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Author Topic: Beta blockers query (again!)  (Read 15326 times)


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Beta blockers query (again!)
« on: July 17, 2015, 03:26:47 PM »

So I've started taking 40mg of propranolol daily - first thing in the morning - since Tuesday.  Did this on the advice of the Dr to help with the anxiety and stress I'm under.
It's now Friday.
And I've been really really tired for a lot of this week.
And it's been accompanied by a feeling of overwhelm at times - I don't know whether this is related to the tiredness - in that it's difficult to feel competent when one is weary?  I certainly haven't felt myself as much (the self that I'm trying to get back to before the breakdown).
I know I've got a lot going on - so it took me a few days to figure out that something else seemed to be going on as well.

So I started to google stopping propranolol - only to discover that it's not a good thing to stop it suddenly because it can affect the heart.
Everything I've read suggests that the tiredness goes away after a week - so if it's not gone by next Tuesday, I will contact my Dr.
But I just wondered - has anyone stopped taking propranolol?
And if you did, did you have to taper the dose? Or take any precautions when stopping it?
My Dr didn't give me any indication that stopping it can be an issue so I was quite shocked when I started looking at stuff around that issue online.
Perhaps I shouldn't have googled but I wasn't expecting to experience the tiredness I have had.
Any thoughts appreciated.


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2015, 03:50:28 PM »

Perhaps, give it till next Tuesday then you'll have given it a reasonable chance.
When I took it I was on the 10mg so stopping that wasn't an issue, oh, and I only lasted 2 weeks max on it (if that).

Another thing - I'me not certain, but I think the stopping suddenly thing only really matters when the meds have been used for a long time. Then I think they need to be phased down, e.g. every other day or interspersing smaller (10mg?) doses


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2015, 04:11:16 PM »

Propranolol reduces the blood flow to the heart and the airflow to the lungs, so slowing the heartbeat and reducing blood pressure.  Until the body realises things are going slower it is natural to feel a little drowsy, I did too.  I was going to stop it but I am so glad I didn't as when my body realised it was required to go at a more relaxed pace and I adjusted my activity levels accordingly I started to feel much better.  I did reduce the dose after 4 months (been on it since January) and now take half (5mg) twice a day and an extra half if required.  I see my specialist next week and will see what he says - oh and my blood pressure is where it was 30 years ago  :)


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2015, 05:53:59 PM »

Oh my head feels tired until at least lunch time but compared with the awful depression and anxiety, it's a bonus I can live with  ;)


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2015, 06:42:16 PM »

Propranolol reduces the blood flow to the heart and the airflow to the lungs, so slowing the heartbeat and reducing blood pressure.  Until the body realises things are going slower it is natural to feel a little drowsy, I did too.  I was going to stop it but I am so glad I didn't as when my body realised it was required to go at a more relaxed pace and I adjusted my activity levels accordingly I started to feel much better.  I did reduce the dose after 4 months (been on it since January) and now take half (5mg) twice a day and an extra half if required.  I see my specialist next week and will see what he says - oh and my blood pressure is where it was 30 years ago  :)

That's good to hear.  The Dr said I could continue to exercise but I just wouldn't be able to "work" at it quite as hard in that my heart rate wouldn't rise as much.  However I didn't expect to feel so tired and not myself - or the self I've felt lately anyway.

When you reduced your dose do you experience any side effects?  Reading about coming off it threw me a little as the Dr gave me the impression it was something that you could just stop when you needed to - or at least that's what I thought.  However, online the information seemed to imply that one can't just stop it at will - that stopping it needs careful monitoring?  I'm curious because if I do move back to Canada, then the sooner I can stop it the better as it will be one more drug I will have to find the money to pay for if I don't have access to a health benefits plan and i'm not sure how expensive it is to buy (I'll have to find out).


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2015, 06:48:32 PM »

I think perhaps the advice not to stop suddenly is more aimed at heart patients.

My hubby takes a beta blocker because he had had a heart attack and when he has changed meds it's been a slow change over.

I could not tolerate the amount you are taking. One 40mg had me laid out on the sofa. Even the small amount I take slows me down ....oh and makes me cold too.
If you continue to feel the same you could reduce the dose. Sometimes it's trial and error to find just the right amount that suits you....manages your symptoms without making you feel wiped out. That's one of the reasons I like to start small and build up.



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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2015, 08:44:52 AM »

Thanks Honeybun.
If my symptoms continue, I'm calling the Dr on Tuesday ... I feel like I'm losing the will to live at the moment!
I feel very 'flat' and all my get up and go has got up and gone - so emotionally I'm feeling very overwhelmed too.
I don't know how much of the overwhelm is due to getting closer to the date where I have to make a decision about housing - which is incredibly stressful - or how much is due to the medication.
However, this time last week I was trekking to London to do some shopping - I can't even envisage doing that today.
I actually woke up around 6.30am but didn't get up till just gone 9am.
The leaflet does say that mood changes can be a side effect - but I don't know how much is mood change related to tiredness as well.
I wake up and I don't feel like I've rested really - but then I'm also still getting up in the night regularly to pee due to the HRT.

The thing is the Dr said to me that 10mg was little more than a placebo effect and that, in her experience, 40mg was a low dose that was effective for most people.

Having said that, I know you're very sensitive to meds and I'm also very sensitive to meds.  Because I didn't experience any noticeable side effects when I took 2 one off doses prior to taking it regularly, I didn't think it would clobber me with side effects like tiredness etc ... but I think it is - I've certainly not been myself since Tuesday when I started taking it regularly.

I could really do without this occurring now as well - with so much else to have to contend with in my life, more drug side effects are not something I wanted to invite in!

Oh well ... I'll see how the next few days go.  Mood changes are listed as a rare side effect on the leaflet (they also list psychoses under that as well :o )


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2015, 09:07:22 AM »

I am also very sensitive to meds.  My specialist said 10mg was a homeopathic dose but I know that whatever the 'normal' dose I will require 50% of it or less.  He wanted me on 20mg three times a day (he said divided doses are better than one big dose).  that was far too much so I dropped it to 10mg three times a day, then twice a day, then I cut them in half and have 5mg twice a day and it does benefit me, placebo or not.  Occasionally if I have a good day I forget to take it and don't seem to suffer for it. 

My BP is stable and a good level and my adrenaline surges are much calmer.  But this is me, you must find what is right for you greenfields.  good luck x


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2015, 09:53:27 AM »

I am also very sensitive to meds.  My specialist said 10mg was a homeopathic dose but I know that whatever the 'normal' dose I will require 50% of it or less.  He wanted me on 20mg three times a day (he said divided doses are better than one big dose).  that was far too much so I dropped it to 10mg three times a day, then twice a day, then I cut them in half and have 5mg twice a day and it does benefit me, placebo or not.  Occasionally if I have a good day I forget to take it and don't seem to suffer for it. 

My BP is stable and a good level and my adrenaline surges are much calmer.  But this is me, you must find what is right for you greenfields.  good luck x

Thanks babyjane.  I am going to talk to my Dr next week and ask her about splitting the doses if I don't feel better.  She suggested 40mg in the morning and then, if that wasn't enough, taking 40mg 6 hours later.  If that turned out to be too much she suggested I could take 10mg later - that she would prescribe that dose for me too.

At the moment, 40mg in the morning feels like it's just doing me in - so maybe I need to drop to 20mg in the morning and 20mg later in the day?  I don't know.  I will definitely have to talk to her about it if things don't improve by Tuesday when I will have been on the medication 1 week (which according to the leaflet is when one should contact the Dr if the side effects persist).

Babyjane how long did you try each option before you found the right dose for you?  Did you take it for a week and then lower the dose each time?  Just trying to figure out how to sort this out.


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2015, 10:05:40 AM »

about 2- 3 weeks but what I did may not work for you greenfields.  You need to be guided by your doctor as we are all different x


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2015, 12:47:03 PM »

Ive just caught this thread can I tell you my experience I was on 20mg for migraines for ages, never worked but heyho. Anyway when I hit an anxiety patch my doc said take 30mg in the morning and 30mg at night to calm me down. Well it did, I came to a stop. I lasted 1 week, I lost my appetite, was very very weak and shaky and could not even walk up my drive, I saw a wheelchair coming very soon. I cried in desperation to an old nurse who said 60mg was way too much for me, I was about 8 stone at the time and I have always had a low BP too. She said no way did my heart need that.
I saw the GP and went to 30mg and the symptoms went.
I know of others who found they could no longer walk the dog when they were actually quite fit. My hubby a big chap was given 160mg for migraine and in his 20's coped but as he got older he slowed so much he was like somebody drugged. He now only takes 40mg and that is fine.
This stuff is pretty potent.


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2015, 01:09:43 PM »

Thanks for these responses - they are very helpful.

I've decided I'm going to call the Dr on Monday and see if I can get a lower dose prescribed - I'm really struggling at the moment.  I spent this morning washing veggies and cooking a pasta sauce but I feel so sluggish and flat - and it's making me feel worse in terms of my situation ... I don't feel like I've got the energy to deal with things I would like to sort out - today I wanted to check the inventory paperwork of my belongings if I'm able to move back to Canada in September and I also wanted to start working on a resume for retail work in Canada .... and I just can't face doing  either of them - it feels too much to deal with - like I just don't have the energy (emotional or physical).  Instead I've been sat listening to radio podcasts because it feels like all I can manage - I have to force myself to move (am going to go out for a short walk in a minute).

I don't even have the energy to do yoga or meditate at the moment which is most unlike me.  Here's hoping that, if the dose gets lowered, I will feel a bit better.  The anxiety surges I was experiencing in the morning weren't every morning but I do want to support my nervous system with something as I am going to be going through a lot over the next couple of months and it's still very early days in terms of getting over a breakdown ... but the dose of beta blockers I'm on at the moment really doesn't feel right for me.


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2015, 01:28:34 PM »

Too much at the 'wrong' time of day? I take 40mg at night ………..


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2015, 01:43:46 PM »

Why not ask for the slow release tablet ! You take it at night then it releases a slow steady amount throughout 24hours .


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Re: Beta blockers query (again!)
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2015, 04:06:46 PM »

I did ask about the slow release but the Dr had already previously prescribed 40mg for one off anxiety - so I went along with the suggestion of using the one's I had.  I also don't take them at night because I read that you can get nightmares and sleep disturbance as a side effect and I didn't want to risk that.
Going to get some advice on Monday about cutting the dose and seeing how that goes. 
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