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Author Topic: Hysterectomy and age  (Read 5459 times)


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Hysterectomy and age
« on: July 23, 2015, 11:43:05 AM »

Hi, I'm very new to this but am looking for some advice.  I'm 54 years old and after 2.5 years of heavy , very painful periods, flooding and passing clots as well as trying every medication available, I've decided I've had enough and want a hysterectomy.  I've now been told to come off the HRT Kliovance and Norethisterone immediately and if I have any further problems to go to my local Accident & Emergency.  Clearly they don't want to authorise a hysterectomy for me, but is this based purely on my age or hospital budget?  I have a "bicornuate" shaped womb which means I can't have a ablation nor have a merina coil fitted, after trying lots of different HRT and ending up having a 7 week long period with flooding and clots this is all they can offer me.  My sister and sister in law who live in different areas to me, have been offered a hysterectomy or gynae treatment at a private hospital, all on the NHS.  Am I doing something wrong?  I have no quality of life, always have to be near a toilet and just want my life back. :'(


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Re: Hysterectomy and age
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2015, 12:31:40 PM »

Hi and welcome Buttons
You poor thing - you've had a rotten time. Age shouldn't be a factor in regards to having a hysterectomy - maybe they are simply hoping you are coming to the end of your peri meno stage and the bleeding will stop. I assume you have had a scan to check for fibroids etc.?  Probably at this stage they want you to stop all HRT to see where you are in your menopause, then if you still get problematic bleeding this will have to be sorted. However, the peri stage with problematic bleeding can go on for some time, even beyond 54.   Have you been under a NHS gynae?  Simply telling you to go to A&E, which is already over stretched, seems a strange way to do things!!!!! If they haven't actually recommended a hysterectomy and it's your GP who has told you to come off the hormone treatment, then I'd ask to be referred to a gynae for a full assessment. If your sisters have suffered in the same away as you and been offered a hysterectomy then I would certainly query what is going on in your area.  Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Hysterectomy and age
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2015, 01:33:29 PM »

I agree you should ask for a referral to a gynaecologist and put your case strongly

My SIL is awaiting a hysterectomy (keyhole) for heavy periods (no meno/no other symptoms) and she was armed with info that she didn't need, they offered it before she asked

Annie xx


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Re: Hysterectomy and age
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2015, 05:00:32 PM »

Thanks for your help.  I have been seeing a gynae and had many internal scans, as it started off I had a "shadow" on my womb and also scar tissue, they are not sure if I have a fibroid or not,  It was the gynae who told me to come off the HRT and Norethisterone completely as she believes it was causing the excess bleeding but I tried to explain that the only reason I went on the HRT in the first place was to reduce the heavy, painful periods.  I've asked my GP if I can have a second opinion, which I can but it will take a long time for that appointment.  I may have to pay to get a second opinion at a private hospital, which I don't really want to do, but cannot wait any longer to get this sorted.  I just feel I have nowhere to turn now and I've been tossed on the scrap heap to suffer indefinitely.   Sorry to rant about it.  Many thanks for all your help. xx


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Re: Hysterectomy and age
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2015, 05:15:27 PM »

Buttons - just a thought? Why were you using Kliovance plus Norethisterone? This would be a double dose of progesterone and if you are still peri meno and getting erratic periods then this combination wouldn't necessarily help. Kliovance is a continuous HRT preparation and is supposed to be for women who are well into post meno - in other words at least 12 months without a natural period. I think you must still be peri menopausal so this conti HRT could have actually made things worse.  I do stress that I am not an expert on these things but I do think you need a second opinion. If you get another heavy bleed than Norethisterone alone would probably be the best help. Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Hysterectomy and age
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2015, 06:05:06 PM »

I can't help with the hrt but I've been on norethisterone. My old gp put me on it,, I  was on it a year and a half with no breaks.

Jan 2014 I lost a massive clot which flooded through my clothes. Rang surgery we had new doctors then they said go straight to a&e they then triage you to emergency gynae unit at the hospital. That's how I ended up having gynae investigations. One thing they were dismayed at was that my old gp was happy for me to carry on tAking norethisterone potentially for 3 years or so until menopause started.

It did work for stopping periods though but the times I didn't take it eg after the hospital said don't take any for a week. The pain during  the period was like Labour contractions.

They do seem to try other options before hysterectomy these days. I'd have been happy to have one but they're not that keen.


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Re: Hysterectomy and age
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2015, 08:19:02 PM »

Hi Buttons


Sorry to hear about the bleeding.

As Dancinggirl says if you are peri-menopausal then you would expect to get erratic beleeding on conti HRT although by taking continuous HRT in addition to norethisterone - this would stop bleeding in many women even while still not yet at menopause. Your oestrogen dose in Kliovance is also quite low, which also contains norethisterone. It does suggest there is something else going on causing the heavy bleeding.

I would absolutely insist on getting a diagnosis - ie a large fibroid may well cause excessive bleeding despite the large amounts of progestogen you are taking. You need to know why this is. Are they not able to determine the cause of the bleeding?

I agree with Dancinggirl though - if they have asked you to come off, in your case it would be good to know where you are in menopause but they should still continue to investigate the cause of the bleeding.

The other thing is do you have any digestive problems that could be affecting the absorption of the tablets and reduce the amount getting to your uterus?

I presume you make sure your diet is good and you either take extra iron or eat plenty of iron rich foods?

Hurdity x


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Re: Hysterectomy and age
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2015, 11:12:52 PM »

Hi Buttons - welcome from me too.

As has been said it is rather strange that you are on Kliovance which contains norethisterone but also taking a further dose of norethisterone. When I was on this particular HRT I had continuous heavy bleeding - painful and with clots - but this was purely caused by the HRT. Once I stopped using it then the bleeding also stopped.

I would not advise hysterectomy unless absolutely necessary as, at the age of 54, then you should be nearing the end of your natural bleeding - although, again, if you are on Kliovance then this should mean that your periods did stop some time ago as Kliovance is prescribed for women who are post-menopausal - i.e. at least a year without a period? Hysterectomy can set up lots of other problems including prolapse so is not always the best solution.

Taz x  :welcomemm:
