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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Natural Remedies  (Read 4475 times)

Helen Lilley

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Natural Remedies
« on: May 30, 2015, 06:38:44 PM »

Hi Ladies.  Have been recommended Motherwort to help cope with hormonal imbalance etc.  Anyone have any experience or recommendations of things I could take?


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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2015, 06:45:38 PM »

There is an alternatives section at the top of the page.

Sage is supposed to be good for flushes.

I honestly think a good balanced diet helps a lot.

What kind of imbalance are you hoping to correct. There are so many changes at this time.

If you can give us a few more details.

Oh and
 :welcomemm:  nice to have you with us.



Helen Lilley

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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2015, 07:36:02 PM »

Hi honeybun.  Thanks for the reply.  Am finding that I'm anxious quite often & that I'm tired, although both those things could be related to the fact I have 3 kids aged 5 - 12.  I'm going into this a bit earlier than many of you, I expect.  I'm 42. 

Purple H


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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2015, 07:44:50 PM »

At that age you need to take yourself along to your GP and discuss HRT. There are little to no risks at your age and you need to protect your heart and bones to start with.
It's really quite important to be honest.

I was 48 when I started and had no hesitation is asking for help. Have a look at the top menus for early meno. There is also website called The Daisy Network for women going through early meno that you might find helpful.

You deserve to feel better at your age and to be honest alternatives won't do much.


Helen Lilley

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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2015, 07:46:37 PM »

Thank you



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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2015, 07:50:39 PM »

Have a browse, we have quite a few younger ladies.

Ask questions and someone will be along to help.

Of course taking HRT is a very personal choice and there are other things to try too.



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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2015, 07:58:44 PM »

Hi Purple H

When you say you are going into it - what exactly do you mean? Have you started missing periods so are thinking you are heading towards menopause? If so honeybun is right - you do need to make sure you keep your oestrogen levels up at least until the natural average age of menopause which is 51-52.

I'm not surprised you are tired either! I had 4 children approx that age when I was your age (aged 2 - 10) and definitely exhausting - but I was nowhere near menopause for at least another 10 years so at least didn't have that to contend with too!!

I know herbal remedies are tempting but there is an bewildering array of herbal remedies out there all claiming to do this or that for menopausal symptoms and hormone balance, but now is the time to make sure - when you have time - to look at your diet etc - making sure you have a good varied, balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and veg, and to make sure you put into place any lifestyle changes that will keep you healthy in the years to come. I expect you have plenty of exercise, but cutting down alcohol, smoking etc having a good diet - will all reap benefits. There is a section on this site here: Apologies if I'm preaching to the converted, but many of the herbal remedies don't have data on long term safety and effectiveness, so really I wouldn't waste your money!

The odd supplemetation eg with various Omega or fish oils wouldn't go amiss if you are missing these in your diet, and some favour Vit D supplementation in winter, but you shouldn't need it at this time of year if you are getting outside regularly without sunscreen. I also take a herbal iron tonic now and again. Important not to overdo supplements (ie if you take some then take much less than suggested!) but get most from your diet.

Hope this helps

Hurdity x


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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2015, 08:10:38 PM »

Oh this is interesting - I was just about to post a query about natural remedies!

(I've just come back from the pharmacist having accidentally collided with a parking bollard outside his practice - bollard is still standing but my car has paintwork damage and another dent in it :(  That's taken more off the car value when I sell it but I'm trying not to stress about it at the moment - it was an accident).

I went to the pharmacist to pick up some epsom salts as I've had muscle cramps twice this week and read online that an epsom salt bath would help with this. As well, I read that epsom salts which are magnesium are good for anxiety - and as I've had hormonal anxiety this week I thought I would give it a go (especially now I'm trying not to stress about my car paintwork too!).

However, since I got back, I peeled off the label on the container and it lists all the drug interactions that epsom salts can interact with - HRT isn't listed but it sort of worried me a bit - as to whether it was safe to use?  I take oral Utrogestan and wear an Evorel patch.

This also set me wondering about the interactions between herbal remedies, supplements and HRT.  For instance I've also read somewhere on this board that one of the B vitamins is good for anxiety but I've wondered whether such supplementation can interact with the HRT?

I'm really interested in any good natural remedies that one can take for hormonal anxiety?

I also wanted to know whether anyone can recommend a good quality multivitamin?  When I first got ill, I bought Vitabiotics Wellwoman Original (a multivitamin) but, having read around on supplements, I see a lot of the ingredients in it are listed as poorly absorbed versions in the books I've read.

I've paid really careful attention to my diet and have increased my exercise but I would still like to take a multivit to make sure I am getting everything that my body needs - particularly as I'm recovering from a nervous breakdown as well.  If anyone has got any suggestions as to a good quality multivit, I'd love to hear them.


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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2015, 08:29:25 PM »

Just to add - I rang the pharmacist and he said he's not aware of any interactions with epsom salts and hrt but just to be on the safe side I should cover the evorel patch when I'm in the bath with plastic or something!  I pointed out that the patch was stuck on my back side and he said well it was up to me but he was just suggesting that as a precaution!

I've decided to not bother with his suggestion and have just put 3 heaped table spoons of epsom salts in the bath - I don't know how much to use?  But am hoping that this little bit in a tub will be enough to have an effect without overdoing it?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 08:39:00 PM by Greenfields »


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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2015, 11:04:06 PM »

Hi Purple
Basing my comments on the assumption that you mainly want to address anxiety and tiredness. Motherwort is indeed good for both these things, it has a sedative action.  I am really familiar with a lot of complementary medicine theories and know a lot of qualified practitioners.  I think it is really important to seek a professional rather than thinking along the lines of collect several products to address various symptoms.  A qualified herbalist will create you a specific mix that addresses your symptoms and will also see you again to monitor progress. Herbs are very strong and the dosage and timing is important as is the combination you take them in. 

So for anything other than the herbs that are commonly available in high streets as prepared products, I would see a herbalist.  If it is a prepared product of Motherwort that you are thinking of, I would suggest you try it on it's own and follow the instructions and see how you go.  The tabs at the top of the page, as suggested further up, have details of herbal remedies that have been researched more thoroughly such as Black Cohosh and Agnus Castus - again, if you choose one of these from the high street, I would not mix it with other products.

The very best direction, if you are wanting to try herbal medicine is to see a practitioner.  A well known high street herbalist can advise on preparations of mixed herbs for perimenopause and motherwort is often used BUT the full picture needs to be considered in my opinion, so that they can mix a preparation that is balanced according to your particular symptoms.  So for instance, Motherwort is also a relaxant of the uterine muscles, so it can ease cramps but too much and it can cause heavy bleeding, other herbs will balance it etc so a combination is best. 

In short, herbal medicine, if used correctly can be useful, however it is as complicated (in my opinion) as HRT or other medicines and needs professional guidance.  Quite often the highstreet products won't be as effective for perimenopausal strong symptoms (my opinion) because the dosage isn't enough (due to the need for licensing without prescription).


Other approaches to anxiety might be mindfulness practise, I appreciate you must be short on time. There are some useful apps with short meditations or relaxations.  Increasing excercise might help too.  Back to the herbal idea, there are some relaxing/anti anxiety sleep blends available in high street shops, again, I'd only take one product at a time.  Products that include things like hops and valerian. 

Hope that helps x
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 11:08:24 PM by BrightLight »

Helen Lilley

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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2015, 09:09:25 AM »

Hurdity - in answer to your question, I'm really at the very early stages of this.  I've begun to notice changes in my cycle - it's getting shorter & the bleed itself is heavy for a couple of days & then almost nothing for up to  a week after that.  I've had blood tests done, which show my hormone levels are raised & my GP has said to see how I go for now, but to go back and see her if I need something else to help.  My Mum started going through the menopause at 39, so it's not entirely a surprise. 

H x


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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2015, 12:51:55 PM »

Greenfields, could you ask your GP about Epsom Salts interacting with your patch? I'm not on HRT at the moment (last GP was hopeless, am seeing new one this week so hoping will get somewhere as I'm only 40 so really need it!)  and having been trying to find things that will help with the symptoms while waiting.  Epsom salt baths have been my No 1 help dealing with aching joints & muscles, itching & dryness 'below', dry skin all over and also helping me sleep better, although I don't know if that is just due to easing of other symptoms.  I use a smallish teacupful per bath, though I started off with just a heaped tablespoon as I wasn't sure how I would react.


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Re: Natural Remedies
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2015, 01:09:01 PM »

Yep absolutely will Dorothy - I'll put that on my list when I speak to her on June 10th.  The pharmacist was pretty sure that there were no interactions but suggested I tape some plastic over the patch just to be on the safe side.  I thought that was crazy as it was a) on my butt and b) I didn't think the plastic would stop the water getting through!

Like you, I started with a small amount of epsom salts - 3 tbsp in the bath.  Having said that, I did not sleep hardly at all last night and I don't know whether it was due to a) the epsom salts b) damaging my car or c) writing a letter to someone in Canada regarding my college course place.