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Author Topic: Hello another newbie here  (Read 3554 times)


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Hello another newbie here
« on: June 30, 2015, 10:20:54 AM »

Hello everyone!

I am so glad to have found this forum - genuinely thought I was going mad. I've just turned 51 and for the last three years I've been suffering with various symptoms which I'm now convinced are meno-related. I've moved house a lot and consequently changed GPs, but finally living in France where I've found the healthcare excellent, although yet to find out how they handle meno.

My biggest problems are health anxiety and joint/muscle pains. I've seen 8 different GPs about this - latest diagnosis was fibromyalgia, but I don't think it's this. Not one of the 8 even mentioned meno or hormones, not even a gynae. Until I found this site I had no idea that either anxiety or joint pain could be related to meno. I've been browsing the forum and see that many of you suffer similar problems. In fact, some of the posts I could have written myself. Although I've taught myself a few self-help techniques for handling the anxiety, some days it just overwhelms me - like yesterday, when I just couldn't do anything. I've also the other usual symptoms of over-heating, night sweats, irregular periods (two in last year), small fibroids, mood swings, irritability, anxiety...more anxiety...

Only taking propropronal (beta-blockers) at the moment for the HA, but been on them two years and not sure they are doing anything now.  I know nothing about HRT or anything so lots of research to do. I'm going to bite the bullet, go to the Doc's this week and demand some help. Look forward to joining in this great supportive forum.

bon courage  :)



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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2015, 10:41:54 AM »

Bon jour (that's it I'm afraid  ;D )

 :welcomemm:  have a browse of the drop down menus, top of screen.  Ask away.  Fibromyalgia can be triggered at this time of Life, as can most of the symptoms ladies suffer, however, we must not put everything down to meno as thyroid function can give similar symptoms!

I take Propranolol at night ....... I also have an emergency pill for when the axniety floors me  :-\


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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2015, 11:47:54 AM »


One of the things I'm going to ask for is a thyroid function blood test - they love blood tests here, have a fleet of nurses that travel round to take the sample at your home and send it off to the lab. I had the levels for thyroid checked before, but realise now it was nearly two years ago. Only thing I had was vit D deficiency.

I'm interested that you take your Propropronal at night. I take mine in the morning, not sure why. Do you find it helps you to sleep? I can get to sleep OK, but wake up a lot and often can't get brain to switch off in middle of night and then the anxiety kicks in. I wake up feeling like I never went to bed.

I used to be on 80mg slow release, but reduced it to 40mg. Have tried to cut down but ended up having panic attack in supermarket. I would like to stop it as I have cold hands and feet which appears to be one of the side effects. Not today though, as its 40c here  :(



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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2015, 12:44:56 PM »

nearly 40 here too  :o glad I'm not at Wimbledon  ::)

I take 40mg at night to stop the anxiety surge as I wake.  I also take an anti-depressant - 5mg at night and 5mg at breakfast.

R U taking anything for the Vit  D deficiency other than sunshine  ;)


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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2015, 07:01:09 AM »


Don't know where yesterday went... :-\

In the winter/ grey months I take healthspan high dose vit D tabs but have not been taking recently as it became sunny. I wonder if I should start again. I also take evening primrose/ fish oil combo and a high strength magnesium that includes all the B vits and calcium.

Went to the Dr yesterday. She said no point in doing test as most of my problems are meno-related given my age/ history. I have to go for a mammogram before she can prescribe HRT (that's the policy) so I will do that and then discuss again. She also checked my back and shoulders as have been suffering with very bad pain in this area. All the muscles are like wood apparently and she suspects nerves affected. Has given me some tabs to take for five days which as supposed to relieve this - seem to be working so far - and I'm supposed to keep off the computer as much as possible. Bit tricky as I do work pt, but self employed so will try to cut down. I mentioned not sleeping and waking up in the night with a churning brain, so some supposedly very mild pills for that too. Had the best nights sleep ever last night despite the temperature but feel really woozy this morning so not sure how long I will take these for. So lots of pills and have promised OH I will take them for at least 7 days to see how it goes - he is getting fed up with it now I think.

Hope everyone else is doing OK.



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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2015, 11:47:32 PM »

That's fair enough.  Have you checked your sitting position in front of the computer?  Give yourself a 10 min. break for a walk round every hour ……… stretching exercises?

OH may not be fed up but that is your interpretation ? maybe ask him?

Night night  ;)


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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2015, 06:51:59 AM »

Good morning CLKD

You're right about the sitting position. My posture is dreadful and I know it. I've done all the usual things - foot rest, trackball mouse, screen the correct height, adjustable chair etc. Trouble is I get engrossed in a document and an hour later I'm hunched up in front o the screen! I'm my own worst enemy.

OH is fed up, he's said as much, although did concede the other day that 'I know it's not you, it's your hormones...' He's from the take two ibuprofen and get on with it brigade.

The regime of tablets did work brilliantly at first, back pain gone, best night sleep for months. However, one of the tabs is a strong muscle relaxant. Just been googling and found that it is not licensed in UK, only in a few EU countries. Problem for me last night was that it seemed to relax all the muscles but was not selective, so back and shoulders were relaxed but so were other areas lower down  ??? spent a few hours in the bathroom  ;D So may not take any more of those...

Thanks for the support.

have a great day



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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2015, 12:41:56 PM »

With Very Good Book ?

It's OK to take non-Licensed meds in mainland Europe tha knows  ;) grab them whilst you can!  ........... does it have *laxative* written on the packet  :D   :P

How's the temp over there?  Bit warm here  ::)

I was going to suggest that you set an alarm for every 65 mins. to allow a stretch and walk round from the computer chair.  Also, how's your mattress etc.?  We have one settee that is upright and rarely used (for visitors  ;) ) as well as loungers - sometimes I know I'm lounging in a too comfy position  8)
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 12:43:38 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2015, 11:41:00 AM »

 ;D ;D ;D

Feeling better today now stopped all the meds except the usual propropranol. Dr gave me four different pills - it was like ah, another pain - there's (an app) a tab for that. I checked the side effects sheet and three out of the four had digestive issues as a side effect, the only one that didn't was the one to protect stomach against effect of naproxene. The doses were also really high, so I may reintroduce some later in smaller amounts. For now, I  have decided to give the system a rest and try some stretching, exercise and rest.

I've set a timer app on the computer to take rests every hour and downloaded some upper back stretching exercises too. Mattress is new, memory foam. I don't think that's a problem. Sofas also OK. Tonight am supposed to be going on an 8km night walk so that will be interesting, hope it cools down a bit. About 35c today and there's a thunderstorm in the distance.

Bon weekend



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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2015, 03:38:29 PM »

 :o - how far is 8KM in £, shillings and pence  :-\  ::)

Take plenty of water/juice with you as well as a small towel for wiping neck/shoulders …… let us know how you get on!


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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2015, 09:44:36 AM »

Hi there

Well I survived the 8k walk (that's five miles in real money) and I survived the onion soup supper that was provided afterwards. As I have a bit of a social phobia to go with my health anxiety I'm quite pleased. One of the best things I've found recently is an aerosol water spray thing. Evian make them but I can also get own brand in the supermarket. It's a bit extravagant but I can keep it in the fridge and spray a fine mist when I feel a flash coming on. Took that on my walk and it was great.  I just wish this b***** heatwave would end.

Back/ shoulder pain is still with me, but perhaps a bit better though I am taking nothing for it. I've had a couple of days off the computer so that may have helped. Also have slight pain at front and of course have convinced myself it is some sort of cancer. I've had costochondritis before and the symptoms are the same, Dr thought it was probably this. Also have a bit of wind so may be that is another factor. Oh, the brain just whirrs round thinking of new things. I think the trouble is I go to the Dr, she says it is ... [something simple]... I accept this for a day or two and then go back to worrying. So I don't really trust/ believe them. This health anxiety is so wearing, I just want to stop thinking about it all the time.

Sparkle - I think you're a HA sufferer too? - no I don't really get headaches as such. I did go through a phase of having pains which felt like they were on the outside of my head, they moved about, shooting pains and also vision disturbance, like flashing light and wiggly patterns. Dr sent me for an MRI but it was all clear. I've since found out the head pain thing may be a meno symptom. On the 34signs website one of the listed things is electrical shocks, that describes exactly what I had. The vision thing I think is a silent migraine and is always related to stress or a stressful situation. I got one last week when I was waiting at the Drs and also sometimes get them in supermarket if too many people.

I have very creaky neck and some of my finger joints are sore/ swollen. I wonder if it arthritis? There's a history of it my family. I will leave that until next Dr visit   ::)

Have a good day everyone.



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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2015, 06:41:26 PM »

Hi Bettyboo

 :welcomemm: from me too

Sounds like many of your symptoms are menopausal and you are being given a series of pills to treat all the symptoms individually when HRT would hopefully alleviate them and make them a lot better.

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a the name given to a collection of recognised symptoms which women suffer and is not a disease in itself. It can be caused by all sorts of things - which are often not tested - or no known cause. Women on here have been diagnosed with it - but the symptoms have improved/disappeared with oestrogen.  If you look at thyroid UK website, they consider much of fibromyalgia is in fact thryoid deficiency - often sub-clinical. The same for testosterone - women have been diagnosed with fibro when in fact they have T deficiency. The doc wanted to refer me for fibro due to ongoing symptoms and "normal" blood tests ( not everything was measured) and poo-pooed the idea of testosterone "We can't go round testing everyone who complains of tiredness/muscle aches for testosterone" were her words! The problem is firstly as in your case your symptoms are being treated independently rather than the cause - and this still happens in UK with younger women (when docs have a notion about the right age to start experiencing menopause symptoms), and secondly there is a cut off point (for TSH) below which you are not deeemd to have a thyroid problem, and thirdly testosterone is not tested in NHS - well not normally.

I strongly feel we should all have a complete endocrinological overhaul when we start to experience symptoms and ideally have gynaes and endos working together to treat us - I bet the number of sufferers of CFS, ME and fibro would reduce - leaving maybe a smaller number who are suffering - as yet with no known cause.

It is mainly women who are diagnosed with and suffer from these debilitating conditions and if it were men - it would have been sorted out long ago I'm sure!

I hope you are able to take HRT and that if so it reduces your symptoms and improves your quality of life.

Do keep us posted!

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2015, 09:42:47 AM »

Hi Hurdity

You make some really interesting points in your post. I don't think the NHS/ UK are alone in treating symptoms individually, rather than looking holistically at all the problems we are experiencing. I always have the feeling that it's, ah you've got a pain there - here's a drug, can't sleep - here's another drug, anxious - have something else, rather than looking for the actual cause of the problem.

 Over the past three years I've seen nine different doctors, including one gynae, and none of them have even mentioned menopause or hormones. It is only discussed if I bring it up and then more often than not I get a shrug - seven out of the nine were female GPs. Several (UK) have said that it is not possible to have pains that move around to different parts of the body and others have said or implied that it is all in my head, hence the HA diagnosis. I accept that (the HA) but if I can get rid of the anxiety I know can deal with the rest of it.

I've never really accepted the fibromyalgia diagnosis. Yes I do have some of the pressure points and out of about 50 symptoms I could tick off, not always at the same time, about 30 but these are also symptoms of meno. I have fatigue but not the exhaustion that needs me to stay in bed as many Fibro sufferers describe.

I've only very recently made the connection with my symptoms and menopause. I'm ashamed to say that despite my age (51) I knew nothing about menopause at all. I thought periods went erratic and then stopped, heavy bleeding, hot flushes and a bit of irritability (from memory my mother's experience). It seems that anxiety is in fact one of 'top' symptoms for many of us. I have been reading through some of the posts on the forum and can identify with so many of the problems.

I've had thyroid levels checked before and were OK but I need a new blood test. I'll have to wait until after 'the holidays' (a French phenomenon) as my regular GP is away and the remplacement (locum) was just into doling out prescriptions for massive doses of pills. I've been able to go back on them now after letting my system recover and then reducing the dose by two thirds.

Thanks for all the support, just coming on here and reading others posts helps me so much.




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Re: Hello another newbie here
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2015, 10:59:35 AM »

 Over the past three years I've seen nine different doctors, including one gynae, and none of them have even mentioned menopause or hormones. It is only discussed if I bring it up and then more often than not I get a shrug - seven out of the nine were female GPs. Several (UK) have said that it is not possible to have pains that move around to different parts of the body and others have said or implied that it is all in my head, hence the HA diagnosis. I accept that (the HA) but if I can get rid of the anxiety I know can deal with the rest of it.

Sigh. I thought mine were bad - I saw 4 docs, 2 of whom admitted they were out of their depth when I questioned them.

A friend is rattling with the number of pills she's taking, each for a different symptom and none being anything you'd want to inflict on your body longer term. She's only just recently realised the issues could be hormonal - again with no help from her GP on coming to this conclusion. How many women are suffering needlessly because our medics just don't understand menopause?

Anyway, I do hope you manage to find the right mix of hormones now you're on board. If your GPs are clueless can you be referred to a Menopause Clinic at all? I ended up telling my GP what prescription I wanted (through research on here and t'internet in general) but the Meno Doc has since verified it.  I've got to say it's lovely when it all works too - amazing how a little tweak of hormones can bring life back to normal  :)

Best of luck with it all,
GG x