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Author Topic: Feel like I am going mad  (Read 21557 times)


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2015, 09:49:58 AM »

MadBloss we now have a 'positive thinking' thread.  It is in the All things menopause bit and called 'accentuating the positive'.  It is light hearted and you don't have to join in if you don't feel it is appropriate for you, but perhaps reading some of the posts might give you a bit of a lift.  they lifted me this morning x


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2015, 09:56:58 AM »

Thinking of you MadBoss, I know all about those damn meltdowns, and have been close to ringing samaritans on more than one occasion, just too scared to do that either.

I was thinking the same as BJ the positive's thread is worth a read even if you dont feel up to joining in just yet, but all 'little' things can be positives in your life and they can help.

I just started a topic on pelvic floor in the private part of the group too.

Wish I could help you more, as I totally understand those bad days - take care, and keep posting x


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2015, 02:42:33 PM »

If you are getting this much stress then walk away.  It really isn't worth it! 


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #48 on: August 12, 2015, 09:48:47 PM »

Hi,  babyjane, SadLynda & CLKD,  thanks for your encouraging words.  I looked at the positive thinking thread & am going to give it a go - I am due to have CBT soon so I will try to get a head start!  I also found a very funny thread from GillMojo about autocorrect on the mobile phones which made me laugh out loud!   Cheered me up no end!  :lol:  x. Still haven't phoned school - MUST speak to them tomorrow!  B x


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2015, 09:50:31 PM »

Go in for a chat.  Maybe if you go into the environment again it will ease your mind.  Sometimes memories of a place get out of proportion when anxiety strikes  ;)


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2015, 05:00:16 PM »

Thanks CLKD,  I tried ringing the school this morning but there was no answer so I am assuming the admin staff are off as well.  I am going to have to get myself in the right frame of mind & go in - maybe I can reduce the hours when I have been there a little while.  I am worried about having time off just a few days after starting because I need to see the consultant on 7th September during work time (I couldn't get the appointment changed to a more convenient time). Seeing dr on Monday about getting meds changed but wondering if HRT would be better, especially after reading Hurdity's advice & looking at Professor Studd's website. X


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2015, 05:34:39 PM »

Little steps!


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #52 on: August 20, 2015, 08:58:46 AM »

Hello, I was going to start a new thread about returning to work but I think I will add to this thread because this is connected to it anyway!    I simply cannot make any decisions without getting in a panic afterwards.  It is driving me (and my poor husband) mad  :bang:  In summary:

Experienced breakdown early this year - resigned from job as a TA (after many weeks off sick) as atmosphere had been horrible (I would have been pushed out).  Hadn't felt right there for three years. (Hadn't felt right full stop!).  The children were lovely, though. :(
Beginning of May:  I got offered supermarket job but panicked & turned it down. (Kicked myself a couple of months later)
Late May:  decided to try for TA jobs as I missed the children & got offered job in mid June (for Sept).
In the meantime I had started volunteer work (mid May) & found I really enjoyed working with the public (used to do this many years ago before the school work).
Early July:  Started to have doubts about TA job due to the volunteering & I found I didn't miss working with children anymore.  I know now that you shouldn't make major decisions when you are depressed.

I was going to start the TA job & see if I could reduce the hours later on but the thought of going in has been filling me with horror for weeks as I do not feel mentally equipped (still) to do intensive work with one child.  Tried ringing the school to chat to somebody but no one is there in the office due to summer holidays.
  I have now been offered another supermarket job with the firm I happily worked for many years ago (in the evenings) before my son was diagnosed with autism (I left there to work in an school to fit in around my son) & the atmosphere seems really nice there.  It is further to travel & involves working Sundays .  The trouble is, the anxiety has started up again - I think it is because it will impact on our weekends as a couple (although my husband plays golf on Sundays so he is not too worried!).  It is for only two shifts per week - so less hrs than the TA job.  My adult son can be left at home for a few hours so he will be ok (and our neighbours have said they will be there, if needed). 
What is wrong with me?   Maybe, I am not ready to return to work but will I ever be?  I need to start earning money soon - I don't feel my heart lies in TA work anymore but there is this nagging feeling that I might regret it if I take the other job - feel so hopeless.  :sigh:  Also terrified about letting the school down.  I cannot do both jobs together for a short time either as one of the shifts is on a weekday.  Anyone else had this problem?  This lack of decision making is one of many delightful symptoms.    So exasperated with myself!   >:(   ps. Sorry this is so long.


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #53 on: August 20, 2015, 02:38:13 PM »

Hi Madbloss
I am a TA also and although it is a demanding job it's also the most rewarding I've had.
Can i ask what the intensive work is you'll be doing with your child? If it is this that's worrying you would it help to sit down and plan some of your work so you feel more in control?
Also although the staff won't be in school at the moment the Head will be contactable by e mail. Maybe you could arrange a chat with her this way and talk things through with her?
If you really feel it's not for you don't worry about letting the school down, there are TAs crying out for jobs and the role would be quickly filled.
Good luck with whatever you decide xxx


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2015, 04:29:48 PM »

Absolutely empathise. Depression and anxiety have dogged my life. Just started Climagest yesterday - first time on HRT (I am just turned 50 and have had symptoms since mid-40s). Here's hoping it will ease for you. I agree - get your hubby to look at the 'advice for husbands' bit. I have only just joined this forum and the first thing I did was email it to him. It also helped me - as it made me realise I am not going mad (even though it feels like it). Glad to have found this supportive forum and keep on badgering your doc to help you - don't let them fob you off. Hope things get better for you soon lady.


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2015, 11:04:46 PM »

Hello , just wanted to say Madbloss I feel for you, indecision is horrid. When this happens to me I really try hard to find my inner voice and also write a list of plusses and minuses. Keep reading the list as often as possible .. eventually with any luck an answer that really feels true should speak out to you.  It usually helps me - hope you dont find this idea it too wacky!

Good luck  :) :)


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #56 on: August 21, 2015, 08:04:50 AM »

I can understand your anxiety pre doing anything at all.  It plagues me daily.  If I do something spontaneously I am less likely to have too much anxiety but i.e. we are booked for a meal this evening and my tummy is tight already  :'(.  Bugga ……. making pros and cons may work, reading them through and coping with the anxiety that gives you may work enough.  i did that many years ago when I agreed in June to give a talk in the October  :o as I put down the 'phone I thought "What have I DONE!' - by making a Plan and writing out the script which I read every day it was really lovely to go and share with 20 ladies all over 80  ::)

But oh the anxiety cripples me at times.


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #57 on: August 21, 2015, 03:16:17 PM »

New member here Sweetie, so I am also new to what to do and what can help, but I also couldn't read this without passing on love and ((HUGS)). It is invaluable to have people who understand what you are going through whatever life throws at you let alone during this awful time, so I really hope by bravely posting you will feel less alone. That's an awful lot to have been dealing with for so long. Be kind to yourself.

Much Love.x.


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #58 on: August 23, 2015, 07:16:43 PM »

Hello Ladies,  I am so sorry that I didn't reply sooner as this weekend has been a whirlwind of activity & it is only now that I have finally got time to sit down & relax (before I do some ironing!). I spent all of this weekend at an introductory session for the supermarket job.  'Thank you to all of you who replied to my most recent post - I have been given great encouragement by those replies. 
Jedigirl - you are so right in that TA work can be very rewarding & I really loved my old job in the earlier years but the whole atmosphere changed after there were changes at the top.  I don't want to say too much but suffice to say, staff left in droves & I felt demoralised, sidelined & redundant by changes that went on in my dept.  I only stayed as long as I did because the chi!dren were so lovely but I cracked in the end with everything else that was going on & knew I had to leave.  It broke my heart to leave them at the time but now I feel it would be better for someone else to take on that new school job that I was offered as I cannot put in 100% commitment.  I DO hate letting them down but I have reached a point where I don't want to plan at home anymore - my addled brain can't take on any extras.  This weekend, I went for an 'introductory session'  for the supermarket & really enjoyed it so I have made a decision to go with that job as it feels right for me.  Thank you for your advice & I am going to do an email to the Head & send in an urgent letter. Xx
Notgiving in & CLKD- I took your advice & wrote down a list of pros & cons - the supermarket came out tops but, after today, I knew for certain that it was the place to go to as the atmosphere in the store is lovely & I have met some really nice !adies.  I had a 'trial run' today & enjoyed it - I came away feeling really happy.  This job leaves me with more time to focus on my son, especially as he settles into his new college.  CLKD - you are SO brave!  The thought of standing up & giving a speech in front of people fills me with horror but, despite the crippling anxiety, you did it!  Well done!  :) xx
Runningfool & Vivaflower,  thank you too for your encouraging words - this whole journey feels like total madness at times! :D   Anxiety & depression are absolutely awful but, by going on here, we can vent our feelings, knowing that many others understand & that we can encourage each other. The jobs dilemma has been horrible but the doubts have finally gone. 
Take care & a :bighug: to all of you.  Xxx


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2015, 07:23:08 PM »

 :medal:  I know how difficult first days can be  ;)

Will you be able to take a few moments 'out' if anxiety begins to niggle?  Let us know how you get on!
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