you fill with water and hang on the radiators shadyglade just to get some moisture in the air?? DD😘


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #737 on: January 18, 2019, 04:53:53 PM »

That's an Idea. Have also been told about a pillow that is supposed to work miracles.

Will Google both.


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #738 on: January 18, 2019, 06:07:19 PM »

Not sleeping great either.  Still tossing at midnight then waking 3 then 5.  I haven't been having my cold wash down so I will have to introduce it tonight and report back!


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #739 on: January 19, 2019, 07:12:48 AM »

Hope you all had a better night last name night

Lanzalover x


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #740 on: January 21, 2019, 01:23:04 AM »

Anyone up. I can't sleep. Third night in a row. Nearly off then got leg cramps. Clock watching. Family asleep This sucks. My brain is just racing. Worst time of my life. :'(


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #741 on: January 21, 2019, 01:39:36 AM »

Hi Roseneath

Oh so sorry to hear you are still having difficulty sleeping it really does get you down doesn't it especially when your brains racing fortunately that's not my problem.

I have been to bed but woke up coughing as its far too warm in the bedroom despite having the window open.
I'm sitting here watching mindless telly with a cuppa I'm going to try going back to bed soon as I'm working in the working in the morning and need to get up at 6.30 !!

Have you had your cold wash tonight ? Hope we both manage to get some sleep soon.

Love Lanzalover x


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #742 on: January 21, 2019, 02:07:05 AM »

Thanks Lanzalover . It is nights like this I wish I was single and could just stay in bed all the next day. I used to sleep like a log in my 30s. No I didn't have my cold wash! I go to bed with good intentions knowing all the right things to do but just can't flick that sleep switch. It's torture . The I clock watch. Maybe I'll  try TV and a cold wash. Thanks for replying. :-*


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #743 on: January 21, 2019, 06:28:46 AM »

Hope you managed to get some sleep Roseneath.

Lanzalover x


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #744 on: January 21, 2019, 07:15:54 AM »

Good morning roseneath.sorry to hear about your sleeping pattern and cramps.
If you try some "better you magnesium flakes" from Holland and Barrett that'll knock this on the head for you.
Just make up a basin of warm water and add a cup of flakes to dissolve then plop your feet in for 20mins.your skin will absorb the magnesium it's a much kinder way to take it and gets straight in there transdermal like the hrt gel.Do it before bed and you'll feel a huge difference in your muscles and your sleeping.good luck DD😘


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #745 on: January 21, 2019, 10:27:01 AM »

Thanks droppy draws. I will try that. I am going to hit the sleeping tabs tonight I think. When my anxiety kick in I find it impossible to get to sleep. It is a very lonely place. I am back at the GPs today so will get some advice.


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #746 on: January 21, 2019, 10:52:03 AM »

Hi again Roseneath I'm in airport waiting on my flight lol.
The magnesium flakes will also help with your anxiety so id try them first before the sleeping tabs and see how it goes you can always jump on them if your not happy with the results of the magnesium.DD😘


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #747 on: February 11, 2019, 11:43:06 PM » sleeping pattern changed dramatically 7 years ago I went from 1030 bed up 630 to total insomnia then now asleep never earlier than 3am...I've been on here many times asking if it was perimenopause related as I started the other symptoms at the same time which I now know are mainly all peri related.
I've tried it all literally in 7 years and for the last month I've depressingly had to employ someone to work 745am til 10am so I can get up at 9am ( usual drop off to sleep around 4am so at least I can get 5 houts) it's made me even more depressed and low as I feel such a failure getting up so late especially when my few friends sailed through their menopause so just think I'm lazy.
right now or last 6 weeks I can barely move my neck at all I've severe pain in neck shoulders and sternum so much when it first happened I went to a and e...ecg was OK but I'm referred to have angiogram with dye to check for heart disease and or's so crap this isn't it...lack of sleep especially being all alone til 4am makes thoughts and worry 100 times worse anyway..😣😣


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #748 on: February 11, 2019, 11:44:56 PM »

sorry forgot to ask what dose of melatonin you used when it worked I've been trialling 0.5mg 4 hours before bed been 3 months now and not helped .😏


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Re: Who is still up?
« Reply #749 on: February 12, 2019, 12:17:50 AM »

I have 1 mg tablets and have been known to take up to 3, 4 hours before bed when I am really bad.  I know .5 would be too low.  If you read any web pages about doses you should start at 2mg +
They come in 1mg/3mg and 5mg and 10mg I think as far as I know.  3mg in one go is not really high at all.  Works a treat for me because I don't get that awful hung over feeling in the morning and with 1mg I can vary what I take.  I wouldn't be afraid to take 5mg if I needed it.

Its really interesting peroxideblader since we posted between us before I have been given testosterone and now with my hrt levelled out I am sleeping much better. Its taken 7 months though to stop the manic head racing and total insomnia. I still can't wake in the morning early - never before 10 and as you can see I am still up but I am tired now and want my bed - no more manic insomnia until 4-5 in the morning - unless of course I get really upset by something - but that is life, we sometimes get things stuck in our heads  - but it was constant before - all the time month after month.  I can still stay up but when I put my head down I can now sleep and I don't have to take melatonin to ensure I do sleep.

Just up your dose to 2mg and see what happens. Melatonin is a natural substance to the body - nothing bad can happen to you.  You need your sleep - meno symptoms and pain are made a million times worse by lack of sleep.

You are not lazy and bad sleep patterns have been made a million times worse by meno - be kind to yourself peroxideblader - do what you need to do to make yourself feel better - I gave up feeling guilty - that I wasnt like "other people" - so what?  They can judge all they want but if it happens to them well.....they wont be judging then!
Post and tell me how you get on  :)
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