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Author Topic: CYCLOGEST Is this another Progesterone option we should be given?  (Read 12680 times)


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Re: CYCLOGEST Is this another Progesterone option we should be given?
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2015, 01:59:24 PM »

I haven't made up my mind whether I need to increase my dose of femosten or move to another route eg patches as I have developed headaches that feel like my skull is in a clamp along with nausea and almost as if I go dizzy/ black out / see stars for literally a second , it's really weird. There is definitely something weird going on with the HRT and hopefully the nurse will point me in the right direction .

I am leaning towards patches and utrogestan , but I have to say I am scared .

The symptoms you describe here, for me, were exactly what I got on Evorel 50. At the time, I thought it was too much oestrogen and was tempted to go down to 25. However, since then I have moved to something with much more oestrogen in and these symptoms - especially the weird dizzy 'not-quite-withit' feeling that really scared me have diminished.

As far as Utrogestan is concerned, I took 200mg vaginally (despite my doc saying not to!) for 12 days a month, and had no side effects at all. The only problem was when I stopped taking it, a few days later I got a withdrawal headache. I would have loved to have taken it  at a lower dose permanently but doc wouldn't let me as I still have periods.

As always, with hormones it's never a case of one size fits all. Whatever you decide, be open minded and unless side effects are awful, try everything for at least three months before making a decision.

Good luck xx


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Re: CYCLOGEST Is this another Progesterone option we should be given?
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2015, 02:28:14 PM »

Thanks Briony,

I am just coasting by until my appointment.  I have 2 more oestrogen only pills to take before the combined part of the pack , so I don't think its the withdrawal.  I know it isn't tension as my back is really relaxed , its purely my head.

I suppose I am scared of it not going, and having this headache permanently .
I have a feeling it is lack of oestrogen as I didn't have a headache on a higher dose HRT last year, I just had a bad reaction to the progesterone on that one.

It will be over 3 months  on this one when I see the meno nurse at the hospital , so I have given this one a good shot.
I am an optimistic person usually , except at the moment it is difficult as I feel crap.
It feels like someone is squeezing my head and my brains will seep out. What there is left of my brains. ::)
As I have said before , I don't want perfection, just not to be in a half life.
I also am having nausea at the moment , where my food is literally rising up my throat after eating and feeling acidy , so I think that may be the HRT pill as I haven't had that before either.

I hope this nurse knows her onions !! ;)



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Re: CYCLOGEST Is this another Progesterone option we should be given?
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2015, 05:19:50 PM »

Pepperminty - your headaches sound like my migraines except I don't get the food rising thing as I'm not on pills. I get nausea though but also craving for sugar carbs. Mine last for 3 days and I'm having ones at the moment. Head squeezed/clamp is a good description. I can get rid of the headache temporarily with tabs ( but don't like taking too many pills so space them out) but even when headache isn't there I feel exhausted and foggy tight head, no energy like now. After 3 days it goes and it's like a cloud lifting. Unfortunately I haven't been able to pinpoint the cause of mine but started to get them pre-menstrually when I was peri, and then  later on the progesterone withdrawal part of HRT, now sometimes on the progesterone part itself, and sometimes with alcohol (v small amount) if late in the evening, and sometimes randomly for no apparent reason! I can understand your not wanting to do anything which will exacerbate these.

In your case it could be the progestogen intolerance?

You mention you are seeing a nurse - with respect, and I know nurses are knowledgeable - but will s/he be able to prescribe what you want and in relation to your symptoms? What are you hoping for when you have you appt?

Hurdity x


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Re: CYCLOGEST Is this another Progesterone option we should be given?
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2015, 07:00:34 PM »

Hi Hurdity,

She is the nurse specialist at the menopause clinic at the hospital. She apparently goes through your symptoms and advises you on which HRT to take I believe. I hope that after I tell her my symptoms she will advise me on either upping the dose or going to a patch and utrogestan. I have no idea  if she can write a script but my GP will for me, if I tell him what she said etc.

I am on just the oestrogen at the moment , so I don't think it's the progesterone giving me the headaches. 

I can't bear anything touching the back of my head.

I have never had headaches like these before.

I am trying to be positive , I have a feeling that it's low oestrogen . I haven't drunk alcohol for a couple of years , so it's not that.

Fingers crossed xx


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Re: CYCLOGEST Is this another Progesterone option we should be given?
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2015, 10:16:13 AM »

I really feel for you as I have been there so many times (especially the nausea - I get embarrassing burping too!). I had always assumed it was too much oestrogen making me feel sick (like morning sickness) but now I think, when it's not migraine associated, it must be the sudden fluctuations as I have had less nausea since upping the amount of estrogen I take. The peri menopausal fluctuations are the one thing being on the pill controls which, for me, HRT couldn't.

Do you take anything for head aches? Someone on here recommended 4 Head to me. I was a bit sceptical at first (how could an external stick help my banging head?!!) but I have to say, it does make a difference. It's perhaps worth a try if you haven't already?     xx


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Re: CYCLOGEST Is this another Progesterone option we should be given?
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2015, 06:33:23 PM »

Thanks Briony,

I haven't tried that , I will give it a go. I have felt a bit better today thank goodness. It's easier to cope when you are feeling less poorly.

I am glad you have found a good answer to your meno issues  . It just takes so long !!



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Re: CYCLOGEST Is this another Progesterone option we should be given?
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2015, 05:52:24 AM »

Morning all

I am so glad that I mentioned Cyclogest to a friend.

It was she that found this link for me and I am very grateful to her and will let her know :)

I was very interested with what you have all said regarding Cyclogest.

I have yet to try it as I had a bad time on other drugs. And this as made me very wary in trying anything else.
I also have migraines often for 3 days . Had them for years prior to menopause . 3 days before period started the migraine starts.
Period starts migraine goes.

The only way that I can use the Cyclogest is vaginally. I have bowel issues so the other way is not an option.
I was never told that they were off label. I have been given 200 mg dose and that is it.

The specialist who I saw . Just sat there and out of his head prescribed the Cyclogest 200 mg and Sandrena 1.0 mg gel.
I took my blood test results for him to look at but he wasn't remotely interested . He said I was either menopausal or not.

I had 15 minutes consultation . How can you discuss anything in 15 minutes. There is a bit of a is it or isn't it debate. About whether there
is such a thing as oestrogen dominance . Your thoughts please.

Looking forward to hearing from someone. I have been to hell and back due to menopause issues,

Fedup xx


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Re: CYCLOGEST Is this another Progesterone option we should be given?
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2015, 04:32:25 PM »

Hi fedup - are you taking the Cyclogest every day?

The 3 day migraine at that point in your cycle sounds like progesterone withdrawal - which I used to get - and it may well continue while you are still having a cycle. If you are not progesterone intolerant then you could have it every day ( if you are post-meno) - but that isn't ideal if you are in a relationship for obvious reasons!

There is also utrogestan vaginally too - and this can be taken orally if you want to take it continuously and don't fancy doing this vag route? I don't seem to get the withdrawal migraines now - but they occur randomly - more often when on the progesterone part of HRT though.

Hurdity x
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