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Author Topic: How low can you go?  (Read 11465 times)


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #45 on: August 26, 2015, 09:02:14 PM »

Yeah Tropical, that burning in the chest is very likely reflux, a classic symptom of it. Yes that really is a positive, there's loads of others among us suffering the same and we can talk to each other! It is really quite sad when you think of the others who haven't found a forum like this, I can't imagine going back to feeling like this on my own - the isolation, loneliness and fear they are experiencing, a horrible thought, especially the anxiety ... all on their own ... no, no, I hope they find us soon! xx


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2015, 05:59:24 AM »

Bloody hormones sparkle, that's why, Its like sometimes the rational part of your brain is switched off with anxiety........diaphragm breathing helps and keeping blood sugar stable....It's always good to hear of someone with the same symptoms, horrid as they are...thanks unhinged, that's reassuring to know its prob acid reflux.....yes I hope they find us soon, I tell any menopausal women I speak to about mm.....hope you're all having a better is a better one for me...think I will go for a swim....have a good one xxx


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2015, 02:25:23 PM »

Afternoon all.  Head in vice, tick.  Mouth stuff, tick.  Finding head, tick.

Yesterday and today I have heartburn, what is that all about? not had that since pregnancy.  gums played up yesterday but that happens with major stress days.


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #48 on: August 27, 2015, 06:55:21 PM »

Hello all, yes Sparkle, a lot of heartburn about! I've just posted on another thread about it and said that since I started HRT mine has decreased a little so I'm postponing the anti-reflux op! I really believe it is more hormones than my hernia now!
Glad hearing about these unusual symptoms helps others, it certainly does me.

Trouble is none of them are on the 'official list' so unless someone happens to mention it in a post, everyone is probably thinking they're the only one! Perhaps we should start a new thread in bullet format listing all the less publicised symptoms of menopause? If I get time later I may do just that!

I've not had quite such a bad day as have been very busy at work .... I just need to get through the evening, hope you other ladies are ok. SadLynda how are you now that you've had time to think about your doc appt? xx


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #49 on: August 27, 2015, 07:02:30 PM »

Hi sparkle....I found it (passes it over)....just take it out the box n pop it on lol...pmsl sad the whey powder today so will keep you all posted on how I get on with gums get sore after period too and teeth get more wobbly.......went for a swim today hurrah!!!!


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #50 on: August 28, 2015, 08:03:05 AM »

Hi,  SadLynda, how are you feeling today?  I haven't been on here for a couple of days as I started a new job & felt hideously anxious (again).  I took a BB which helped but then felt exhausted afterwards - actually fell asleep on sofa.  I was just reading these posts & experienced the heartburn.  Like many of you, I get this on occasions & that 'burning' feeling in my chest - so that is another 'delightful' symptom  then?!   I have also found, in the last few days, that I feel nauseous whilst eating some of my meals.  :sick02:   My period is due sometime in the next few days (I think!). Over the last few mornings, I have been waking up really early with a horrible, rumbling tummy & that 'jittery' feeling - it may be anxiety associated with the new job (this is my first paid job since my breakdown early this year & it is for only 2 days per week - can't take on any more at the moment as I am not ready).  Yesterday, I met up with my friend who suffers from terrible anxiety & I told her about this website as she has experienced many of the symptoms mentioned on here.   I think she is reluctant to visit her gp (probably because of the unsympathetic attitude she may get).  :bang:
I hooe today is a better day for all of you.  :):hug: X


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #51 on: August 28, 2015, 11:49:29 AM »

Morning Sparkletwin ;)

Thanks for asking Unhinged and MadBoss - I took control eventually after the appointment and chatted with my yoga/acupuncture guy, I feel so much better that he listened and thinks he can help - i think mostly that he actually listened.  I am still really angry at the lack of support shown by GP, and hunting for an improvement still.. but no joy in my area, so may have to make further enquiries at how to move further afield to get help.  But still going to wait till I have seen the new GP after bladder scan.

I think my heartburn was stress? who knows, just hoping it doesnt return in  hurry.  Love the idea about a new list of symptoms as I had no idea how many there were.  Remember when I had my gum problems years back I was treated like a lunatic by everyone as they could find no problem, infact I am often treated like a lunatic I am just used to it now ;D

Hugs to all you wonderful ladies for all you help and advice too, and for being there for each other :-*


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #52 on: August 28, 2015, 12:45:38 PM »

 ;D sorry to break the news.


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #53 on: August 28, 2015, 06:34:26 PM »

Hi Acid Club Ladies, I hope you're all doing ok today!

Yes, I'm amazed too Sparkle at the number of us coming forward with heartburn, HRT is reducing my symptoms a little bit, so I'm now wondering - three years later, if it is my hernia being the main cause or whether it is indeed hormones!

I have just started a new thread with a list of symptoms, hopefully some other ladies will post and we can build our own 'reference manual' to give us comfort and reassurance coz we sure as heck ain't getting it from our docs!

Thanks to all of you terrific bunch for your ongoing support and help, it's awesome. SadLynda I'd be really interested to hear how the acupuncture goes!

Unhinged xxx


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #54 on: August 28, 2015, 06:41:19 PM »

Hi Unhinged,
will update about acupuncture.

Having seen my bottom about the latest actions of my somewhat useless GP - I told DH when he came in and I had found one who would take me, so DH took me (as I am not good at new things) and I have registered, I will be a patient there by the end of next week.  I have now added a 'signature' at the end of all my posts as I am always banging on to ladies to do this, and can now say I lead by example.  Two of the doctors at the practice I have registered with have 'extra' gynie experience, so fingers crossed.  I have an appointment with the nurse for my 'new patient' induction on the 8th (week on Tuesday).


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #55 on: August 28, 2015, 07:34:57 PM »

Sparkle & Lynda - thankyou for posting on the symptoms thread!

Congrats SadLynda, that's brilliant news! Do update re what the new docs are like, you've got me thinking now about whether I should change. There is a doc at another surgery who I saw twice when he was on locum at my surgery and I thought he was really good - trouble is he's so damn hot I get all flustered and can't explain myself properly, just sit there bright red with my jaw on my stomach ha ha!

 Un xx


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #56 on: August 28, 2015, 07:57:39 PM »

 ;D …….. I knew a male Student Vet. who got me like that  :-X  :D

Let us know how you get on at your new Practice!  My GP also has an Obs and Gynae Degree.


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #57 on: August 29, 2015, 10:54:42 AM »

Thanks all.  Look into it Unhinged, 'hope' does help to make us feel better. This practice had the GP's and all their qualifications on the website, so was nice to see them too.  I will certainly let you all know how I get on, but will be a while yet.  I feel very proud of myself for doing it too, though did have a 'little' help from DH last night too.


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #58 on: August 29, 2015, 11:28:17 AM »

SadLynda - it's really good news, you do sound a bit more upbeat after changing docs, you're right, when there's hope it does help take the edge off the sheer desperation! Glad your DH is helping .....

CLKD. Understand about the vet, my dentist is also rather attractive - good looking, charismatic .... it get's quite unnerving when his face is right over mine when doing his close up work - I of course blame the bright red face on having a flush!
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