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Author Topic: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?  (Read 13789 times)


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2015, 07:58:48 PM »

Sorry that you are suffering as well Annie, I'm having a particularly bad day today. Mine is like the noise made from an old cassette tape or CVT TV, white noise.

6th nerve palsy sounds awful as well. It's amazing what human beings seem able to survive.

I do feel sad that I will never hear silence again, but then when I went ion the scary tinnitus forums and read lots of young people had this from noise trauma, that made me even sadder. Also it makes me want to pull ear phones out of young people's ears incase they get it. Perhaps younger people's clears up, I think in older people it can be associated with losing certain hearing frequencies and the brain tries to compensate, so we are stuck with it.

I'm going to have to get some needs for the anxiety it is causing, poor man must be sick if the sight if me.


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2015, 09:03:08 PM »

I'm another of those people plagued with tinnitus. I've had it 3 years. They say mine is from hearing loss. I have lost just one frequency and my tinnitus plays the note I have lost.
I belong to a few facebook tinnitus groups. It's good to share with people who get it.
Mine us reactive so I can no longer go to loud places without a spike, I also have hyperacusis.
I was about habituated but a lot of stress illness this year changed all that. Right now I think hormone fluctuations making it worse and poor sleep effects it too.
PM me is you want to chat more.
I have to say not all the groups are depressing all the time and I follow what new treatments are coming. One company is on phase 3 of testing a drug, here in the UK, which looks promising.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 09:35:55 PM by Sarai »


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2015, 09:31:30 PM »

No longer have neighbour babyjane.

Mine is actually kinda noisy tonight, especially right ear. General buzzing sound but just noticed high pitch whine on top of it. Not sure why.

Annie I've had that sonicaid sound sometimes.  Great description of it in fact!

I remember reading some time ago that many get it after being subjected to overly loud music in clubs & such. As teenagers & older  I expect many of us have frequented clubs & pubs, some still do.  Possibly how I've ended up with it, though I never went frequently to clubs etc.


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2015, 10:07:40 PM »

Many musicians suffer and your description Annie is good.  I get that too  ::)


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2015, 10:30:25 PM »

I was referred to ent and he said I have hearing loss in my left ear (most of my tinnitus is right ear) unless I'm not hearing it unless it's loud in the left lol
Anyway, he said my hearing loss is usually caused by a head injury, and unless my mum dropped me as a baby I can't think what else caused it, brain scan was ok

But this 6th nerve palsy I'd also troublesome , I'm losing my balance senses and that worries me, I have another eye clinic on Monday and I will ask for tests to rule out possibilities, I heard lesions can cause it, I'm sure it's not a tumour but I can't understand what would make it suddenly develop (daily now for @7months)

Annie xx


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2015, 10:58:21 PM »

I'm another of those people plagued with tinnitus. I've had it 3 years. They say mine is from hearing loss. I have lost just one frequency and my tinnitus plays the note I have lost.
I belong to a few facebook tinnitus groups. It's good to share with people who get it.
Mine us reactive so I can no longer go to loud places without a spike, I also have hyperacusis.
I was about habituated but a lot of stress illness this year changed all that. Right now I think hormone fluctuations making it worse and poor sleep effects it too.
PM me is you want to chat more.
I have to say not all the groups are depressing all the time and I follow what new treatments are coming. One company is on phase 3 of testing a drug, here in the UK, which looks promising.

Hi Sarai, I might try and join a few facebook forums trouble is facebook is so public unless they are closed groups. Although a few friends know about it I'm nit sure I want everyone to or they may end up asking me about it all the time. I know that would be from kindness but sometimes it could be good to be distracted from it - when I find out how.

If you habituated once I am sure you will again, I'm still waiting. Found myself a 12 hour white noise app to listen to tonight,  but am afraid it will make it worse as it sounds like my noise. May stick with my relaxation tape - brain seems to like familiarity.

An ENT had me do a hearing test that was show as normal which seems odd, but I have since read that their standard kit is not all that sophisticated and may miss very low or high frequenciy loses.  In older people seems likely associated with hearing loss, infections etc more than young when it appears to be from Acoustic Trauma.

It would be wonderful if they could find a cure but as the causes seem so diverse it may be hard and the human brain is complex. Fingers crossed though.


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2015, 11:06:31 PM »

No longer have neighbour babyjane.

Mine is actually kinda noisy tonight, especially right ear. General buzzing sound but just noticed high pitch whine on top of it. Not sure why.

Annie I've had that sonicaid sound sometimes.  Great description of it in fact!

I remember reading some time ago that many get it after being subjected to overly loud music in clubs & such. As teenagers & older  I expect many of us have frequented clubs & pubs, some still do.  Possibly how I've ended up with it, though I never went frequently to clubs etc.

i hope it is not my fault yours is louder for bringing it the forefront of your mind. Apologies if it is.

I don't really understand what sonicaid sound is.

I kind of though if we got it from clubbing years ago, well discos they were called in my day, we would have got it then maybe, not 25 or 30 years later. It certainly seems complicated.


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2015, 11:09:53 PM »

I was referred to ent and he said I have hearing loss in my left ear (most of my tinnitus is right ear) unless I'm not hearing it unless it's loud in the left lol
Anyway, he said my hearing loss is usually caused by a head injury, and unless my mum dropped me as a baby I can't think what else caused it, brain scan was ok

But this 6th nerve palsy I'd also troublesome , I'm losing my balance senses and that worries me, I have another eye clinic on Monday and I will ask for tests to rule out possibilities, I heard lesions can cause it, I'm sure it's not a tumour but I can't understand what would make it suddenly develop (daily now for @7months)

Annie xx

I think a lot of the time they don't know what causes it. I had a huge amount of stress the last 18 months, and I had a nasty fall back in January, but fell in a way where I protected my head.

Good luck with your clinic appointment I hope you get some answers.


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2015, 11:47:05 PM »

No longer have neighbour babyjane.

Mine is actually kinda noisy tonight, especially right ear. General buzzing sound but just noticed high pitch whine on top of it. Not sure why.

Annie I've had that sonicaid sound sometimes.  Great description of it in fact!

I remember reading some time ago that many get it after being subjected to overly loud music in clubs & such. As teenagers & older  I expect many of us have frequented clubs & pubs, some still do.  Possibly how I've ended up with it, though I never went frequently to clubs etc.

i hope it is not my fault yours is louder for bringing it the forefront of your mind. Apologies if it is.

I don't really understand what sonicaid sound is.

I kind of though if we got it from clubbing years ago, well discos they were called in my day, we would have got it then maybe, not 25 or 30 years later. It certainly seems complicated.

Sonicaid is when your pregnant they put the probe on your tummy to listen to baby's heartbeat

Go figure, laying in bed in silence and I had drumming and high pitch, can't work out which is coming from which ear though !

Annie xx


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2015, 08:29:43 AM »

Thank you for the explanation. I think that might be called pulsative tinnitus, kind of like your heartbeat. I used to get it as a younger woman when I put my head on the pillow at night, maybe I was predisposed to get this :-(

Sorry you were hearing all that to disturb your peace. This really is a most debilitating condition when present 24/7.

Hope you have a more peaceful day. I used a white noise app last night so at least I've had some sleep, which makes things a little more manageable. Then I read scary things on the Internet that it could make the T worse. I did play it quietly though. I desperately needed the sleep.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 08:32:55 AM by Nemesis »


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2015, 10:01:33 AM »

I have not had a hearing test but I know I'm slightly deaf in the affected ear.

Does anyone else find it gets worse when they are anxious.

Mine definitely cranks up when I am uptight.



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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2015, 10:20:11 AM »

Yes I do.

I think I need to get something from the GP for Anxiety, just to make me feel I have a little bit more control over it, even though that feeling of control might be psychosomatic.

I did mention it at my last appointment but GP mentioned AD's whereas I feel I need something for anxiety. He said AD's were used for both, that confused me as I thought Anxiety and Depression were different. I said I would thin about it, but was confused. He gave me a few Valium but I know I can't have a proper prescription for them. I was wondering about Betablockers but I don't really know what they are.


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2015, 10:37:03 AM »

Hi Nemesis, I think Citalopram is used for depression and anxiety.  I cannot use SSRIs and I use St John's Wort and it does help at a base level.  I have a box of 10 Valium but I am too scared to take them in case they work too well and then I have to do without them.  I have been on a low dose Propranolol (that's a beta blocker) since January and it certainly takes the edge of the surges but occasionally my heart rate beats too low and it makes me feel all funny and light headed. Beta blockers reduce the air flow to the lungs and the blood flow to the heart so lowering the blood pressure but you can't have them if you suffer with asthma.  There is no perfect solution so you just need to do what works for you and it can be trial and error to find it.  Hope that helps.  Good luck.


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2015, 10:46:41 AM »

Thank you babyjane. I think I will have to talk with the poor man again. I do need something as the Tinnitus is making me have anxiety surges, but lots of meds are contraindicated with it. I'm worried about Propronal as a young woman I had low blood pressure, which is not considered an issue in the UK, but as I've got older it has come into normal range. I guess I would have to talk all this through with him. I need some help to cope.


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Re: 24/7 Tinnitus, Menopause or age ?
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2015, 10:48:50 AM »

Nemesis if you want to send me a message I can tell you the groups I am on. They are closed groups so friends won't see what you write. On the groups we do tend to discuss our own T problem.
I think listening to white noise is ok all night as long as it's not directly into the ear. Better a sound pillow or play the app by your bed.
I use a rain sound on really bad nights which I set with a timer and it distracts me enough to sleep.
I have had to learn how to carefully and consciously relax in bed which is annoying as I can no longer just fall into bed any more.
Mixing Tinnitus with meno is the cruelest torture I can think of.
The new treatments coming through hopefully by 2020 are based on epilepsy meds. They now know tinnitus affects about 5 areas of the brain not just the hearing centre. This is why it is so distressing.
If your doc prescribes any meds for you ask if they are ototoxic as some meds actually cause tinnitus.
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