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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Beta blockers query (again!)  (Read 15339 times)


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #45 on: July 29, 2015, 03:27:04 PM »

Thought about this - especially as am still struggling to drag myself out of bed sometimes ... so walked into a charity store this morning and asked if I can volunteer.  Have just completed their application form and hoping to start soon ... hopefully that will help me a bit.


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #46 on: July 29, 2015, 11:03:12 PM »

Let us know how you get on!  Maybe you could do steam cleaning of clothes and sorting if you don't want to interact with the public?  You will still have company to chat with ;-)


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2015, 01:58:56 PM »

Am going to do a 3 hour shift on 7th August - they are going to have me doing the till but it's a quiet store.  Hopefully it will do me some good.  I also dragged myself to pilates today and just really noticed how difficult it was being around people a bit as I've isolated myself a bit the last week - so it's reminded me that I need to keep going out and doing things otherwise I'll just being taking steps backwards.  :-\


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #48 on: July 30, 2015, 03:10:55 PM »

I'm sure you'll enjoy your session in the charity shop Greenfields. I've been doing an afternoon in our local Hospice shop  for many years and I really find it enjoyable. I work on the till and do anything else needed, you meet some very interesting people and working with the public is never dull.
 Hopefully it will help you get back into things and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping others
I've been following your thread and you have had such a lot to cope with and now you can start to move on.
Hope it all works out for you.
Take care



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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #49 on: July 30, 2015, 03:17:42 PM »

Oh shucks ………..  ;) ……… I couldn't work on a Till anywhere as I'm figure blind  :D ……. let us know how you get on!  The trick is that if someone pays with a 'note' to keep the note on or beside the Till until the change has been given.  That way there are less likely to be arguments over the amount of 'change' given  ;) …….. this morning I paid with a £20.00 note and the lady, who I've known for years, gave me change for a fiver but she had the 20 still out of the drawer - I joked that it was only made this morning so I knew it had been a 20  :)

What dose did you take over-night?  Yesterday I was BB free, no heavy headed feelings and slept all afternoon: last night cut my 40mg in half, today I feel hung over  ::) ………. will take 20mg again at bed time and see how I go.


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #50 on: July 30, 2015, 03:24:12 PM »

I'm sure you'll enjoy your session in the charity shop Greenfields. I've been doing an afternoon in our local Hospice shop  for many years and I really find it enjoyable. I work on the till and do anything else needed, you meet some very interesting people and working with the public is never dull.
 Hopefully it will help you get back into things and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping others
I've been following your thread and you have had such a lot to cope with and now you can start to move on.
Hope it all works out for you.
Take care


Thank you for your kind words xx


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2015, 03:36:32 PM »

Oh shucks ………..  ;) ……… I couldn't work on a Till anywhere as I'm figure blind  :D ……. let us know how you get on!  The trick is that if someone pays with a 'note' to keep the note on or beside the Till until the change has been given.  That way there are less likely to be arguments over the amount of 'change' given  ;) …….. this morning I paid with a £20.00 note and the lady, who I've known for years, gave me change for a fiver but she had the 20 still out of the drawer - I joked that it was only made this morning so I knew it had been a 20  :)

What dose did you take over-night?  Yesterday I was BB free, no heavy headed feelings and slept all afternoon: last night cut my 40mg in half, today I feel hung over  ::) ………. will take 20mg again at bed time and see how I go.

I'm taking 10mg in the morning at the moment - I'm not sure whether it makes a big difference or not.  But some mornings I am noticeably jittery and then I think it calms my heart down.

What was hard was sorting out my feelings recently which I think were due not only to the beta blocker dose (20mg) as to the reality of my situation really sinking in - it's been really hard to come to terms with.  It didn't help that the agency worker who saw me earlier this week when I wasn't having a good moment suggested that perhaps I should be signed off from work (i.e. get notes from the Dr). This was the first I'd heard about this practice and I started to panic as I've not done it up till now because I don't have a job anyway and I really wish she'd brought it up sooner - I kind of wish I had registered with another mental health agency for support ... but that's a whole other story.  However, when I saw the CAB for advice a while back, I was told I wasn't entitled to any benefits because I hadn't worked enough hours in my last job to qualify for any of them ... so I don't know.  It's too late for me to claim anything now as I'm sure Dr's notes can't be back dated.  And I really don't feel up to interacting with Job Centre staff ... so I just have to accept my savings going down and down and trust that, in the end, it will all work out. 

At least the people who are going to rent the flat to me are nice and they reassured me again this week not to worry about homelessness.  It's just so hard to come to terms with my situation.  I think I need to be out and about and doing a bit more voluntary work to be honest but it's also not long till the care agency training course either - and I don't know whether I can delay that or whether delaying that is a good thing - I just haven't felt up to doing a lot lately and I let the exercise slide which hasn't helped. 

But today I made it to a pilates class and I'm going to try and do another exercise class tomorrow and not back slide as much ... it's just hard because things have gone on for so so long now and I keep wondering when I'm going to feel more better.  I find I get overwhelmed really easily.  Am seeing the Dr on August 10th so will have a chat with her then.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 03:39:01 PM by Greenfields »


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #52 on: July 30, 2015, 05:41:12 PM »

You are out and about - little steps.  Focus on not being homeless and I am sure that once you are settled into the flat you will be more settled. 

Do you eat breakfast?


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #53 on: July 30, 2015, 09:13:37 PM »

You are out and about - little steps.  Focus on not being homeless and I am sure that once you are settled into the flat you will be more settled. 

Do you eat breakfast?

Yes I eat breakfast every day - porridge with milk, water and coconut oil if I can manage it. When I don't feel like breakfast I still eat - but lighter - usually a boiled egg and/or banana and yogurt.

I hope I'll be more settled when I move into the flat but I'm not sure ... there's no parking for starters and parking around the area is difficult so I will probably have to park on the street 10-15 minutes walk away ... which is stressful.  Also it's hard not to think back to the nice rental I had in Canada and also the nice rentals generally there ... so different from the UK.  I know I need to let go of the past in order to move forward to the future ... but the future feels so bleak at the moment that it's hard to look/move forward.  :'(


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #54 on: July 31, 2015, 03:07:28 PM »

So the walking will be fine - cheaper than the gym!  In Winter you will need a torch, hat, gloves, scarf  ;)

Of course you will be comparing, I think we do when we are in flux. 

Suzi Q

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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2015, 12:35:40 AM »

I am also very sensitive to meds.  My specialist said 10mg was a homeopathic dose but I know that whatever the 'normal' dose I will require 50% of it or less.  He wanted me on 20mg three times a day (he said divided doses are better than one big dose).  that was far too much so I dropped it to 10mg three times a day, then twice a day, then I cut them in half and have 5mg twice a day and it does benefit me, placebo or not.  Occasionally if I have a good day I forget to take it and don't seem to suffer for it. 

My BP is stable and a good level and my adrenaline surges are much calmer.  But this is me, you must find what is right for you greenfields.  good luck x

Thanks babyjane.  I am going to talk to my Dr next week and ask her about splitting the doses if I don't feel better.  She suggested 40mg in the morning and then, if that wasn't enough, taking 40mg 6 hours later.  If that turned out to be too much she suggested I could take 10mg later - that she would prescribe that dose for me too.

At the moment, 40mg in the morning feels like it's just doing me in - so maybe I need to drop to 20mg in the morning and 20mg later in the day?  I don't know.  I will definitely have to talk to her about it if things don't improve by Tuesday when I will have been on the medication 1 week (which according to the leaflet is when one should contact the Dr if the side effects persist).

Babyjane how long did you try each option before you found the right dose for you?  Did you take it for a week and then lower the dose each time?  Just trying to figure out how to sort this out.
I was put on Indirel 40m I found it way too much felt fuzzy and sicky
So I cut it in half used half twice  day SORTED I only use them when I get the terribel fear feelings I use them till it eases takes about 2/3 weeks then I ease it off over a week been doing tnhis on  and off for over 20 yrs had no more than 6 scripts for Indirel


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #56 on: August 03, 2015, 10:19:44 AM »

My head is heavy this morning, a combination of early mornings over the weekend, very BUSY dreams, taking half the BB ……. and I'm queasy, probably as a result of cutting the tablet.


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2015, 03:21:04 PM »

Since I started this thread I've been reviewing my mood and the meds ... and I was so much more upbeat in July when I went to London the second time.  I'm actually wondering whether the beta blockers are making me worse - I've not been myself since I began this whole thing even though I've cut the dose down from 40 to 20 to 10mg daily.  So today, I decided not to take one - I've been taking 10mg daily for a little while now.  I was wobbly this morning but just got on and did things.  I'll see how the rest of this week goes but I can't cope with the feeling of overwhelm I get in the mornings at the moment - it makes it really hard to get out of bed - and, if it goes, it will show me the beta blockers are impacting my mood.  If it doesn't, I'm due to see the Dr next week so will ask for more meds help then.   


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #58 on: August 03, 2015, 03:38:14 PM »

Could you take the med at night to stop that surge as you wake?  Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #59 on: August 03, 2015, 08:49:38 PM »

Some people are ultra sensitive to beta blockers and need a tiny amount.

We used to have an American lady with us called Trey. She needed a minuscule amount. Less than 5mg to feel better.
I can only tolerate 10 mg in a day otherwise I feel listless and sluggish and very very cold.

Maybe you should try another BB or just a tiny amount.

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