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Author Topic: GP made a very telling observation!!!  (Read 28718 times)


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #75 on: June 23, 2015, 06:53:43 PM »

Initially, it made hair loss worse, if anything (probably the same). However, after four months, there's a definite improvement. My mood is also steadier than on HRT as I feel the Qlaira is more controlling and I have fewer random fluctuations  (and even more so if you take a synthetic estrogen BCP). I am less tired (but still get random bouts of fatigue) and my  headaches have improved. Not sure if a stronger patch would have had the same effect - who knows - but I have to admit, taking a single daily pill is less hassle than my previous regime.  ::)

Sorry to come across stupid
Do you mean hair loss was worse initially then improved ?
Did you mean synthetic bcp is better ?

I'm going to investigate further

Thank you xx

Annie XX


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #76 on: June 23, 2015, 07:16:42 PM »

Initially, it made hair loss worse, if anything (probably the same). However, after four months, there's a definite improvement. My mood is also steadier than on HRT as I feel the Qlaira is more controlling and I have fewer random fluctuations  (and even more so if you take a synthetic estrogen BCP). I am less tired (but still get random bouts of fatigue) and my  headaches have improved. Not sure if a stronger patch would have had the same effect - who knows - but I have to admit, taking a single daily pill is less hassle than my previous regime.  ::)

Sorry to come across stupid
Do you mean hair loss was worse initially then improved ?
Did you mean synthetic bcp is better ?

I'm going to investigate further

Thank you xx

Annie XX
Sorry - I wasn't very clear!
I had hair loss previously, before any HRT and when taking Evorel/Utrogestan. It was always worse when the progesterone phase stopped, and better when well into the estrogen only phase. When I first took Qlaira, it seemed to be all the time, rather than cyclical, so I panicked. However, four months in, and for the first time in years, I am not spending ages de-fuzzing my shoulders and the sink!

What I meant about synthetic oestrogen was that it is more potent than the oestrogen in Qlaira, so is therefore more likely to control your own hormones. Qlaira is a low and 'weaker' form of oestrogen than other BCPs, though still stronger than most HRTs. I liked the fact it's bio identical, but some people find it's not strong enough.

Hope this is a bit clearer ! x



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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #77 on: June 23, 2015, 09:36:48 PM »

Yes that's a great explanation Briony, thank you

I'm almost 49 and I keep reading 50 is the limit to take bcp because of risks, even if I could get a year of feeling okay (even better, well) I'd go for it

With hair loss I read bcp chosen should be low androgen which I think Qlaira is

Annie xx


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #78 on: June 23, 2015, 09:54:22 PM »

Yes that's a great explanation Briony, thank you

I'm almost 49 and I keep reading 50 is the limit to take bcp because of risks, even if I could get a year of feeling okay (even better, well) I'd go for it

With hair loss I read bcp chosen should be low androgen which I think Qlaira is

Annie xx

Yes, it is low androgen. I remember checking for the same reason. I was convinced I was about to turn bald! The only thing I would say is that most of the Qlaiira pills are only 20 mg (2 are 30 and 2 are nil) so you'd be on a very similar amount of estrogen as you are currently. Would you want more? If you do go for Qlaira, be prepared to battle. It's expensive! Xx


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #79 on: June 23, 2015, 11:19:46 PM »

I really don't know which way to turn here

Way back younger, I always had to take trinordial for bc as ovran etc was way too strong for me, trinordial had different strengths each week which suited me better

My oestradiol level is always high (blood tests) in the 700s but I can't help feeling that trying to change would help with symptoms, had to remove the patch after 2 days because of migraine

Annie xx


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #80 on: June 24, 2015, 05:21:17 PM »

That is high - mine was 41! Trouble is, it's only a snap shot, isn't it, unless you have them done over a longer term.

Qlaira has really helped with my migraines (touch wood) and the doctor said its four different stages were designed to avoid the BCP's usual sudden drop at the end of the month, thus avoiding the potential migraine. Perhaps it could be worth you investigating it?

That said, from what you say, maybe you need to look at the prog/est balance, rather than just the estrogen? Am no expert by any means, but if your estrogen is high and you're still experiencing symptoms, maybe it's the progesterone's that's 'out'?


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #81 on: June 25, 2015, 10:14:54 AM »

I've always thought that, I've had 3 blood tests over the last year and oestrogen is always high now prog has dwindled to almost zero.  But because I've had a hysterectomy I'm constantly told I can't have prog, but I was allowed to produce my own naturally all those years post hyster? No one can answer me that !

I requested a GP phone consultation yesterday to talk about it, they've just called me saying next earliest available date is mid July ! I thought I'd leave a face to face as I feel they're just writing me off now

I've tried pro gest cream but I just don't think it's strong enough to have an effect

Annie xx


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #82 on: June 25, 2015, 11:16:09 AM »

Hi Annie

there is no reason why you could not ask for a combined sequi or conti option.

Its you choice if you want to give yourself some prog :)




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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #83 on: June 25, 2015, 12:49:02 PM »

Hi Annie

there is no reason why you could not ask for a combined sequi or conti option.

Its you choice if you want to give yourself some prog :)


Thanks peegeetip
Funnily enough I've just found my box of combined that a young GP prescribed in error (evorel combi) so I've cut one in half and stuck that on, will see how I feel, I was scared to do the whole patch as when they gave me the oestrogen patch equivalent to my pill I had terrible migraine so will see how I tolerate this one

Annie xx


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #84 on: June 25, 2015, 03:58:06 PM »

Just remember that it can take weeks to notice any benefits from a patch Annie. Well, it did with me anyway. Hope it works for you.


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #85 on: June 25, 2015, 05:15:14 PM »

Just remember that it can take weeks to notice any benefits from a patch Annie. Well, it did with me anyway. Hope it works for you.

Thanks GRL
I've had terrible headaches the last few days on my usual regime so unless there's no drastic worse symptoms, I'll see this out

Annie xx


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #86 on: June 25, 2015, 09:11:27 PM »

I'm 5 weeks into this patch, cut into just over a quarter to start with (the HRT nurse said to build up slowly) I had a few rumbling tension headaches but not migraines, a few odd feelings, but feel it is getting better. I do feel more energised and positive, and sweats have eased. When I went to the loo earlier to day I noticed patch was missing. I must have looked very strange, rubbing my hand over my butt cheeks thinking where is it! Goodness knows how when it came off, and they've always stuck so well.
What exactly is Qiaira by the way?


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #87 on: June 25, 2015, 10:02:52 PM »

Qlaira is a low dose contraceptive pill. Unlike the others, it has bio identical estrogen - so more like HRT - and it also has only two non pill days, so less likelihood for the side effects of a dip. I switched to it because HRT wasn't over-riding my own hormones enough and I needed something more controlling.

Suzi Q

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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #88 on: June 26, 2015, 07:15:05 AM »

Interesting thread!

Your GP is quite wrong though GypsyRoseLee... she doesn't understand natural selection nor genetics!

The distinction should be made between life expectancy and life-span. There is a stuff written about this which you can google! CLKD is right. I wouldn't use the word "designed" as that implies a higher power at work (!) but as BrightLight said it's all about evolution and natural selection.

Our life-span is the average age a woman can live to - without other intervening factors like disease etc. As far as I remember from what I read a while back, our potential life-span has not changed much (if at all) over the same time period that our life expectancy has changed a great deal. The GP is is right about survival and death (life-expectancy). However it doesn't alter the fact that women have evolved (genetically) to have a period of time in post-menopause. The grandmother hypothesis is one explanation for why this is so.

We are absolutely not genetically engineered to die at 40 (life-span)! That is absolute rubbish! What she is meaning which is true that because our life-expectancy has inreased dramatically due to modern medicine we do now on average live to our allotted life-span which (itself may be increasing) - which means yes maybe a third of our life or more in menopause.

It is most definitely a natural process - but that doesn't mean we should suffer because of it! The main problem with any changes that happen after reproductive age is that natural selection cannnot operate (by which I mean that any genes which confer some sort of advantage due not prefentially survive to the next generation). One thing is certain that we are not genetically programmed to die as soon as we have finished reproducing. As well as the grandmother hypothesis you could argue that because of the dependence of human infants on their mothers for survival, more children will survivie to the next generation (and pass on their genes) if their mothers stay alive long enough to be able to rear them to maturity and independence. Using that argument I would expect in the very long (evolutionary) term (thousands of years?) that there should be less of a difference between menopause and death - say 15 or 16 years or up to 18. The fact that there is a disparity is because medicine etc is artificially increasing our life expectancy so that natural selection maybe will not operate in quite the same way. Anyway, of course, the evolution of menopause and reproduction and lifespan does not operate in isolation so other factors affecting our survival, and other aspects of ageing etc come into play.

Oh that was a bit of a ramble...

The main point aside from all that (that GypsyRosLee's GP was making) - our bodies do suffer and deteriorate from lack of oestrogen and I agree that it is bizarre to expect us to live 30-40 years without it ( due to our increased life-expectancy). As for hypothyroidism - many people who are given thyroxine will not have the condition anywehere near severe enough to die from it -  under general NHS principles it is given when TSH falls outside the "normal" range (I'm not talking here about people who have no thryoid hormone production at all just as some people have no insulin). However it does improve quality of life enormously for those who take it, in the same way that oestrogen does.  :)

Hurdity x

My family on my Dads side were very well to do. Grt Grt Grandad owned and ran the Harrison Shipping
It only sold to PO in the 2000s he ran through 4 wives who all died in childbirth he had about 15 kids
Thats how we arent rich now heheheheh. Women of all classes died young in childbirth
If you look at old Census you can see 2nd wife 3 rd wife etc so theres more than a grain of truth
In probably up to 50% of women never reaching meno and of the rest it was luck how old they lived
If a man had to suffer his bits shrinking shriveling vanishing in to his groin area it wouldnt be accepted
Years ago theyd have found a CURE not a help but we women even today with all the freedoms etc
Over 50s unless we are someone important have to just put up. Ive been on Vagifem now for 5 yrs
Its slowly failing me and whats left? Sod all knowone would give me HRT at 62 after never taking it
Theres no mad dash to find a CURE for Atrophy falling down prolapses etc they give u a ring to shove up
Imagine a man having to instert a ring inside his uretha to enable him to get an erection PIGS BUM
Then we had the male pill as far back as the 90s perfect except no drink so it wasnt releasd
Women are till dying from the BC pill yet they still hand them out no problems we are expendable now Just as we were 100 yrs ago and Im not a feminist just a realist


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Re: GP made a very telling observation!!!
« Reply #89 on: June 26, 2015, 07:34:51 PM »

>wave< SuziQ
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