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Author Topic: Advice on hrt cream please!  (Read 3039 times)


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Advice on hrt cream please!
« on: July 07, 2015, 07:29:24 PM »

Hello. I am using Ovestin cream 2 x week to help with my atrophy.  I have been getting a lot of bleeding (12 days of heavy bleeding) so asked my GP for help or something to take to stop the bleeding.  She seems to think it may be because of using Ovestin cream (build up of oestragen). I'm not on any other hRT and don't want to stop the cream as I was in agony before starting this (6 months ago). Does anyone think the cream alone could be causing this heavy bleeding? Are there medications to stop the bleeding? Thanks for any help. X


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Re: Advice on hrt cream please!
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2015, 07:41:49 PM »

Hi Jennifer

It is highly unlikely that the estriol cream is causing the bleeding - especially heavy bleeding.  Where are you in menopause? Is this a normal, if occasional period or are you post-menopausal (ie 12 months without a period?). If you are not in post-menopause then it is likely to be just a period (depending on how long since your last one) but if you are worried ask for it to be investigated, but don't stop the cream!

There are various treatments for heavy bleeding listed here: Unfortunately if you are not yet through menopause heavy bleeding is often experienced as many of us can report - some have had very long periods of bleeding.

If you are post-menopausal then it should be investigated immediately as a matter of urgency but I am sure if this was the case your doc would have referred you.

Hope this helps

Hurdity x



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Re: Advice on hrt cream please!
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2015, 07:54:12 PM »

Hi Hurdity, thanks for the info. I really don't want to stop the cream. I'm 54 and hadn't had a period for about 10 months til I was put on conti hrt and bled for about 6 weeks. Stopped taking that and bleeding eventually stopped. Not had anything else for two months and then started bleeding again. GP said she was going to refer me for a scan but not sure when that will be.


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Re: Advice on hrt cream please!
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2015, 07:43:16 AM »

Hi Jennifer I haven't had a period since last August, so thinking this is the end now, I have been using estriole cream for about two months now, it has really helped with my urge/frequency bladder issue and soreness. I have had no bleeding or issues, I would imagine your bleeding is more likely to be related to your hormones settling down from stopping hrt etc, I've known if friends who have thought they were period free, almost getting to the 12 month milestone, only to bleed again around the 9/10 months.
Hopefully it will just settle down, but you are doing right by getting it checked x


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Re: Advice on hrt cream please!
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2015, 01:11:19 PM »

Thanks for the info it really helps.  Does that mean that I have to go another full 12 months from now til I am post menopause? Feels like this is never ending!!


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Re: Advice on hrt cream please!
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2015, 07:15:58 PM »

If it is just a hormonal blip then yes! Does this make any difference in reality though (whether you can say you are post-meno or not)?

Hurdity x


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Re: Advice on hrt cream please!
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2015, 04:19:53 PM »

I guess it makes no difference but just feel if I hadn't had started the hrt I may be completely period free by now. Now i have to live with the worry that they are just going to start whenever and I'm going to be housebound for at least 2 days each time. I'm going on holiday camping with my boys which could prove difficult if I'm bleeding badly.  Thought by 54 I should be past all this. X


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Re: Advice on hrt cream please!
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2015, 08:05:39 PM »

I would have thought it wasn't possible to tell whether the bleeding you are experiencing now has anything to do with the HRT if you stopped bleeding 2 months ago. If you do have a build up of oestrogen (this would be shown by a thickened lining under scan) - maybe it could be due to oestrogen build up left over from the HRT. Alternatively it might just be natural bleeding and your body may have had another period anyway.

Has the doctor ordered a scan to check? Whatever the position, it is definitely not necessary to stop using the cream because this is highly unlikely to cause bleeding as in a proper period.

In terms of being post-menopause - the majority of women have reached menopause by age 54 - but it is impossible to tell whether this will be the case for you - as you don't know whether your bleeding is natural ie would have happened anyway due to ovarian function, or because of the HRT. Even if the latter you still don't know if you would have bled anyway at around the 12 months point. Some women go 18 months and then have another period. The 12 months is the cut off time for investigation - a precautionary measure.

Hopefully this is a one-off and isn't going to happen monthly and you will be able to enjoy your camping trip! Perhaps take supplies just in case....

Hurdity x