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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc  (Read 3019 times)


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Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:00:48 PM »

Hi everyone, just a quick message to all as im starving.  But tell you a little about me, i have 3 teenagers, 19, 17 and 15.  The 19 one has left home, two more at home, bless them.  quite good kids really.  Hubby away mon to fri so need girl talk.  Hv no friends who understand what im going through with the meno, but its the loneliness that really gets me, having no contact with anybody, but you know, you girls outthere are gonna change my life from now on, and thank you for being there.  With the hormones, you have not nice thoughts and that gets you down and also done my back in so carnt work atm.  Im a mobile hairdresser/lady gardener, gardening which did my back in.   Anyway must go now but will be back to tell you all more.  One thing that my physio said - get on that bike to get the endophines going which i will after my late lunch.  Speak to you all later my friends.  Tigs XXXXXXX

Miss Lemon

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Re: Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2015, 01:47:14 PM »

Hi Tigs. I'm sorry to read that you're struggling. It's a nightmare, isn't it? Whereabouts do you live?

I fully understand where you're coming from. My husband works shifts and, when I'm not working, I find the loneliness difficult. Stay strong and know that we are all her in that awful meno boat with you.


P.S. Is it just me who thinks that 'lady gardener' sounds a bit rude?  ;D


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Re: Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2015, 04:46:02 PM »

I have a dog - he's a great listener and makes me do long walks which is great if I'm feeling low.
Tigs - you are obviously a naturally active person so having a bad back must really get you down - how about some Pilates or Yoga? .
I also practise Mindful Meditation which help to keep those horrid black thoughts from taking control.
Keep posting  DG x


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Re: Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2015, 11:26:44 PM »



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Re: Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2015, 04:15:39 PM »

Just wanted to say  hi, Tigs. I'm another one whose partner works away and whose friends just don't 'get it'. Two have given birth recently so talking meno is the last thing on their minds! 


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Re: Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2015, 02:45:56 PM »

Hi Tigs
I am new here too.  Also suffer from lonliness, but that is not from being alone.. if you know what I mean.

I have dogs to walk, and also attend yoga each week and have the best accupuncture guy EVER for my back and sciatica.

Husband away a lot too, not that he talks so much when he is here ;)


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Re: Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2015, 07:52:48 PM »

I would love to be able to control my mood swings. I am so sensitive to cruelty of any kind. I love animals but seeing a dead animal or truck taking animals is enough to make me depressed. even a fly trying to get through the glass window distresses me and I have to help it get out ! My sensitivity has increased and makes it so hard to function.
I am also married but am lonely.  DH doesn't know what I am going through. we rarely talk about anything other than my grown up children.
I don't have anyone to share these feelings with. sometimes I just feel so irrational especially when DH is looking at other women ! I feel so ashamed saying that. I am so insecure. I work full time and go to the gym four times a week. I really enjoy that . I also adore my Grand children and of course my dog.
I am not on HRT yet but an seriously considering it. Best wishes to you all. xx


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Re: Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2015, 10:03:56 AM »

Hey Pebbles, sounds like you are a fellow sufferer :-*

As recommended to me, perhaps a visit with your practice nurse for a chat might help? just to clarify what your options are.
I am feeling good at the moment, but I know that is temporary - a few days of the 'old' me, just until something comes along to rock the boat.  I am not so good with cruelty either, Cyril the Lion really upset me.

Not sure how the message system works, but happy to chat to anyone privatly who might just need an ear :)


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Re: Want to learn how to cope with my meno mood swings etc
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2015, 09:43:45 AM »

Hi Tigs. Have just joined and read your post. The thing I most want to share is the loneliness you describe. I feel that and it can be hard. I live alone with my gorgeous 13 year old boy, so we're both about to hit the different ends of our puberty! In fact we're about to go on a bike ride now for those endorphins. Keep up the sharing.xxxx