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Author Topic: Throat clearing  (Read 17433 times)


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Throat clearing
« on: July 06, 2015, 11:22:13 AM »

Just wanted to write this post for anyone who's been worrying about this like me.

I've been throat clearing for a couple of years now and originally thought it was left over from previous chest infectons. AB treatments and clear chest xrays didn't get rid of the 'gunk' in my throat.  I've had/still have the feeling of something stuck in my throat and the constant need to clear it/cough it up. I have a mild cough which comes and goes and sometimes it's dry and sometimes it's phlegmy. I get a wheezy whistle when I breathe in sometimes as if the air is squeezing through the congestion and often my voice cracks and gives out on me and sounds croaky and sore. I've had a gastroscopy to check my oesophagus and stomach and just recently had the flexi scope thing up my nose and down my throat to look at my throat and vocal chords. After all that, the result being, it's simply all down to menopausal phlegm!

This is great news obviously and I'm extremely relieved. The ENT consultant was a patronising old fart though unfortunately and basically made me feel like I was wasting his time and said it was a battle with my mind and that I had to work on that instead of focussing on my throat. (It was at this point I wanted to punch him in his throat!  >:() His advice was to stop throat clearing and coughing and to swallow instead (easier said than done) and to sip water all day long. His verdict was that my menopause and fluctuating hormones are making my throat dry and phlegmy and I'm making it worse by trying to clear it all the time. (At least he recognised meno as being real and the bugger that's creating the symptoms in the first place though.)

So here I've been thinking the worst for the last couple of years (polyps, nodules, throat cancer, etc, you know how it goes) and, if Mr condescension consultant is right, all of those yucky symptoms I mentioned above are just down to that good old bitchface menopause!

I hope this helps to reassure anyone else out there who has been experiencing similar symptoms and worrying like mad.



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Re: Throat clearing
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2015, 12:08:54 PM »

Thanks HorsesHorses - me too (and we won't be the only ones!). Allsorts of "what ifs" go through my head too. Presumably this means that the gunky feeling will one day go away. It's amazing how many little things, when you look back, that started over the last few years are probably hormonal. Grrrrr


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Re: Throat clearing
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2015, 12:24:49 PM »

Throat can't be dry and phlegmy  ::) ….

I have post nasal drip to allergic rhinitis [apparently can get worse with menopause], which means I am throat clearing a lot, yesterday I developed a spasm cough for apparently no reason  ::).  I do have Beconase nasal spray if the rhinitis becomes a problem which does help. 

You've had the tests, nowt wrong - onwards and upwards  ;)

[what stopped you punching him then?]  ;D


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Re: Throat clearing
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2015, 12:45:49 PM »

Oh that's really interesting Horseshorses - I have a phelgm problem too - notice it some mornings and I was wondering what was causing it - it's helpful to know its menopausal related.
Hugs xxx


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Re: Throat clearing
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2015, 01:58:53 PM »

Yep. I feel like a 90 year old man with the constant 'aheemmming'. Occasionally wake up and feel like I'm unable to breathe because I need to swallow, and swallow and swallow ( can't be done). I'm still perimenopausal and only get it at certain times of the month ( repeatable and trackable) just like alllll the other crap: Heart, anxiety, chest pain, flashes etc etc.

fun :)

Ju Ju

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Re: Throat clearing
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2015, 02:16:11 PM »

Good for you for persisting and never let consultants, doctors etc make you feel you are wasting their time if the tests they do not show anything sinister. If you and he knew there was nothing wrong then they would not have done the tests in the first place. Something seriously wrong with his people skills. I'm sure many of us have tales to tell about how badly we have been treated, though I'm pleased to say that I have been treated with respect and kindness in recent appointments.


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Re: Throat clearing
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2015, 06:34:54 PM »

Yes i also get this and it is so annoying for me and my OH. I have had this for a few years and am sure it is meno related. Can go for a while without clearing my throat and then i think, "oh i haven't done this much today" only to start doing it, like now lol. xx


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Re: Throat clearing
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2015, 08:41:07 PM »

I love your post Horses Horses. Throat clearing, erm erm excuse me whilst I so just that for a second! I remember being on a course and a woman arrived late, sat next to me and spent her whole time clearing her throat so I couldn't hear anything! Now, I fear I'm the blinking nuisance clearing her throat! It's embarrassing as sometimes it sounds like you're trying to catch someone's attention. As I speak, I can feel the snot at the back of my nose - yuk! And it's stuck there.
Sorry ladies.
Winter is worse. I spend most of my evenings steaming or using a netipot.
Here's to throat clearing and the fact it's nothing more than that - simply clearing the old throat! x

Puffin Mama

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Re: Throat clearing
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2015, 10:39:59 AM »

Thanks for that HorsesHorses - I'm another throat clearer!  Having feared I would be stick with mine forever when it started in the New Year, , it actually appears to go in cycles.  I had it for weeks and weeks, saw an acupuncturist, did yoga, neti pot, etc.  Nothing made a huge difference but one day I realised that it had stopped!   Have had several weeks with no symptoms but now it has come back again - grrrrrrr  >:(   

I think mine is linked to my digestion as it seems to coincide with horrible heartburn and a feeling like someone is standing on my chest - most unpleasant but I know there is nothing serious as had all the tests done when it first started.    Just waiting for it to decide to go away again....... and it's now 7 1/2 weeks since my last period so who knows what my system thinks it's doing!!  ???


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Re: Throat clearing
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2015, 11:18:36 AM »

Isn't mind over body an amazing thing.  I sometimes get excess saliva and need to swallow all the time.  Once i have noticed it I can't stop noticing it.  At the moment attention is focused on my digestion - I keep trying to imagine another symptom to shift the focus!!

Bloody anxiety!!   