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Author Topic: Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!  (Read 3848 times)


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Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!
« on: August 07, 2015, 04:35:47 PM »

This is my very first post and I am in need of your collective wisdom. 

I am almost 47 and have been experiencing symptoms for just over six months including light periods, night sweats, flushes, rage, despondency, brain fog, spots and insomnia.  What really baffles me though is that I was put on Microgynon about 6 years ago for PCOS issues and everything I am reading seems to suggest that the Pill should be easing my current symptoms.  But it's clearly not - why?

What would you recommend my next step should be?  GP? 

I should add that I also take Thyroxine for an underactive thyroid and while I have recovered well, I had a number of years' battle to get that hormone treatment, so I have little faith in GP's and Consultants' capabilities in recognising and treating hormonal problems.

Your ideas would be very welcome!  With thanks!



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Re: Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2015, 04:58:11 PM »

This is really interesting to read as a number of us on here are currently on HRT (or Qlairia in my case, I HRT style BCP) and we're wondering about moving to the pill as we need something more controlling to cope with peri . Interesting you take Microgynon as it has Levonorestgel in it which is one of the safest progesterones (and cheapest) but also one of the most progesterone dominant - it's quite androgenic too, which could be making things worse for you if your own estrogen is already lowering.

Check out the post 'too much estrogen' and you may also find this useful. It's used by GPs in the Avon area. Basically, the further to the left your pill is on the ladder, the more progesterone dominant it will be. Look where your pill 'fits':

B x


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Re: Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2015, 05:21:47 PM »

Hi Snapple - Welcome to the forum.   :welcomemm:

Microgynon is probably easing your meno symptoms but it's obviously not getting rid of them totally.
I was in very much the same situation, I was on Microgynon till I was 45 then went onto Loestrin till I was 54. I was getting horrendous nighttime hot flushes on both during the pill free weeks. I had no idea I was anywhere near menopausal.  ::)

I would imagine that a patch HRT may be helpful for you but I've no idea what would be best for your situation. Hopefully somebody who knows what they are talking about will be along soon.  Pending that, there is lots of information about HRT in the green menu bar at the top of the page.


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Re: Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2015, 05:26:50 PM »



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Re: Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2015, 05:33:09 PM »

Interesting post Limpy as I have suddenly had a number of symptoms return on my pill free days. Never had this problem before.  Was your GP OK with you staying on the BCP til you were 54? Did you try any others such as the third or fourth generation ones? I tried Evorel 50 HRT patches prior to this, but still had symptoms. Was told that as I was younger and experiencing fluctuations, I needed something to control my hormones rather than just top them up. I know others with the same dilemma - GypsyRoseLee, Poppyflower etc so it'll be interesting to hear what others say. It's hard to get info on the BCP for peri symptoms as much of the literature and stuff online is aimed at people under 35. Also hard to distinguish the fact from fiction regarding risks. I've even found NHS sites quoting different numbers! Did the risks worry you? Did you have any other side effects? Sorry to ask so many questions but it's rare to find somebody on here who has taken the pill beyond 35  :)


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Re: Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2015, 05:57:46 PM »

Briony - No worries. My GP wasn't very happy with me staying on the BCP till I was 54 it has to be said! However, I have MS and there was quite a bit published demonstrating  the beneficial effect of oestrogen on MS (pregnant women don't get relapses). Armed with this information my then GP kept me on the BCP till I was 54, however, this son of satan wouldn't give me HRT.  It wasn't till I'd been off the pill for 6 months, had consistently high FSH readings, oh, and had a spectacular MS linked, double black eye creating fall, that I found my current GP who prescribed Evorel Conti which has helped massively.

You ask did the risks worry me. Given I'd taken the BCP since I was 15 I have to say no. When I first stopped taking the pill, I really liked the fact I wasn't clogging my body up with artificial drug/hormones. However, I changed my mind after 6 months of continuous hot flushes and the face damaging fall.



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Re: Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2015, 06:10:09 PM »

Wow - that is interesting - I have found all the pills I have taken over the years.

Most of them were on the left, but for some reason my doctor changed me to Femodene which is on the right after I had my children.  I stayed on it happily until I was taken off it at 49, when they suddenly decided that migraines were an issue (although not for the previous 28 years  ??? )

In the last 4 years, I had night sweats (all cycle and for at least 10 years previously), light periods, oestrogen withdrawal headaches in the week off if I did not drink carefully, and a sense of relief when I went back on.  My skin actually got better, with fewer spots than I had had all my adult life.   My urge incontinence increased in the week off during those four years.

The only thing wrong with it (in hindsight) was the libido problem which is listed as an oestrogenic effect.  That and the lack of headaches, was the only good thing about coming off.


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Re: Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2015, 06:16:16 PM »

When I think about it, I did have occasional problems with not sleeping for most of the night. This continued when I was off it and has completely vanished on hrt.

The night sweats stopped when I stopped taking the pill.  I have read that it can be the progestogen that causes a rise in temperature.  I did not have it on progesterone only pills I took after, though.

I have found it difficult to make sense of my symptoms  ::) and impossible to work out where I am on the menopause journey.


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Re: Long Term on BCP, Why So Many Symptoms Now?!
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2015, 06:32:58 PM »

Limpy - thanks soooo much. You have helped reassure me I am making the right decision by moving to the BCP and I know others on here will appreciate  it too! I dont envy your battle  with MS and meno. Many of my first symptoms were MS-like in their nature, so originally it was possible I had it. Saw two neurologists and had several MRIs before it was found to be a weird hormone imbalance. However, I read enough about MS in that 'not knowing' time to know how debilitating (and unpredictable) it can be. You always sound so positive - good on your girl!  ;)

Dahlia girl - like you, I found this ladder interesting, especially plotting the previous pills I'd taken. Strangely, a friend of mine has just been switched from Microgynon to Femodene now she is into her 40s - which she questioned, as Femodene has a higher DVT risk. Her doctor said it was to do with minimising another risk - something to do with good and bad cholesterol?  :-\