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Author Topic: Headachrs retuned.  (Read 3190 times)


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Headachrs retuned.
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:39:50 PM »

I've been off HRT for nearly 3 weeks as side effects like headaches and anxiety seemed to have got worse! Felg great for last 2 weeks. Now crushing headache returned which no pain killer helps plus flushes starting to rear their ugly head again. I'm off to bed. I really don't know what to do. Going to clinic next week. Last time headache like this it lasted weeks!  Any advice will be appreciated!x


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Re: Headachrs retuned.
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2015, 04:08:56 PM »

I was plagued by headaches - migraines with visual disturbance and much vomiting, and sinus headaches - until I went on HRT when they stopped. I stopped HRT about 5 weeks ago because of other side-effects and feel better overall but the sinus headaches have returned.  I can only tell you what I find helpful and hope it helps you too.... Migraines are common at times of hormonal chaos - mine were at puberty and perimenopause and haven't returned since I became (I think) menopausal about a year ago. I dealt with the migraine with Rizatriptan for the headache and Prochlorperazine for the vomiting (both prescription only). The sinus headaches are a real pest - I wake up with one most mornings or during the night - and I deal with them with painkillers. I read an article some time ago looking at the best over-the-counter painkiller for headaches and the conclusion was that 1 paracetamol + 1 ibuprofen + a cup of coffee (not decaff) was the best combination. This works well for me. If this doesn't help I take half of one of Boots own brand decongestant tablets (pseudoephedrine) which works after a couple of hours. Maybe your current headaches are a reaction to coming off HRT and will settle as your body gets used to the lack of the top-up hormones of HRT. Is it possible for you to re-introduce a very small dose of your HRT (a small piece of your patch or part of a tablet)? This might not trigger the side-effects and might get rid of the headaches if they're caused by withdrawal/readjustment?? I hope you feel better soon. Headaches are so exhausting and impossible to ignore so maybe a trip to your GP is in order. Good luck.   
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 04:10:50 PM by Freda »


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Re: Headachrs retuned.
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2015, 05:37:04 PM »

Thanks for your reply. I'm still in bed as no painkillers helping. I stopped my Hrt as getting a daily less severe headache to this!! I've only had as bad as this a year ago before starting hrt. Hrt sorted it. Then in feb this year after 9 months of bliss another severe headache. Calmed down but had a daily tingly headache constantly along with other side effects. Stopped hrt and nearly 3 weeks of no headaches. I'm presuming this headache and the flushes connected with hormone dip. Really don't have time for this😩


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Re: Headachrs retuned.
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2015, 06:46:13 PM »

Hi Sphere27,

sorry you are feeling so dreadful. Menopause is a nightmare. I see you are going back to the clinic in June, so maybe they can help. I'd write down everything you want to say , so you don't forget. There are many combinations of HRT so there might be one out there that suits you still, if you want to go back down that route. I get terrible sinus headaches, but I find antihistamines help.
The anxiety is not easy either .
Hopefully you will feel a bit better in the morning.



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Re: Headachrs retuned.
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2015, 07:35:14 PM »

Hi Sphere27 - sorry to hear about your headache - I sympathise as I get them. I agree with pepperminty - maybe try a different HRT? Sorry I can't remember where you are in menopause, how old you are and what you tried! Sometimes the progestogens (especially if given continuously and if synthetic) can give rise to daily headaches. Similarly oral (tablet) HRT can also exacerbate headaches and the tendency to get them. Sometimes a higher dose is needed if you were on low dose HRT?

I presume you had the headaches looked into by the doctor - if initially HRT sorted them and then you got a severe one out of the blue - it would be odd for the HRT suddenly to cause it after 9 months of feeling OK? I think we have discussed this before but apologies I can't remember!

Hurdity x


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Re: Headachrs retuned.
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2015, 10:11:08 AM »

How are you today Sphere27? You said in your second post yestrdy, "Really don't have time for this". Are you maybe overdoing it/stressed and in need of some downtime? Maybe your body is telling you that it's time to slow down by making you slow down. Can you pass some of your jobs on to someone else for a couple of days? Rest and sleep are marvellous things if you can get them!


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Re: Headachrs retuned.
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2015, 07:46:22 PM »

Thanks everyone.
Headache bit easier today but still popping pills!! I was just surprised this headache hit
Me when I have been of hrt for over 3 weeks. Especially when I had stopped the hrt cause of the daily less severe annoying headaches!!
When I say I don't have time! I just mean I like to be out and about and this floors me. Not cause I'm doing to much.,
I need to know
Is it hormonal?
Is it hrt?
Gp seemed to think was hormonal at time although did check me for temporal arteritis!! Due to its position. They certainly aren't like headaches I experienced before!! I'm going on Thursday now to clinic if Im not working. Fingers crossed.
Thanks girls for your sympathy. Means a lot xx


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Re: Headachrs retuned.
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2015, 03:50:22 PM »

Let us know how you get on at the clinic.
Fingers crossed it is a blip.


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Re: Headachrs retuned.
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2015, 05:29:40 PM »

Hi girls
Well I was at meno clinic on Friday. Consultant doesn't think my headaches related to my hormones or hrt so need to get GP to investigate. She has given me livial to try for meno symptoms. She also suggested mirena coil and patch as another alternative!!my GP appoint not
Till 4 th June for headaches and didn't want to restart hrt till I saw him.ive been off it 6 weeks. But my night sweats unbearable now so just going to start as back to work tom after leave etc. flushes always worse when at work.