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Author Topic: Insomnia  (Read 9947 times)


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« on: June 09, 2015, 12:07:23 PM »

I've never been a  good sleeper always waking alot in night and prone to panic if i don't fall asleep quickly.  It was bad during peri meno but past year or so have been good untila bout 6 weeks ago when I went to bed early and not tired, big mistake, when I didn't fall asleep in an hour panic set in and I spent all night awake :o  AFter 2 nights I saw Gp who agreed I could have 14 sleeping pills in the hope the fact I had them would calm me down and it did.

Last night was wide awake at bedtime but went to bed and sure enough was still twiddling my thumbs at 2am so I took a sleeping pill which got me to sleep but I woke up as normal at 6am feeling like death warmed up - I still feel grim in fact worse than not having any sleep at all.

I know what i am like, I now spend all today worrying about not sleeping again or stupidly thinking what if I never sleep again ::) etc which of course just makes me so panic stricken I won't sleep!

Do others suffer from totally sleepless nights?


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2015, 12:57:58 PM »

Yes I used to ! I swear I went a whole year without any ( well it felt like it ) probably managed a couple of hours per night
Tried all sorts valerian,nytol etc no good for me,eventually got Dr to perscribe zopiclone which were great but they don't perscribe them long term ,I really don't think they understand how debilitating insomnia is ! Now I'm taking mirtazapine which has stopped all anxiety,palps,etc and it is sedative as well and they will perscribe on repeat basis.
Do feel for you.



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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2015, 12:58:24 PM »

Yep.  If you do a search you will see it's a real problem. 

I spent years worrying about not sleeping then woke again 1 night and thought 'well I haven't died yet from lack of sleep and I get through my job OK' and went straight back to sleep.  A kind of 'so what' attitude  ::)

I still get nights when I don't sleep through but accept that there aren't as many.  This too will pass!


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2015, 07:05:33 PM »

Stress plays a big part too :P


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2015, 07:20:05 PM »

I wake up several times a night. Don't have any trouble going to sleep, its staying asleep.  My GP gave me some sleeping pills to try but they didn't work for me and I felt like a zombie throughout the following day. There seems to be quite a few of us who have the same problem.


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2015, 09:15:23 AM »

My insomnia was debilitating but progesterone has brought it under control (first of all natural progesterone cream, then I was prescribed Utrogestan 100mg).  I tried Valerian but it just knocked me out the next day, I was prescribed sleeping pills by my GP but binned the prescription.

Although a complete cynic when it was first suggested by a friend, I've actually found "sleep hygiene" has worked very well for me too:
- Gadgets off at least an hour before bed time and not allowed in the bedroom. Going to sleep with a book (or a sexy man  ;) ) works so much better
- Not eating after 7-8pm   We went for a meal out last night and it was late and boy did I suffer for it.  I try not to drink too much after 8pm either as it gets me up during the night
- A dark room. This was the hardest for me as I like to sleep with my curtains open (I overlook fields). It's worked though.
- Lavender oil on my pillow
- A notepad by my bed so if I do wake with something important, I'm not tempted to get my phone or pc, but simply jot it down to deal with the next day.

Have you looked at melatonin at all? It helps regulate the sleep and is a kinder solution than sleeping pills.

GG x


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2015, 01:13:55 PM »

Thanks everyone. I slept perfectly normally last night!  I always wake alot in night because of pain etc so thats normal for me.  I didn't go to bed last night until I was properly tired.

I have tried all sorts over the years. I can't take mitrazipine as I get bad side effects and the sedation part wore off after 2 days anyway. I have tried melatonin tablets and had no effect even at higher dose.  I also tried drinking sour cherry juice as its natural melatonin. I have been using natural progesterone cream for past 5 years maybe I would be alot worse without it!

CKLD I laughed at your description of suddenly realising that you had not died from lack of sleep, in my more irrational moments in middle of night this is what I also fear  ::)

I tend to find that I can sleep normally for me for 6-7 months or even a year then I will suddenly go through a bad spell.

One interesting thing is the last time I had bad times with it was 20 odd years ago when I was dieting and lost 5 stones in weight and strangely since last NOv I have lost stone and half ( much slower now!) so maybe the losing weight effect on your body can affect your sleep???


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2015, 03:37:55 PM »

Don't know about the weight loss link but when I had problems sleeping in my thirties, I took a homeopathic liquid supplement for insomnia made by Weleda - it had coffee in it (on the homeopathic principles of taking something that is opposite to insomnia!).  It worked really well but I did find it used to make me a bit groggy the next day - worth considering maybe?

I think exercise also helps - while I still struggle to get off to sleep - when I've exercised I always go to bed with a physically relaxed body which helps.  I also lie in bed and do relaxation CDs when I can't sleep which helps pass the time if nothing else!


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2015, 04:28:50 PM »

ooh never heard of the homeopathic remedy so will look into that one. Thanks


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2015, 04:35:54 PM »

Greenfields I have just checked weleda website and there are 5 insomnia remedies as follows  arsen alb/coffea/nux vom/lycopodium/aconite
Can you remember which one you took?  Guessing coffea?


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2015, 07:20:35 PM »

I think it was this one:

-it was a liquid tincture and i think thats the only liquid tincture that they sell for help with sleep? (double check that with them).

I put a couple of drops in some water I seem to recall - it tasted disgusting but it did work - but it made groggy in the mornings the following day. It also has valerian in it - and valerian (when I've drunk it as a tea) has given me very vivid dreams in the past so I avoid it now. That said, I don't recall having vivid dreams with it.

The tea I used to drink to help me sleep which gave me vivid dreams was a Dr Stuart one - it was very powerful. Note I didn't drink the tea and use the weleda tincture at the same time - pick one!


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2015, 09:13:15 PM »

Huge thanks for the link.  I will give it a try


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2015, 09:57:30 PM »

Odd that - when I saw a homeopath he told me no coffee and nothing minty  ::)
We used to give nux vom to kids when they had swallowed something that they ought not to have done - then stood well back!

I'm in bed now.  DH is trying to sleep ……...


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2015, 08:27:51 AM »

Just to say I found this article on insomnia which I found helpful:

At the moment - over the last 4 or 5 days - I've been waking at 4 or 5am and having trouble getting back to sleep and then being really tired on getting up at 7.30 or 8 or sometimes 9!

Think I'm going to try and go to bed a little later than I normally do and see whether that does the trick.


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Re: Insomnia
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2015, 09:06:15 AM »

CKLD I laughed at your description of suddenly realising that you had not died from lack of sleep, in my more irrational moments in middle of night this is what I also fear  ::)

Please don't underestimate the need for sleep - it's the time our bodies recharge and insomnia can have debilitating effects, both in mind and body. How much better do we feel after a good night's sleep? 

If you're not getting sleep at night, try and have a little nap during the day to catch up, but watch out it doesn't prevent the night sleeping but rather add to it.

GG x
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