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Author Topic: Feel like I am going mad  (Read 21555 times)


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2015, 04:32:58 PM »

I Know exactly how you are feeling and how hubby's just don't understand!!! LOL
I'm on day 4 of trying the HRT Patches as apparently this doesn't go through the liver so doesn't cause so many digestive upsets! I also take a probiotic that has helped a lot with the IBS and I drink peppermint tea..... I hope you find something that helps you, fingers crossed.....


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2015, 07:43:37 PM »

Not sure if the hug was for me clkd but happy to share it :-)....thank you....bloody fecking hormones.....hope tomorrow is a little brighter literally and figuratively for us all ladies xxx


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2015, 08:19:38 AM »

Hello Ladies,  thank you so much for all of your replies - I realise now that I am definitely not alone in feeling like this.  I had hoped that I would be one of the lucky ones who 'sail' through the perimenopause but, with my history, the PMS has been horrendous.  I am seeing my Dr tomorrow & will stress that I need something extra during the second half of the month. 
GillMojo, I wrote down my anxieties as you suggested and had a proper talk with my husband, reading out what I had written.  He had a better idea of how horrible this experience has been for me.  I will carry on writing the anxieties down when they arise.
Babyjane, I will print out the advice for husbands as this looks extremely helpful - all men should read this! :-) I am exactly the same as you - my mood can plummet then change so quickly.  My husband said I am like Jekyll & Hyde!
Kathleen/CLKD/Robotwars - I will look into the taking the probiotics - sadly, I cannot have the yoghurt drinks as I now have a milk intolerance and break out in itchy spots if I have anything milky - Grrrr.
GypsyRoseLee/CLKD/TropicalVon69 - I know exactly how you feel - my anxiety problems started in my teens and worsened after I gave birth to my children.  I had PND, although AD's helped to prevent me going into hospital.  I know what you mean about feeling like a robot though - I feel 'not with it' at times.   My son was diagnosed with autism just before he was 3 and, as you can imagine, it was very hard for all of us so I never really had much of a break from AD's but, on the positive side, my son has made huge progress and, despite some psychological issues, is generally a very happy young man (he is 21 this year). The dr that I saw recently is reluctant to prescribe progesterone because of the severe PMS, in case it makes it worse.  So frustrated as I just want it to end.  I do wonder if I will feel better once I get through the perimenopause. 
Robotwars - I want to try HRT again but it is finding the right dosage because of the progesterone/PMS problem and wildly fluctuating hormones - I ended up with too much oestrogen in my system a year ago & had to stop but maybe I will be able to try it again soon.
Many thanks again to all of you for your encouraging replies. :-)  and the hugs :-) xx
My period finally started properly on Saturday after spotting for nearly a week and a half so I will have had bleeding for half of the month which is no joke.  I then will have 1 'normal' week before the whole wretched anxiety business starts again (it seems that my mood dips mid-cycle now). 
I find that I am incapable of making decisions and sticking to them - I will panic and change my mind.  In the Spring I resigned from my school job (the atmosphere and pressure there was unbearable and I had to get out, despite missing the children - I had a breakdown during Feb/March).  I was then offered a job in a supermarket on Customer Services but declined the position after finding out that I would be required to work on checkouts as I felt I wouldn't cope with the large queues.  I am due to start at another school next month but feel terrified - I could kick myself for declining that other job as checkouts seem a less scary prospect now but, at the beginning of May, I was still recovering from the breakdown.  I have been volunteering through the summer & enjoy this but I need to start earning money soon.  Does anyone else have this problem as well?  My husband said I would feel this way about any job.  The anxiety rears up whenever I have to make decisions like this!  Babs xx


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2015, 10:06:34 AM »

Yep.  I have to shop when it's likely to be quieter.  I check physically how I feel before I enter a shop/museum/library ….. I can understand your reluctance to work on a check out, I can't add up or take away money so if anyone made a query I would run from the store  >:(.  You made the right decision! 

I use Dextrose tablets to ease the hunger feelings as well as dried fruits and nuts, bananas (slow release).  I found the hard way that I need to eat before my body is hungry to stop the nausea = panic attacks.  24/7!

Would probiotics in tablet form be any use, maybe have a chat with the Pharmacist - they have private rooms now.  Have a look on-line at Danone for example to see what the products contain for comparisons.  I found that they eased my slow bowel.  Some drink Fybogel  :sick02:  ;D - I tore open the packets and poured contents into our home compost bin.

Making decisions: yep it becomes harder.  Don't know why …….. I blame 'the strange woman who lives in my house'  ;) (see appropriate thread).

Drop by when you need to. 


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2015, 03:59:00 PM »

MadBoss, it was your post that made me sign up here.  I feel your pain, and often would have joined you under that bus.

Can you take honey? I used to take probotics and the yoghurt stuff I now have raw honey twice a day and that is fabulous for many a complaint.  I get mine from a company called BeeMercy, its very good stuff.

Shopping - I hate shopping, for anyone else that like me, cant manage online shopping as cant remember what to get, I just discovered headphones and music, fantastic!! I am in my own world of either Enya or 80's pop and away from the noise and irritations of the store.

CLKD - also on banana's, two a day and seeds - swear I look like a pigeon with my sesame and pumkin seeds, have this with mango or pinapple in between meals, I used to have cake:)  but this is better for me.

Also share anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks ::)


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2015, 04:20:43 PM »

Honey is nature's healer, a product that cannot go 'off' - it is used for healing wounds …….. Dad always gave us a spoonful if we had a funny tummy ……. it is also good for hay fever sufferers: a teaspoonful every morning and evening of 'local' honey helps ease symptoms: problem is, I forget to start early enough  ::).  We have a bee lady in our village.  What, however, is 'raw honey'?


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2015, 04:26:20 PM »

Raw honey is untreated and as name suggests unheated too, leaves more in the natural enzymes etc.  Tells you about it on the website anyway, there are many other places selling it, I just prefer the BeeMercy one (and no I dont work for them).  Has varying flavours of honey too, I am on the 'Carab' at the moment, that is very nice.

seems to be the latest thing after the Manuka craze, only slightly cheaper but same benefits.


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2015, 09:34:32 PM »

Honey is well, what it says on the hive  ;) ……….. not many bees around here this year  :-\.

LOVE honey when I fancy it ……… LOVE condensed milk too  :-X

Yes TV69 - the hug was for you.  How about a group  :hug:

See U in the morning!


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2015, 08:19:47 AM »

There's info here about the difference between raw and pure honey - think I'm allowed to post it!

Taz x


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2015, 02:51:31 PM »



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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2015, 03:37:07 PM »

I have never liked honey, it makes me feel sick but my husband loves it.  Manuka honey was featured on Trust Me I'm a Doctor last week's programme.


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2015, 09:43:20 PM »

…….. and what did they say about manuka, anything special  ;)

Honey can cause nausea as it's a sudden sugar rush. 


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2015, 08:37:38 AM »

Hello Ladies,  sorry that I didn't reply sooner - thank you for the tips about diet & for sharing your experiences.  My neighbour (who has been through all of this) recommended that I visit the independent health food shop in the town as they have some good natural remedies (and stock lots of seeds, honey etc..).
I visited the dr yesterday and he prescribed me diazapam for those particularly bad days when I need something extra to take on an 'as & when' basis.  I actually felt panicky about going out to the dr's! 
CLKD & SadLynda - I know what you mean about shopping - I feel like I 'can't be bothered'.  It just feels like a major effort (plus I'm broke because I haven't been in paid employment since March due to my breakdown).  I find that I feel 'overwhelmed' if the shop is busy & I just want to get out of there!
  All I can think about at the moment is this job looming next month & how my son will settle into his new college as he had issues at his last one & wanted to change (I have to be on 'red alert' in case the college phones me about an incident).  I feel sick at the thought of going back to work in a school and wish I could find something less pressurised that fits in with my family.  Unfortunately, unless I was to work in an office (haven't done that for 22 years so am hopelessly out of date), everything else seems to involve weekends these days (if they would even employ me with my recent work history).  The Head at the new school was very understanding but she is leaving!  People might think I am 'lazy' but I do want to work - I have been volunteering for three afternoons per week over the summer as I can leave my son for a few hours during the holidays and he also has a PA who takes him out on occasions.  The places where I volunteer are also ok if my son needs me and I cannot make it in on that particular day.   I really enjoy doing this as there is no pressure on me but I have to start earning money soon as it is not fair on my husband.  So scared that I will 'crumble' & end up back at square one.  Feel so 'lost' at the moment with everything that is happening,  hence the title  'Feel like I am going mad!'   Anyone else been through this work problem because of perimenopausal anxiety/depression/breakdown?  Babs


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2015, 09:39:59 AM »

oh my, you poor thing Babs, you really are going through the mill.  This Peri thing is bad enough without all the extra worries.  Do hope you can find something to help soon.

I work for myself now as a dog walker, so no matter how naff I feel I 'have' to get up an go, first take my own crew out and then the clients, luckily they rarely say the wrong thing to me and behave quite well ;D BUT I can struggle a lot with other walkers on the bad days.. I do walk in the quieter places in order to encounter as few people as possible.  Until arriving here I felt like I was going mad too, feel so much better knowing I am not alone in this and hope you can too.

thinking of you, take care x


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Re: Feel like I am going mad
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2015, 11:15:23 AM »

SadLynda - that's how I coped.  I took on dogs whose owners, usually friends, were at work.  Most of the dogs came home to me so I wasn't under any pressure  ;)

Have you accessed the various credit schemes MadBloss ? to see what you may be entitled to whilst you are between jobs?  Maybe your local Job Centre or CAB can give advice on this?  Be up front about why you have been out of employed work, that way the potential employer will know exactly and nowt is hidden.  Typical that the Head of school is leaving, a Term to get you embedded would have helped!   ::)

What does your husband actually feel/say about your situation?  Oh, lunch time - will be back!
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