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Author Topic: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!  (Read 30195 times)


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #90 on: July 09, 2015, 09:40:21 AM »

The different opinions didn't surprise me to be honest. My older sister has had a hell of a cancer battle for the last decade and it hasn't been at all unusual to hear opposing points of view - unfortunately. Sadly after body-obliterating chemo, extensive radiation, a bone marrow transplant and many years of top up chemo, her cancer has returned yet again with a tumour on her lung. Needless to say, she's started to look very closely at her lifestyle too to ensure she's doing all she can to fight this, although she's more likely to go with conventional treatment than I am.

How is your current consultant taking the fact that you aren't having radiation, is he ok about it?

He's not best pleased at all - apparently we're not supposed to challenge these things.  ;)  He didn't push me overly hard when I refused chemo (and having since seen the ridiculously low impact this has on bowel cancers I can see why), but he was more persistent on external radiation. We've agreed to disagree on that, I have however agreed to being more closely monitored over the next couple of years by MRI scan.

GG x


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #91 on: July 09, 2015, 12:25:43 PM »

What ever the outcome for you, you have gone your way and it helps healing.  Not having to battle against the Establishment gives you more time to get on with Life!

Hospitals will feed patients what patients are used to eating  ::) - good or not.  Several 'celebrities' have tried to re-orgnasise the NHS kitchens but from cooking in kitchens on each Ward, it was moved to a central kitchen and delivered by trolley to each Ward, before being out-sourced.  Many of the foods offered weren't what I fancied anyway …….

How are you feeling generally?   :foryou:


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #92 on: July 09, 2015, 01:05:09 PM »

What ever the outcome for you, you have gone your way and it helps healing.  Not having to battle against the Establishment gives you more time to get on with Life!

Hospitals will feed patients what patients are used to eating  ::) - good or not.  Several 'celebrities' have tried to re-orgnasise the NHS kitchens but from cooking in kitchens on each Ward, it was moved to a central kitchen and delivered by trolley to each Ward, before being out-sourced.  Many of the foods offered weren't what I fancied anyway …….

How are you feeling generally?   :foryou:

Yes I agree - apparently there are research reports concluding that outcomes are better if the patient feels they have some control. I may have taken that a little too far in my consultant's eyes but it works for me. It's good that the NHS does allow us the element of choice though.

How am I feeling? Absolutely bloody well amazing  ;D  My cancer "therapy" has consisted to date of two 1 minute shots of xray therapy up my backside; lots and lots and lots of organic, nutritious food: a complete de-stress and delegation at work: and a lot of time spent away in my new campervan. A highly recommended approach.  :)   It does make me smile when a number of old friends message me saying they "didn't realise I was poorly" - I'm anything but. I just have a rapidly diminishing little tumour where the sun don't shine. The trial in all this will be making sure it goes and stays away.  I'm ready to rise to the challenge.

One thing that I did find rather strange in all this, not one consultant or medic has asked about the potential causes / background of my cancer, or looked at my lifestyle. At all. What a missed opportunity if this is the same for every patient they see - a significant piece of research missed.  By ignoring the causes and just suppressing symptoms aren't we at more danger of a recurrence?



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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #93 on: July 09, 2015, 01:55:06 PM »

This is fantastic news GG !
I've always felt (and from chatting with you) that you're very much your own person and will fight for what you believe in, and the proof is in the pudding here

Big hugs
Annie xx


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #94 on: July 09, 2015, 02:35:38 PM »

Yep.  As an ex-orthopaedic secretary it was usual to ask about the immediate problem but rarely was the person's background discussed.  I do remember a Consultant looking at a lady complaining of back pain, he immediately told her to go home and change her footwear  ::) ………. never examined her as it really wasn't worth it!  I can't remember if she came back to Clinic or if a change of footwear solved her problems …….

Having control helps in most aspects of our Life  ;).

I never felt poorly during my treatment, tired from the un-expected diagnosis and worry about 4 weeks of radiation treatment but never ill until I took the Tamoxifen.


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #95 on: July 10, 2015, 01:23:52 PM »

Hello GeordieGirl and I'm glad to see that you are doing so well.

Like you I wonder why Doctors are not more curious about how non medical issues can impact illness. I understand the limitations of anecdotal evidence but collect enough of these stories and they become data!

I had a colonoscopy which showed my Ulcerative Colitis had resolved and my bowels were completely normal, the Consultant was impressed and said 'whatever you are doing, keep doing it' however he showed no interest in discussing it further. Perhaps this is why forums are so popular as they allow people to exchange information and experience and therefore knowledge.

Take care and wishing you well on your journey.



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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #96 on: July 10, 2015, 01:25:23 PM »

Kathleen - that's an opportunity missed! maybe you should write a book, there are lots of Small Publishing Companies in the UK!


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #97 on: July 10, 2015, 09:23:18 PM »

I had a colonoscopy which showed my Ulcerative Colitis had resolved and my bowels were completely normal, the Consultant was impressed and said 'whatever you are doing, keep doing it' however he showed no interest in discussing it further. Perhaps this is why forums are so popular as they allow people to exchange information and experience and therefore knowledge.

Kathleen I hear that so many times (for me, and from a number of people I know following similar paths) - how bloody frustrating! I just can't understand why our medics aren't interested or even curious about finding out?  Cancer Research UK (which I'm seeing under an increasingly different and not so favourable light as my journey continues) claims there is no scientific evidence that diet helps cancer. Not only is this a load of bull as there are countless research reports on PubMed, but unless anyone in conventional medicine is the least bit interested in collating the info from patients then a lot of useful information is being missed.

I wonder if they ask lung cancer sufferers if they're smokers? Why then do they not enquire about diet at least for those with colon issues as a very minimum?

Out of interest, what did you do to cure your issue? Was it purely dietary?

Hurdity - yes, it was Camperjam and a fabulous weekend  :). I'm itching to go to Bugjam at Santa Pod but it's my weekend with my girls and they're revolting, they've been camping since before  they were walking and have decided they're fed up with it. Taking 2 reluctant and stroppy teens with me really isn't my idea of fun  :-\

GG x


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #98 on: July 11, 2015, 01:52:38 PM »

There's a get together for VWs at Malvern isn't there and maybe at Billing Acquadrome?

Onwards and upwards …...


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #99 on: July 13, 2015, 08:55:38 AM »

Hello GeordieGirl.

I've just noticed your post and thank you for your interest in my condition/treatment.

When I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2010 I read everything I could find and in addition to my medication I began taking fish oil supplements for their anti inflammatory properties. After a short while I was able to stop the drugs and I remained well on supplements only. Two years later I had a mild flare and was prescribed a different drug to take, I then added Olive oil to my diet.

I have been well since 2012 and now take a mild anti inflammatory drug daily, I have continued to make changes and improve my diet. I also keep up to date with the relevant research and follow forums.

Basically my diet consists of daily fruit and veg, nuts for snacks and plenty of water. I avoid dairy and use soya instead. I also take probiotics regularly and I've just started making my own Sauerkraut! Everything I consume is designed to be anti inflammatory and helpful to the gut and the microbiome.

If you have any questions feel free to pm me and I'll do all I can to help.

Wishing you well and take care.


Ju Ju

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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #100 on: July 13, 2015, 02:22:59 PM »

Sadly there is little time or interest to treat health issues holistically in the NHS. There is so much specialism by doctors, who tend to be tunnel visioned. Problems in one area will create others in others.

Not only does life style choices and environment affect your physical health, but also emotional health will affect your physical health. It is interconnected. Many of us who contribute to the forum experienced difficult childhoods experience ongoing physical health issues throughout their lives, even if they have been fortunate enough to build happier lives as adults.

I have been told that my subconscious delayed my puberty, periods were problematic and problems continue post menopause. I have had various ongoing health issues. I am convinced that my health issues are related to childhood experiences and how I responded to those experiences. It is like things were knocked out of kilter early on. What do others think?


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #101 on: July 13, 2015, 03:36:00 PM »

I agree Ju Ju.

My health is not too bad but my anxiety is not great. It started after I was on HRT so in theory it wasn't caused by hormones. However I have had some traumatic events in my life. Loosing my daughter being the huge one. I know I was never the same after that. Hubby had a heart attack, then his other illness. Trouble with my son, it's all added up over the years and has now came along to bite me firmly on the bum.

My daughter told me the other day that she wasn't at all surprised that I suffered with anxiety as I had spent so long being the strong one and forgetting to look after me. She is a very incite full young woman.



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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #102 on: July 13, 2015, 04:45:03 PM »

I have had various ongoing health issues. I am convinced that my health issues are related to childhood experiences and how I responded to those experiences. It is like things were knocked out of kilter early on. What do others think?

^ this

bless you Ju Ju, I can so relate to this.  The person I am today was modelled in my formative years.  I responded the only way I could and it caused me harm that still affect me to this day.


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #103 on: July 15, 2015, 06:28:32 PM »

You might find the information on this site relevant:

He has a chapter of the book on the site here:

His resources page is also interesting:

He has a link to the ACE study here:

In Canada Dr Gabor Mate is very well respected and his books are excellent.

There's also Alice Miller's book - the body never lies


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Re: First Big C .treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!
« Reply #104 on: July 15, 2015, 06:54:46 PM »

My phobia was started within 24 hours of being born so is a learnt response.  No amount of CBT has helped.  We are what we are, we are what we eat …….. family anxieties etc. can be passed down the generations too!
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