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Author Topic: Update ladies and now new problems!  (Read 12805 times)


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Update ladies and now new problems!
« on: June 02, 2015, 07:47:34 PM »

Well, I finally got the result of the smear and all is normal!!!  As a treat for my birthday and this good news hubby took me to Spain for the weekend... should have been great and then on Sunday I go to the toilet and blood everywhere... thought it was my periods, but no it's coming from my bum (tmi).  So, it totally spoilt everything, as all I have done is worry.  Now, the poor guy had to check for me where it was coming from and he said my piles inside had burst... and although I have suffered with piles since having the kids I have never bled like this.  I had it Monday exactly the same and today I got an emergency appt at Docs and she said it is internal piles.  However, I don't believe it.  I can't go the toilet for a No2 without all this blood, it's freaking me out.  On top of that I have had heartburn since yesterday and it's like fire when anything goes down.  I think I'm dying and everything is related.  I can't take anyones word for it.  I need to go the loo now but I won't as I don't want to see that blood again.  Has anyone had piles that have bled like a blood bath and if so when will it stop.  It's only like that if I use the loo, not coming out any other time.  Again, sorry for treating this place like a therapy couch, but my family are sick of me!!


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2015, 08:49:13 PM »

You poor thing that sounds awful. I know piles can be troublesome. Don't worry about treating the forum like a therapy couch. That is what it is for.

Best wishes and hugs


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2015, 08:58:11 PM »

Mandy I've had piles in the past but they've been external but still very uncomfortable.  Did the Dr give you anything to help?

I've taken anusol suppositories in the past which have helped - you can get them from any pharmacy.

I wouldn't hold back from going to the toilet because if you do, more fluid is likely to be absorbed from the fecal matter you are trying to pass - so then it will be dryer and harder to pass and I would think more painful to pass.

When I had issues with piles the doctor prescribed me Fibrogel - and it made my poo large and soft to pass! (TMI!).  But it made the whole process less painful and it did clear up.

I'm not a medic but, the thing that comes to mind is to try to eat high fibre foods (prunes, milled flax on yogurt or porridge) and any fibre supplements the Dr has given you - drink lots of water so that there's plenty of fluid in your diet to keep fecal matter moist and try not to freak out when you see red blood in the loo.  Hopefully, if you follow whatever advice you were given by the Dr, things will settle down.

Also get yourself some really nice soft moist toilet paper wipes - so that it's not painful when you're wiping down there.

Remind yourself when you see blood that the doctor said it's piles.  As far as I'm aware, you cannot die from piles.  So just keep reminding yourself of that - sending hugs xxx


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2015, 09:13:51 PM »

Large amounts of blood are usually from burst piles, maybe think that you are basically bursting a vein and this might make it easier to realise how you get so much blood!  I assume the blood is bright red as well?

Constipation is the enemy of piles as the hard stools will make them bleed more so keep them as soft as you can as has been said.

If the bleeding continues day after day then do see your Dr as you can get veyr anaemic from it and this needs keeping an eye on and they can if necessary do something about it as well.

The heartburn could be from all your anxiety and stress - spoon the gaviscon liquid in and it should help settle it down.

I understand totally your panic and fear but remember its almost certainly internal piles.


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2015, 09:21:19 PM »

I have had this. Mine are mostly external though. Once on getting up from the loo mine burst and I had blood all over the floor and my clothes. I nearly died of shock. Took my self off to the GP who said it was piles. It's happened a few times to be honest but that was the very worse.

The worst thing you can do is not open your bowels. As the others have said, drink plenty and up your fibre if your constipated.
I have IBS, the D kind and that is just as bad for piles believe it or not.

Did the GP give you any treatement. If not then get some suppositories to sooth things.



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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2015, 09:33:46 PM »

Thanks girls!  The doc gave me suppositories.  On the Sunday I had really lose bowels and was on the toilet most of the day and then that night is when the bleeding started... so not constipated.  Can I ask the ladies who have had this, how long do I expect this bleeding to go on before it dries up?


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2015, 09:40:58 PM »

It all depends how quick you heal up. Keep using your suppositories and don't avoid going to the toilet when you need to.

At least you know what it is and although unpleasant it's pretty harmless. Also a little blood looks a lot when it's in water.



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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2015, 09:47:03 PM »

Oh you poor thing, how distressing to have this happen straight after the stress of the smear - glad that it was clear and there are lovely ladies here advising you on the current situation.  Hope things settle for you soon and you can have some respite x


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2015, 09:53:29 PM »

Honeybun my hubby said just go if you need to but don't look in the toilet, but I'm not sure if that is a good idea as I think I should be monitoring if it's getting better?  I've been using ointment internally yesterday and today the suppositories and doc said should be about a week, but my lord I would be anaemic if this went on for a week.  thanks Brightlight, I really do want a break from all the shocks!


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2015, 10:18:34 PM »

You poor thing :-(

My son age 20 was bleeding when going no2, GP gave him suppositories and told him if bleeding stops within one week then it's piles, if not it'd need more investigation. It cleared within that week

Good luck, I do hope you get it sorted

Annie xx


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2015, 10:18:51 PM »

Blood goes a long way  ::) especially if wind assisted.  Bright red blood is fresh, it's when it is darker or black that 1 needs to worry.  Use what your GP has prescribed.  Drink plenty and eat well.  He may suggest 24 hours to allow any veins to heal however, once the bowel is active again it may cause tiny tares (sp). tears  :-\

Such a shock!

All that worry and the smear is OK and now, on your weekend away,  :-X


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2015, 09:16:27 AM »

I was  given Sheriproct suppositories, not sure of their ingredients.  My No2 is normal colour but loose, so hopefully not coming from anywhere higher.  Problem is when I go the loo my bum always turns inside out, so I have always had very bad piles but they never bothered me, only after I had a child, but never alot of blood only a little when I wiped occasionally.  I have upped my veg intake and water but I'm sooo frightened to go the loo again.  I know if I see all that blood again I will automatically presume the worst as surely it should have stopped by now if it was just a burst pile, otherwise where is all the blood coming from?

ancient runner

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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2015, 09:28:10 AM »

Mandy, think how long a cut on your skin takes to heal - and then remember that this particular cut is in very thin skin, in a moist place, on a muscle which moves, and with damp moist stuff moving past it and pushing clots or scabs off it. I think it would take longer to heal than an injury you could see. I'd suggest not looking for say three days and then you will be pleasantly surprised.
One of babies had a little cut which opened every time he filled his nappy and there was bleeding - it was almost impossible to get rid of until a health visitor suggested vaseline on his bottom - which made everything slide out much easier - but it still took a while to heal up.


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2015, 09:32:04 AM »

thanks Ancient runner, I never thought of it like that... I will take your advice and from all the other lovely ladies.  I have always been a worrier, but at this particular time, I am worse than ever and just not coping. :'(


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Re: Update ladies and now new problems!
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2015, 09:46:37 AM »

Sounds so uncomfortable.  Can you do some form of mindfulness/meditation to reduce your anxiety?  Might help you to cope a bit better.  Sending hugs. Xx
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