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Author Topic: Wanted to say Hi  (Read 2328 times)


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Wanted to say Hi
« on: April 10, 2017, 07:28:14 PM »

I'm a new member although I've been reading for a while and have been so impressed with the support and knowledge that there is here.
I'm 56 ....mother of two and have been using patches since I was 49.
I've really no idea where I would be in meno as I had been seven months bleed free before I went on HRT patches.
I now have a new young female GP who wants me off my patches. I'm now on half a patch, changing twice weekly. She wanted me to try a half patch a week, well that didn't work. Night sweats returned with bells on.
My main issue is anxiety. I was always a little inclined that way but since meno hit its just gone through the roof. I did try anti depressants but had a horrid reaction, head over loo time so I'm reluctant to try anything different.
Not sure I can help anyone else as I find it hard to help myself but I'm looking forward to being among people who actually understand.
My poor hubby really tries and my daughter is great but no one actually understands just how hard this can be.

Mrs Brown, without the boys.


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2017, 07:31:31 PM »

You'll fit right in!

Tell your GP that if it ain't broke and why does she want you off treatment which has helped?!?  ;-).  Change your GP, ask at reception if there is one in the Practice who prescribes HRT and advice without confrontation?

Browse round.  If you felt OK on it then tell your GP to explain any potential risks and then tell her that you accept? 

ADs can ease anxiety but it would be better to have an 'as necessary ' drug to take when you need it.  Do you keep a mood/syptom/food diary to chart how you feel? 


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2017, 08:05:03 PM »

Hello Mrs Brown- why on earth did your GP want you to half your patch?? Did she give you a reason ( never mind a good one?) Seems that she might want to see how you're doing without it, but I think you've got your answer on that. You need it, and if it ain't broke, don't try and fix it. Get back to your practice and ask some more questions!!!

See if your mood improves when you go back to your normal regime. It might be time to tweak to see if your anxiety could be controlled better or you could try CBT although there can be a wait for this on the NHS. It seems to be a by product of the menopause for some of us. Not always linked to HRT x


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2017, 08:17:24 PM »

This is the third GP that I've seen that says the same.
They are all very young and I'm sitting thinking, just wait until your time comes around dear. The only older GP is a family friend and I don't feel that comfortable approaching her. She is also my age but as fit as a fiddle. I see her out running.
I do try to be as healthy as I can, I consider one small glass of red wine as one of my five a day, no seriously I do try to have a good clean diet with the occasional treat.
I don't take as much excercise as I should as I have Osteo arthritis in both knees. My son tries very hard to keep me active.
I love to garden and walk my dog but that's more of a stroll these days as she is very elderly.

I'm prepared to fight my corner re HRT. I did quote the NICE guild lines and said I was prepared to accept the risks involved. I was then questioned on exactly what risks there were. It felt like a school test and very demeaning.
I also have a slight prolapse and I know oestrogen helps and I really don't want that to get any worse.

I do wish the average GP were more clues up. After all 50% of the adult population will eventually have meno to contend with.
Oh and can anyone tell me why meno is a deep dark secret than no one talks about.

Mrs Brown



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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2017, 08:28:16 AM »

Mrs Brown I like your style  :welcomemm:

I have not used any HRT but from reading this forum I believe that recently the guidelines re HRT have changed, although I suspect some GP surgeries are just trying to save money.  There are good GPs out there and I hope you find one or, failing that, have you asked for a referral to a menopause clinic if you are not getting the service you are entitled to from your GPs.   As for your GP/family friend you don't know what she does to keep 'fit as a fiddle'.  she may well be taking systemic HRT and may be helpful to you.  In the consulting room she would not be a family friend but a professional; the 2 would not overlap.  I had a therapist for 12 months who was a family friend but in the consulting room you would not have known it.

As to why meno is a deep dark secret I think it is because women don't want to think it will happen to them.  It is seen as some sort of age related weakness.  I try blaming everything on the menopause to open up dialogue but it is often met with embarassment from the other person  :(


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2017, 08:34:02 AM »

Would printing this off
be of any good?

Your GP maybe needs to see this bit.

There are no arbitrary limits as to how long HRT can be taken, it is up to each women to balance the risks against the benefits for her.


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2017, 09:46:43 AM »

Personally I would stick to my guns and say no, you are not reducing dose (assume there is no medical reason that you need to like blood pressure etc?).  If everythinig else is fine, you might need to stamp around a bit and say you understand the potential risks but you need to stay on it for your own health.

The problem with young docs!  They just go via their text books - wait until they either get to this stage (or their partners get to this stage) and then they will realise - not that that helps you of course.  Be brave  :)

Let us know how you get on

SP x


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2017, 10:17:55 AM »

Thank you all.
I was very clear with her that under no circumstances was I giving up completely. I am prepared to cut down a little but that is it.
I could see I had annoyed her by quoting the NICE guidelines but hard luck. It was very difficult to stand my ground as I'm not great at confrontation but this is my health and my life and I'm not prepared to return to no sleep and drenching sweats.
I've to go back in a month for a check but I'm just going to see the nurse.

Why are some women GPs so terribly narrow minded about this. It's hard enough coping with anxiety without having to battle with a doctor. I'm not quite sure how I managed to be quite as assertive but I was and it did get results.

I do wish that the HRT helped with general anxiety but sadly in my case it doesn't.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2017, 10:45:56 AM »

Hello Ma Brown

Yes, the GP thing is shocking at unacceptable. I had to beg to be put on HRT and was only given it once I could recite the risks to her. I felt like a schoolgirl. There were another couple of GPs in the practice and they have been absolutely awful. So much for female solidarity. I got a locus and she was good- apologised for the practice not doing enough for me. She wanted to try different options but to be honest, I was so fed up feeling so ill all of the time that I paid for a private consultation with a gynaecologist. It cost £150 and I wish I had done it much earlier. At least I got time, an explanation of the various options and listened to. Could this be an option for you? Menopause clinic referrals can take time and I wasn't prepared to wait any longer...

A lot of GPs don't understand and they are frightened of HRT because of the bad press in the past ( yes,it does carry risks, but not as much as feared and it can also offer protection against certain diseases ) so they are probably running scared and they haven't been trained properly about it.

You could also e mail Dr Currie on this site with a question ( £25 donation to the website ) Print off her response and take it to your GP?



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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2017, 06:56:36 PM »

Hi Mbrown001

 :welcomemm: - I don't think we've "met" but you've been busy since I've been away!

Just to say I agree with the others - no need to stop HRT and tough luck if the GP gets annoyed by the NICE Guidelines! Yes we have to be assertive but they should keep up to date. Stand your ground!

What type of HRT are you on and is it continuous or cyclical? Some of them contain progestogens that give rise to low grade side effects and especially anxiety. Cyclical HRT and a different progestogen can mitigate this.

Heavens - you are still young! I was barely older than you when I started HRT (just under 54) and still on it 10 years later.

Hurdity x


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2017, 08:53:29 PM »

Hi Hurdity, thank you for the welcome. Everyone is so friendly.

Guess I'm a bit of a chatterbox really. I enjoy the interaction with others who "get" it.

I'm on Evorel Conti.
I have tried a couple of others but this one has suited me really well. Well it got rid of the flushes and night sweats and I have more energy no doubt down to sleeping much better.

None of the HRTs that I have tried have really helped with my anxiety but it is improving slightly as the years go on.

Menopause has brought so many different health issues and I have so many questions that I've always wanted to ask. This seems to be a great place to do just that. Just to be able to compare notes is invaluable.

Thank you for the advice re the progesterone. It's much appreciated.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2017, 03:09:16 PM »

We've chatted a few times around the forum but I hadn't read this thread, so welcome to the forum from me too. Lovely to have you here. I like your sense of humour, you'll fit right in! x


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2017, 09:15:25 PM »


Mrs Brown


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Re: Wanted to say Hi
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2017, 08:36:38 AM »

Hi am new on here too.  Hi!  :)