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Author Topic: How long do Tibolone side effects last?  (Read 6781 times)


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How long do Tibolone side effects last?
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:10:58 PM »

After trying estradot and sandrena, both of which gave me terrible headaches and nausea after helping for a few months I have been prescribed Tibolone. I tried it for a few days and felt so awful ( headache, nausea and period type pains) that I stopped taking it.  I haven't been back to the doctor yet and am wondering whether to give it another go. Does anyone have any experience of tibolone and if you had side effects how long did they last?
I have a mirena fitted which has dealt with heavy bleeding I had a few years ago. My menopausal symptoms are insomnia (no hot flushes. I got to sleep easily but wake regularly in the night and often stay awake for an hour or so), total lack of interest in sex and general very negative feelings about myself.


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Re: How long do Tibolone side effects last?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 10:10:57 AM »

Try it again it took me about 5 months to get mine right but its the best I've tried. Maybe its not for you, go back to your doctor and try a patch one.


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Re: How long do Tibolone side effects last?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2015, 11:02:42 AM »

Hi Annieblue - welcome to the forum.

It can take around three months for the side effects to settle down so it is worth persevering. How far post meno are you as tibolone is for women who have had at least a year without a period or sometimes if you are over the age of 53/54.  This does depend on individual circumstances though. It does contain a progesterone mimicking drug and if your mirena is still active this would mean a double dose (I think!) so this may be why you felt ill?

Someone else will be along soon with more knowledge about this I am sure but in the meantime have a good look around our posts.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: How long do Tibolone side effects last?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2015, 11:32:01 AM »

I think Taz could be right - if your Mirena is still giving out progesterone you could be getting too much which can give side effects like headaches, tummy cramps etc.  If you are now post meno, perhaps you should have your Mirena out and then try the Tibolone again.  I have to say headaches and nausea are symptoms of low oestrogen for me but we are all different so respond differently to the various hormone treatments - it's trial and error I'm afraid.  DG x


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Re: How long do Tibolone side effects last?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2015, 04:02:01 PM »

Thanks for your suggestions. I hadn't thought about possible interaction with the Mirena. I haven't had a period for about 2 years but am not sure if this is because of the Mirena or if I am post meno (I'm 54).  I think I need to see my doctor again to discuss things.


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Re: How long do Tibolone side effects last?
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2015, 04:35:27 AM »

I would persevere with it. Tibolone was the first HRT I tried and I initially got some headaches with it. I went back to see my doctor and she advised to wait at least a month before deciding to switch. She was right. The headaches went away and I had no other problems with it.