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Author Topic: Cheerio  (Read 5173 times)


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« on: June 05, 2015, 11:18:51 AM »

Just to let you know I've decided to withdraw from this forum (not that I've posted much recently anyway).

I came to this forum seeking tips about coping with menopausal symptoms without HRT.  Thank you to those of you who have posted helpful, supportive, well-informed comments about this subject.

The majority of threads on this forum are about HRT which is not relevant to me and I would not venture to comment on any of those threads without any knowledge or experience.  I am becoming increasingly aware that there is also much content on here which relates to anxiety.

The forum is generally becoming less relevant to me personally and as I will now explain I'm not sure I have much to contribute either.

As some of you may know, I do comment on threads which relate to breast cancer, clinics and screening.  Subjects on which I am well-positioned to comment.   

I am very much a WYSIWYG type of person.  I say it how it is and can be quite blunt – I am aware that I am sometimes too blunt for some people.  As I said, I see a lot of discussion on here about anxiety and I know very little about how to deal with people with anxiety.  Therefore, I have also decided to withdraw lest my bluntness is counter-productive or unhelpful.


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2015, 11:23:47 AM »

AW, sorry you feel this way tiger. Guess the written word can appear harsh to some. I can't comment on some posts as I know nothing about the subject. I don't need it as much these days, but like to give some support where I can.

Take care.  :hug:


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2015, 11:40:10 AM »

Sorry you are leaving.
Personally I find your straightforward way of posting quite refreshing and the information and advice you have given is relevant and to the point.

I did try to get a dedicated thread on alternatives but was unsuccessful. Sometimes those who are looking for support of an alternative nature get bombarded with "you should take HRT " which is off putting and unhelpful.

I hope you reconsider and stay with us.

If not then I wish you all the best and also continued good health.



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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2015, 11:45:45 AM »

Sorry to see you go - can't you hang around and only contribute to the threads you feel able to contribute to? Even those on HRT may be interested in ideas to help control some symptoms.  At 40, I don't have the option of not topping up my hormones, but I am always looking out for ways to ease some of the symptoms.  Things such as Epsom Salts and Omega 7 have really helped, and I wouldn't have known about these things without the MM members telling me.


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2015, 12:09:11 PM »

well I don't take HRT and appreciate that there are a lot of anxiety based threads, mine being some of them.  However, anxiety is exacerbated in Peri, so this is understandable.  I love the direct responses and quite happy for someone to tell me to get a grip.  You have left comments on some of my posts and I really appreciated them!!


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2015, 12:17:14 PM »

One of the advantages of a forum like this is the possibility of a wide range of views and opinions for those of us in a quandry to consider when we're in a muddle about things. We can talk about things that we wouldn't discuss over coffee break in the staff room or in a cafe with friends. Also, we all have different experiences and consequently different topics that we can, hopefully, advise others on. Yes, some people aren't so good at reading between the lines and see straight-to-the-point writing as too blunt instead of looking at what's actually being said, and yes, some people are just too blunt, but that's just life! I don't think this forum is too narrow but HRT and anxiety are huge issues for so many struggling women that they are bound to feature frequently. But there's loads of other info and help here too - you only need to ask or jump in and start a new thread on what interests you, you won't be the only one. All views are valuable and have the potential to help someone else.


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2015, 12:24:08 PM »

Definitely agree with all above , tiger your views on breast cancer must be really helpful to some, forums "are what they are " and I think if people take them too personally then perhaps they need to step back a little - we arent teenage girls anymore !  Whatever your final decision thank you for previous comments,  :D


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2015, 12:51:12 PM »

Sorry to see you go Tiger, your views and comments have been helpful to a lot of people I'm sure.  I don't post often either, only on topics I have experience on but sometimes its just nice to join in with the banter going on.  Good luck to you for the future and if you ever decide to come back you'll be welcomed with open arms.  :foryou:

Suzi Q

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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2015, 12:55:12 PM »

Sorry to read your going everyone has a story and everyone at times lets off steam
Im quite heated at times when I say to see GP and DEMAND wonder Ive not been told off hehehehe
I have no knowledge of HRT in anyway shape or form so never comment except sometimes to say
Hope your feeling better soon. AND you know that helps most ladies just to know someones there.
It certainly helps me and this forum is so much more than pre and meno and post meno
Its Cancer its depression its family life and situations its seperation its things Like Vaginal Atrophy
Its my speciallity@depression. Some people just want a wave an aknowlegment they are being seen. Meno and post meno and age cos not everything we suffer from is meno related many forget that.
They put everything down to meno and sometimes its not. Dont think you arent needed just cos
You r blunt so what! Or not taken HRT many on here dont and like me couldnt and some wont.
Only advice  Id ever give is there is NOTHING on GODS earth natural to take away meno symptoms
If there was theyd be richer than Bill Gates and when u come off HRT the symptoms return till it goes.
Sorry u feel youve nothing to contribute im quite sure your wrong but you must do whats right for u :-*


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2015, 07:24:22 PM »

Hi tiger74

Sorry to read you have decided to withdraw from the forum because you feel your comments might be counter-productive or unhelpful. I am sure no-one thinks that at all!

I have been interested to read your comments about breast cancer and these are incredibly helpful to those who are worried about this disease and to those who are being investigated or having to have treatment. It's also really important that those who cannot take HRT have access to other bona-fide treatments for menopause and more work is definitely needed in this regard - so that there is evidence based information on which treatments other than HRT work and are safe, especially as more and more women survive breast cancer and live with menopausal symptoms for many years.

I agree with Freda - I don't see this forum as narrow - there is a huge variety of topics being dicussed yes from HRT to anxiety, but also from birds, to music, new shoes, and children leaving home, politics, piles, spots, hairy chins and everything in between!  :)

Everyone who posts should have their views respected - and I think they generally are - of course that isn't to say everyone will agree with everything, but most women post their disagreements with posts and views politely (which of course are not personal), for the very reason that we are all menopausal and therefore liable to take offence or get upset easily!

Women post on here or not as  they feel and generally quietly withdraw if they don't feel it's relevant to them any more - no harm done. It's only when members go black that we sometimes worry - why has that member resigned and are they OK - and there is no way of getting in touch.

Well, I expect you will post if you have time or inclination - but I can understand if you won't be doing so - it is very time consuming, and once you stop for a few days there is so much to catch up with!

Hurdity x


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2015, 10:20:54 PM »

Hi Tiger74

Just a short message to say  Ive enjoyed your posts etc and good luck for the future.

Linsey x



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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2015, 08:46:58 AM »

Tiger 74, just wanted to say I've always appreciated your posts - I like your honesty, as sometimes, it's what we need (some of the most  direct members on here have been the ones who've had the most positive influence on my health, as they've given me the kick up the proverbial I needed!). I think there's lots you can contribute, especially with regard to cancer treatments, so it's a shame you're leaving - though I do respect your decision to do so.
As the partner of someone in the same profession as yours, I have always felt a certain affinity with you . Good luck xx


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2015, 09:54:06 AM »

Did you stay?  Your comments are valued.  Not always menopausal related but you have experiences that are important to share!

Forums have ups and downs  :-\ …… the written word is static ………


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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2015, 11:18:11 AM »

Tiger - You said

"I am very much a WYSIWYG type of person.  I say it how it is and can be quite blunt – I am aware that I am sometimes too blunt for some people.  As I said, I see a lot of discussion on here about anxiety and I know very little about how to deal with people with anxiety.  Therefore, I have also decided to withdraw lest my bluntness is counter-productive or unhelpful"

I've never thought you have been blunt or unhelpful.
There any many different types of topics on here, nobody can, or would want to, contribute to all of them.

Hope all is going well.



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Re: Cheerio
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2015, 12:00:31 PM »

what you see is what you get  :-\ - I'm the same but it doesn't 'come over' on paper  ::)
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