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Author Topic: Smoking and HRT  (Read 16170 times)


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2015, 01:48:59 PM »

Love it  !  Group FUME  :hot flash:

I did wonder if I had over-reacted ……….. but surely under the Hypocratic Oath  :-\


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2015, 08:08:14 PM »

Hi LadyT

I too am appalled at your doctor's refusal to prescribe HRT due to your smoking.

Aside from the risk info this site gives the contra-indications for HRT (smoking is not mentioned - nor in fact is age or length of time on HRT!):
 Contraindications for HRT.

    Undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding
    Active or recent blood clot or myocardial infarction (heart attack)
    Suspected or active breast or endometrial (womb) cancer
    Active liver disease with abnormal liver function tests
    Porphyria cutanea tarda

Under the lifestyle section it says this:
Women who smoke have an earlier menopause than non-smokers, have worse flushes and often don't respond as well to tablet form of HRT. It's never too late to stop smoking!

Use this time in your life to start living a better healthier life.

It is undoubtedly better for your long term health to start the process of cutting down with a view to eventually giving up smoking - to redcue your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. However as you say - you know and understand the risks and your doctor should not refuse this!!

Is there another doctor in the same practice you can go to? Hopefully the doc has not put this in your notes but even so, it might be easier to explain to a different doc?

Good luck!

Hurdity x


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2015, 09:16:53 PM »

Hopefully the GP has put this into the notes, it will show other GPs in the Practice what patients may be 'up against'!

Do let us know how you get on and do have a chat with a Pharmacist too  ;)


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2015, 08:29:11 AM »

I smoke and Dr knows this never been an issue ! This is really the thin edge of the wedge in NHS  ,whilst I know it isn't healthy to smoke what next ! Oh we won't treat because you drink ,your too heavy,you have blue eyes !! Have brown hair,too old....really  :hotflash:

Mary G

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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2015, 03:10:20 PM »

That is disgusting, absolutely outrageous.  This holier than thou doctor should be struck off, they are not fit for purpose.  Go back and tell them you have stopped smoking and get your HRT, in other words lie, they don't deserve anything better.


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2015, 04:53:24 PM »

Any news?


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2015, 03:22:17 PM »

Hi all,

Thank you for all your replies.

It has been a while since I posted,sorry

I am now no longer prescribed hrt  :(  I did see other Doctors at the practice and was told they were not able to change what the original Dr had decided. my pharmacy had also called me to say she had been refused a new prescription for me also but wouldn't give an opinion on the matter.

I also suffer with a thyroid and have been increasingly unwell and yet have been refused blood tests for thyroid panel, had only the basic TSH which has now returned to borderline with levothyroxine, but I am not any better. I requested tests for antibodies, to ascertain whether it was caused by Hashimotos (which my symptoms would suggest I do), and was told those tests are nothing to do with thyroid! I have also noticed a swelling in my throat area, was told that on palpating (?) it was not felt, even though she could see it, so didn't think it was worth sending me to a specialist. Hashimotos left untreated can lead to mental health issues,heart failure and even coma! More risk than prescribing hrt it would seem?

I therefore do not think that any decision this surgery has made was anything to do with the risks of smoking with hrt or looking after my health.

I feel so so down, I just want to feel normal, but have given up  :'(



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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2015, 03:31:06 PM »

Can you change practice as it seems to me your health issues are not being taken seriously at all.
Do you feel as if it's down to budget....whatever the reason it's absolutely shocking you are being treated this way.

Is their a patients forum at your surgery where you could read if others experiences.

I'm so shocked I don't even know what to suggest.



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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2015, 03:39:25 PM »

Hi Honeybun,

Thanks for your understanding reply.X

Yes I do think it is down to budget and have also thought they think I am a hypochondriac! :/ but Unfortunately hormones do cause so many symptoms and I do have a lot of them.

I know I should register at a different practice but have been afraid of what will be put in my notes as the other GP's seemed to only go by what the first Dr had written.

My GP was right about one thing, I am not in a good place! :/



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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2015, 04:03:37 PM »

You have the right to be referred to an endocrinologist for your thyroid.  A GP can only request a TSH test and only if it is out of the reference range will a Free T4 and Free T3 test be done.  A consultant can request a full Thyroid function test and they don't have the right to refuse you (unless I am very much mistaken).  Do you have a history of Hashimoto's (which I have)

Mary G

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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2015, 04:06:22 PM »

LadyT, I'm so sorry that you have been treated so badly.  My advice would be to buy HRT online, it would appear to be your only option.  Your surgery sounds completely clueless anyway so they are obviously incapable of giving you any decent advice so you might as well do your own thing.


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2015, 04:22:14 PM »

Do you have anyone in the area who can recommend a nice GP?  I moved from the practice with the naff GP only to find he had moved too, to mine >:(  I have only been once since, but on advice here I visited the practice nurse and I told her about the obnoxious GP, even though he is still at the surgery, she did not seem in the least surprised and informed he  is leaving next month, hurray.  She has been appauled at my length of symptoms and the fact he did nothing and has left me like this for 3 years.

Point is, a decent GP just see's his/her patient, not the cr*p written on your file by an idiot.  I do think it is worth a try moving elsewhere in order to receive the help you so deserve.  Remember you do not deserve to be treated this way.


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2015, 05:33:59 PM »

You need to change Surgeries.  This is un-acceptable - not treating symptoms because someone smokes is not giving support nor dealing with un-related conditions!


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #28 on: August 25, 2015, 07:37:51 PM »

Hi Babyjane , Thanks for your reply
I have been treated for an underactive thyroid for around 4 years now, yet have never felt well, the only tests that have been offered are the basic tsh, I have family history of thyroid cancer and hashimotos and do feel worried as I do have the symptoms, or at the very least a non converting T4. It would be just reassuring to know one way or another.

Thank you MaryG, you are right they are pretty clueless, but I know I won't get anywhere arguing with them, I guess some doctors don't like you to know too much. Where can I buy hrt online Mary? I may have to look into that.

SadLynda, oh no, what are the odds of him moving too!? that's great you had an understanding practice nurse, I hope you now are getting the treatment you needed years ago! You are probably right I should find a more sympathetic surgery, thank you.

Thank you CLKD, I really do need to change, the only reason I had tried and tried with this one was  I felt a different doctor, same practice could have a different view (they didn't) also I may have got the same elsewhere.
The next nearest surgery is miles away, but I have just read you don't need to be the catchment anymore, or tell them reasons for wanting to change, so i'm a little hopeful again.


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Re: Smoking and HRT
« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2015, 07:42:15 PM »

I would ring the Secretary who works for the Endocrinologist at your local Hospital and ask advice.  Find out how long the waiting list is for first consultations, explain that you have had problems with the GP referring you (they may have had other complaints  ;)) and check with her if you can insist on a referral.  If so, ring your current Surgery and ask them to send a referral letter!

The details of the various Consultants is usually listed on each Hospital web-site, if it isn't obvious then ring the Hospital switch board and ask for assistance.

You could also ask advise from a Pharmacist.  Most have private rooms so you could ask whether people have problems with your current medication dosage and what is usually suggested. 
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