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Author Topic: Advice needed urgently  (Read 7851 times)


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Advice needed urgently
« on: July 27, 2015, 11:28:32 AM »

Hi, I'm 52 years old and menopausal. Don't really know where to start as I'm so emotional at the moment. I have also been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 years ag and have suffered on & off with depression for most of my life. To cut a long story short, 8 weeks ago my GP suggested to come of my AD which was Escitalopram at the tim, as I was worried about my memory and on going brainfog. I reduced it slowly over 6 weeks and since coming off it my mood has dipped considerably. I'm also suffering with night sweats, hot flashes, severe mood swings and so on. Well GP suggested to try St Johns Wort and on Friday prescribed cyclo progynova for the menopausal symptoms. Today, I'm a complete emotional wreck, just waiting for the Duty GP to call me. Phoned in sick at work (again) and worried that I'll lose my job now.  My stomach cramps are awful and I'm in a right old pickle. Constantly crying and feeling pathetic. Can other ladies empathise?  I'm feeling utterly overwhelmed and unable to cope with the smallest thing these days. Don't know what to do next?  Do I ask for another AD and a different HRT regime?  Any advice is greatly appreciated and welcomed. Hope this makes sense, as my head is so muddled right now. Thank you.


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2015, 11:43:19 AM »

Sorry to hear of your health issues. Not much help I'm afraid but sending  :bighug:

Hope you get some help soon.


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2015, 12:04:22 PM »

Thank you very much cubagirl.  I appreciate the hug X


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2015, 12:17:03 PM »

So very sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly. I have ME so know how ill Fibro can make you and on top of the perimenopause this is a lot to bear. Hope you improve soon. Sending you all my love.xx


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2015, 12:19:34 PM »


If your menopausal then you've stopped your periods for more that 1 year?

If you have then your doc has put you on an HRT to give you periods back? You dont have to do that.

There is a level of unsettled weepy feelings some of us get at the start but those do calm down.

If your happy to regain periods then continue as HRT can take 3 to 6 months to get things back on track.

You can do both at the same time other ladies have posted that they use combination of ad and hrt successfully.

Hope you start feeling better soon.


Gill Mojo

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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2015, 01:29:17 PM »

Your emotional state sounds exactly like me this morning... well for the past few weeks, if I am honest. I can't think straight, forget everything, cry constantly, fly off the handle over nothing, feel useless, hopeless and generally like a great big lump of pointlessness!

Having had my first breakdown at 13, depression ever since, and a diagnosis of bi-polar, none of this is unfamiliar to me, but it does suddenly feel so much worse, which sucks. However, I am determined. If i can survive 30+ years of suicidal depression, I can bloody well survive menopause, even if it means going up the back of the garden and throwing plates at the wall (or yogurts... which make modern art patterns as a nice bonus ;) )

The only advice I am prepared to give - and I wish I had listened to it years ago - is put yourself first. If you don't get you fixed, you are no use to anyone else. Everyone here is lovely and helpful so hopefully you will get the advice you need. Meantime, have another  :hug:


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2015, 03:22:01 PM »

What antidepressant are you taking? I can't take HRT so I'm on Citalopram, one of the SSRIs. They have a bad press and need lots of support from the doc, but when the side effects go, during a 4-week period, or sooner, it's good. At least it is for me. I still go up and down, but at least I can sleep.

St John's Wort can be dangerous. It can have a depressing effect. Be careful with it. If you can, go and see a registered herbalist. A good one! Herbs can be harmful if you're not careful.

There's also something else you can try. It'll be hard when you're depressed. It's a type of meditation that stimulates the vagus nerve, which is inactive when you're stressed and depressed. The nerve (or at least the massive network of verves!) is active when you're in a social and loving mood. Do the following:

Sit or lie comfortably
Take a few relaxing breaths and let your muscles relax
Think about someone you love
Think or say the following:

May x be safe
May x be happy
May x be healthy
May x live at ease

You can picture them as lightly or as deeply as you're able.

Then move onto someone else. Do about 2 or 3 people for about 5 mins each. Then say it to yourself, even if you don't feel like it.

Try smiling a little as you're saying the phrases. Your subconscious doesn't know what's real and what isn't, so if you're smiling you must be feeling better!

It will take a long time, several weeks, but each time you do it you're doing yourself good. You will have good days and bad days but just keep going. The research was in New Scientist so is trustworthy.

Avoid alcohol if you drink. It's a terrible depressant and the acetaldehyde, which is produced as a by-product of alcohol metabolism, is a poison and actually make you crave more alcohol! It's a vicious cycle. I have a hot choc drink of 100% cocoa, honey and milk,

Let us know how you get on.

Love and kisses,


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2015, 06:53:47 PM »

Hello PMB63.

So sorry to hear you are feeling awful and I think the other ladies have given you some good advice.
Many of us have been in your position and survived even though it's horrible.

Sending hugs and best wishes.
Take care and keep posting.



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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2015, 10:06:36 PM »

Wonder why your GP suggested stopping the AD  :-\

Most GPs will suggest one of the SSRIs.  I take Cipralex (sister of Citalopram) since 2001 without problems.  5mg at night, 5mg in the mornings plus a betablocka to ease anxiety surges.  I suggest that as you have had depression that you ask for another AD.  It will help once the brain, which is an organ often forgotten! , gets used to it.

Memory and brain fog are part of ageing, nothing to do with depression  ::).  I have whole conversations with a friend where we don't' know the names of items etc. but we understand each other.  I put things down etc., can't remember what I did this morning but would never blame the AD!

Keep posting.  Have a browse in the menus, top of screen, make notes and let us know what you decide. 


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2015, 10:18:04 PM »

Hi everybody. Just wanted to say a Big Thank you for everybody's kind comments and advice.  I was so exhausted and worn out earlier from crying etc. Feeling calmer and in a better place now. I will try and stick to the SJW and cyclo progynova for the next 2 weeks and see what happens. (GP' s advice)  I will keep posting. A massive Big Hug and Thank You to Gill Mono and Valkyrie for sharing their personal experiences. It really helps and I've been trying the meditation technique. I'm tea total so avoiding alcohol is the easy part.
It just never rains and there is so much stress in my life right now. My parents live in Germany (they are divorced) and in poor health and I have a 27 year old son who's homeless due to addiction. It's so stressful and heartbreaking too.  But hey ho - Tomorrow is another day and this too shall pass. Thank you again so much all you wonderful ladies.
 :thankyou: :thankyou:


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2015, 10:19:57 PM »

St John's Wort won't help deep depression  ::)

You have a lot on your plate!


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2015, 11:04:40 PM »

Sorry to hear you are feeling so grotty at the minute. Just want to say that my GP wouldn't recommend SJW being taken at the same time as HRT. Something about it stopping the HRT uptake?  :-\  Not sure if anyone else has been advised of this but it might be worth checking out.

Taz x  :bighug:


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2015, 07:59:05 AM »

I too was under the impression that you shouldn't use hrt and SJW ! I would check that out with a local pharmacy if I were you. Hope you find some relief soon.


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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2015, 08:07:59 AM »

I can't remember if it's on the HRT patient information leaflet or the SJW one, but it does say it somewhere. It also applies to the BCP.

I have mixed th e two and never found any difference to be honest but we are all different. Perhaps it was because I use patches.



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Re: Advice needed urgently
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2015, 11:31:10 AM »

I do so feel for you. It sounds like as much situational depression as meno. Anyone would be depressed with what you're going through! I wonder if some expert advice on how to deal with everything would help too. I was put on a course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help cope with negative thoughts and how to cope with what life throws at me, and it's excellent. Ask at your surgery if they provide it. If not, try a CBT self-help book.

Stress can cause inflammation in the body, so I wonder, do you have irritable bowel, aching joints, aching muscles?? If so, try and find some gut flora capsules with L Casei in, among others. Get them from a reputable health shop. They'll help regulate your gut. Inflammation can also cause depression!

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