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Author Topic: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?  (Read 14511 times)


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Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:54:14 PM »

Didn't have much early morning nausea or anxiety today - yay!

Instead I seem to be developing a skin rash on my neck!

Am planning on going to the Dr's tomorrow just to get it checked - it's listed as a side effect on the Evorel 50 leaflet - it's red, itchy and seems to be getting more noticeable - it's at the base of one side of my neck.  Initially I just thought it was excema or something - not that I've ever had that. But now am suspecting the HRT.

Has anyone else encountered this kind of issue?  Does it clear up?  Not sure what to put on it - am thinking of some cold E45 cream from the fridge.

BTW just to say I don't stick my Evorel patch on my neck ;D


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2015, 06:02:15 PM »

 ;D nor have you lost your sense of humour  ;)

You could have rung a Pharmacist?


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2015, 07:29:06 PM »

Too late - by the time I twigged that it might be an HRT side effect I was in the middle of cooking my tea.

Am going to pop to the docs tomorrow - I don't mind the itchy patch being there so long as it doesn't get bigger!


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2015, 08:36:57 PM »

Oh let us know!


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2015, 05:16:35 PM »

So it's um spreading a bit this rash!

Saw a lovely Dr - he has suggested I take an antihistamine - so I got one and am going to take it tonight as it makes one drowsy.

He told me to call 111 if it gets worse and I get symptoms like swollen tongue etc.

But I'm hoping this will do the trick.

Am so so grateful for the Dr's practice I'm with - I really wish I had been registered with them in March - the level of care they offer is just so kind - I feel very blessed.


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2015, 10:02:17 PM »

Just taken an antihistamine before I go to bed but I've noticed the rash seems to be spreading ... which is a little worrying.  I've also slapped some cold E45 cream on it. Has anyone experienced hives type rashes with HRT? I really don't want to come off my current meds as they make me feel so much better despite all the side effects I keep getting.


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2015, 05:34:32 PM »

Have taken 3 antihistamine tablets since yesterday including one this morning which left me so drowsy I basically slept most of the morning away. Still feel sedated too and tired and out of sorts.
Rash still around too and itchy as well ... trying not to worry but I really can't face having to come off this HRT medication and try yet another one - I so just want to get well and be able to get on with my life.
Excuse the rant - it's not like me - but I'm really struggling with this at the moment.


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2015, 08:50:59 PM »

Do you think it's a bite? I've never heard of anyone getting this type of reaction to HRT!!!!!
Have you had contact with any new products e.g. cleaning products, cosmetics etc.??? It's not uncommon to get a reaction to an insect bite - midges, mozzies, spiders, bed bugs etc. and at this time of year are all coming out to play!!!!! I've just come in from the garden having done a bit of weeding and I've got two bites on my neck that are very itchy!
What does the rash look like? Is it dry and itchy or just red and slightly raised?  Has it changed in the last 24 hours?
We are very quick to blame HRT for things when there are often other factors at work.
DG x


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2015, 09:09:31 PM »

If it's dry and itchy it could be just a coincidence.

You can buy a very mild cortisone over the counter. That could help a lot used short term.



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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2015, 12:10:32 PM »

Not a bite as far as I'm aware.  The day before it occurred, I took delivery of a gifted chair which is in very good condition but is fabric upholstered - I'm wondering now whether there was something on it that irritated my skin as I carried it into my flat.  I've vacuumed it since to make sure any dust/bits are lifted from it. 

It came from a really nice lady who helped me take it in - but she brought it in her car - and she has a couple of dogs - so I don't know whether some dog hairs or something came into contact with my neck.  The dogs weren't ever allowed to be near the chair - so it's in very good condition.  I'm not normally this sensitive. The odd thing is that it's just my neck - the side of it - and I've sat and used the chair quite a bit so if it was the chair, I would have thought I would have had skin reaction in other parts of my body (like my arms and hands) too.

The rash is a big oblong red shape on my neck and there are small red areas spreading off from it - it's less itchy today which is good. I've taken 4 antihistamine tablets over the last couple of days which I think have helped -- but they zonk me out so I'm not fit for much :(

A rash is listed as a side effect of HRT on the leaflet - but the Dr I saw said that almost every medication he knows has a rash listed as a possible side effect!

I've not taken an antihistamine today so far as I want to drive to the sports centre this afternoon and do some exercise.  Am due to see the Dr about my HRT on Wednesday so I'll see how things go.

I guess the whole thing has just made me feel a bit down - I've been ill for what seems so long now (since March) and was feeling like I had turned a corner a bit recently even with all the early morning nausea and anxiety I'd had of late - so for that to go and then to be hit by a hive type rash was like the last straw for me yesterday - it's hard staying hopeful and optimistic when you're on your own.


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2015, 12:20:15 PM »

It certainly is difficult when alone, no one to say 'have a look at this and should I ring the GP?' is there  ::).  Anti-histamines make me drowsy too.  Is there a Pharmacist close by that you could speak with tomorrow rather than letting it be a worry.  If the preparation suits, is there another method of delivering it to the body? a Pharmacist could advise on that too. 

If it's on your neck it is unlikely to be related to the chair and dog hairs won't cause problems if they are off the animal - it's the dander that people seem to be allergic too.  Are you sweaty on the neck in the night which might cause irritation?  Has the area spread any more or is it kind of localised?  Sometimes baby talc can ease irritation  ;) …….. difficult to apply to the neck though  :D ?

If it ain't one thing it's another  >:( bugga ………


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2015, 05:45:54 PM »

Yes if it ain't one thing ....!

I dragged myself off to the gym this afternoon because I decided I couldn't sleep the day away!  I feel a bit better now.  It's mostly on my neck and seems to have spread off to one side of it.  That said, it's not been very itchy today which is great - I haven't bothered to take another antihistamine and I may not take one tonight unless I have to.  Antihistamines seem to make me drowsy for such a long period of time - it means I sleep more heavily but it's not nice waking up in the morning.

I think unless it spreads more or starts to get really itchy again I'm going to wait till I see the doc on Wednesday - fingers crossed that if it's less itchy now, it might be going.  I looked up on the NHS website about hives and they did say that stress can be a cause too!  And that a lot of times people don't know what's caused them.  The only new thing in my life is this nice chair and I don't know whether it had some pet dander on it which I came into contact with when I was lifting into my flat. But I have vacuumed it since so hopefully that will have removed anything that might have been a potential irritant.


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2015, 05:50:26 PM »

I used to have 'heat bumps' ……… which itched, Dad called them sugar spots as they seemed to be in the hotter months.  All round the places where my clothing touched, i.e. bra strap, knicker elastic, skirt …….. I showed them to the Consultants of the various Specialities I worked with and none knew what heat bumps were  ::)

No anti-histamine creams in those days.


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2015, 01:07:38 PM »

Well I took another antihistamine last night which means I was still a bit zonked out this morning. But the skin doesn't seem as red and raised as it once was so I might not take anything tonight and just see whether it stays the same or flares up again. If it does the latter, I'll ask the Dr whether i need to use a cortisone cream on Wednesday.

I really hate how antihistamines leave me feeling - so dopey.


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Re: Itchy skin rash and HRT ?
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2015, 01:08:33 PM »

It does.  I often use them to get a good night's sleep  ;)

There is anti-histamine cream too.  I carry it when walking in case ……..