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Author Topic: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???  (Read 9197 times)


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Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« on: May 19, 2015, 06:39:41 PM »

Saw my GP today and he agreed to increase my dose to Estradot 50mg patches (have been using the 25mg).

Went to 4 local pharmacies , and none had them in stock and when they tried their on-line ordering it came up with 'Supplier Issues'.

Anyone else struggling? I think Estradot is quite common and 50mg is the standard dose.


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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 06:47:15 PM »

I always get mine from the practice pharmacy as I am rural but they always have to order them in - I have just recently ordered my next lot on-line so await with interest. I only once had problems and that was when I left it too late but in the end I think I managed to find some from another pharmacy who had some left. If they'd completely run out I would expect them to supply either double the number of 25 mcg or a different patch eg Evorel.

Good luck!

Hurdity x

ancient runner

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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2015, 10:31:09 AM »

Lancashire Lass came up with this really useful website earlier for checking supply probe - can't see Estrodot on a quick glance but perhaps you need a generic name?


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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2015, 11:01:28 PM »

I used to have problems with Estradot 50 too, always had to order well in advance. Now on Estradot 25, same problem! Watch when you do get them as it's quite a leap to double the dose. I was very jittery when I went on them & that was only an increase from equivalent to 37.5.


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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2015, 07:13:44 AM »

Lloyds used to always get estradot for me. Boots waste of time
I have some 100 ones which expire this july which you could cut in half if you want them pm me
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 07:19:42 AM by lancashirelass »


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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2015, 07:27:17 AM »


sorry you are having problems getting the patches. I really hope that increasing the dose makes the difference for you. Keep us updated as to whether they make a difference.



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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2015, 09:27:13 PM »

Managed to get hold of them today. Thank goodness.

I had doubled up the 25mg patches since a week last Tuesday and I do think it is helping. My sleep has been really good and my mood has been much better since that bad dip last Weds and Thurs. My boobs are a bit tender and swollen though. And I haven't had a bleed yet.

Just keeping my fingers crossed that this continues. We fly at the start of next week and I would be so happy if my mood stays like this.


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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2015, 06:59:21 AM »


Lets hope so, better sore boobs than crushing sadness and mood swings. I do hope that is the solution for me too when I see the meno specialist (upping the dose). I really hope this is the solution for you , fingers crossed. Have a great holiday .



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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2015, 06:43:47 PM »

Hi PM  :)

I totally agree. I don't care how swollen and tender my boobs get (within reason) so long as the awful low mood doesn't arrive.

Actually my bleed started this morning. I really wasn't expecting one as I only took Utrogestan for 4 days, and that was nearly 2 weeks ago. But this is exactly when I 'should' have had a withdrawl bleed. So I can only assume my own hormones are still beavering away?

Just waiting on tenter hooks to see if I will get as nasty a mood dip as I had last month when my bleed started? I really hope not. Somehow I don't think I will? Since upping my dose I have felt 'fuller' somehow. Emotionally stronger in some way? That's not the best description, but it's how I feel.

Of course now I have written that I'll be back on here tomorrow filled with angst and anxiety again  ::)

But if I'm lucky enough to not have a mood dip, that will show that I reacted to the withdrawl from the Utro. And that I don't suffer the same when it's my own progesterone. Or it might just be that the higher oestrogen dose gives me a much higher base level below which I don't dip?

How are you feeling today?


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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2015, 07:35:24 PM »


Looks like your hormones are still dancing the tango in the background then, lets hope you saying you feel better isn't the kiss of death!! ::)

I didn't sleep well last night , but was ok but tired until about 2pm when I crashed, I feel nauseous and have headache and I am exhausted. I am a bit despondent as I am on the 6th day of oestrogen and I am feeling worse not any better. perhaps it's just a blip? I think that I need more oestrogen . It's my third pack so It should be kicking in now but I seem to be going back to how I was before I started .  It's a 'mare at the moment . Still glad you are ok.  :)


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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2015, 08:41:50 PM »

Well one thing I have learned to count on this peri journey is that you can't count on anything! I've had a very good/normal 7 days. It was at just about exactly this time last Friday that I felt my mood lift, somewhere between the poppadums and finishing my Korma  ;)

But, as we know this has happened time and time again. I have a great week or so, then it all re-boots back to square one.

I'm so sorry you're feeling nauseous and exhausted again. It's bad enough that your hormones create the awful low mood, without feeling like you have the flu on top of it. I am absolutely no expert, but I really think you might need an extra hit of oestrogen. I really think that more oestrogen would improve the quality of your sleep, which should make you feel you have more energy during the day.

Considering this is now your third pack I really think you should be seeing signs of definite, steady improvement? But I think you're struggling like I was. The oestrogen you're on is maybe just not quite enough to boost you properly. When I was on the 25mg patch I was okay during the first half of my cycle, but during the second half the patch couldn't cope. I felt like it was limping along.

I hope when you see the meno nurse that she is willing to trial on a higher dose. You have nothing to lose.


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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2015, 08:26:32 AM »


Like you I am no expert and I don't really know what the answer is at the moment , but I am guessing I need more oestrogen. I didn't have a good night's sleep again and feel nauseous and panicky and I am still bleeding which is 13 days now.
 I am also thinking that patches may be an option because I think that they give a more even dosage . I haven't looked too closely into patch HRT , but as far as I am aware there is a separate patch of just oestrogen  and a tablet form of progesterone (utrogestan bio indentical), and you keep the patch on and change it (not quite sure how often), and take the tablets for 12 days of the cycle.
I think there are HRT patches that come with progesterone, but the progesterone in those is testosterone based , so there is a likelihood of more problems, that's why the patch and tablet configuration is preferable. I am sure someone will correct me if I have got it wrong.

Funny how the nausea is now worse than it was the first month and also I am back to aching again.
I have just eaten breakfast and it is rising up from my stomach , yuk!
I almost feel worse than when I was on premac because at least then I had some good days on the oestrogen phase where my aches went.
I am just plain scared at the moment and desperate to be physically well enough to go back to work.

I absolutely have nothing to loose , I have tried 2 types now and fingers crossed 3rd times that charm , whatever the third one may be.
I do sound optimistic , but don't feel it at the moment.
The heat is killing me too, I used to love the hot weather , but now I just feel ill with the heat.
Oh how I wish I could be typing , I feel good today and positive and well.
Sorry to moan, but as said before - I am on a roller coaster (this one is unfortunately out of control with no break and faulty electrics) and I want to get off. :'(

I hate feeling ill and miserable too, I feel such a failure.

thanks for being there .



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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2015, 09:23:19 PM »


Everything always feels 10 times worse when you haven't slept well. If I've had insomnia it gives me a sick stomach and ramps up my anxiety. If this carries on you're not going to know if the HRT is actually disagreeing with you and causing the tiredness, or whether the oestrogen isn't quite enough to help you sleep and so you feel so tired.

I think it's well worth trying a separate patch and progesterone. This is the regime I am on. My consultant believes it to be the best regime whilst still peri menopausal as it most closely mimics you're on cycle. But she thinks many women find it 'too fiddly' and so they don't want it.

It's really not fiddly (and I think we both wouldn't care how fiddly anything was so long as it made us feel better). I just change the patch twice a week (takes about 5 seconds) and then on days 15-26 I take 2 Utrogestan tablets at bedtime. Obviously I have only followed this regime once so far, as I'm a bit off piste with my HRT this month and post-poning the Utro til we get back off holiday. But I really didn't find it 'fiddly' at all. And although my mood really dipped when the withdrawl bleed arrived I only bled for 4 days and it was quite light. Bleeding for 16 days must be such a drain and irritating.

There's no reason why you don't try a separate patch/Utro? By the time you see the meno nurse I think you will have given this current regime a good try.

And you are definitely not a failure. Far from it. You're sensibly working through your options and making sure that this current regime really isn't the one, before moving onto the next. From everything I read it's quite unusual for anyone to find the right HRT immediately and get on great with it. They all seem to need tweaking.

I think it's even harder to get it right straight away when, like us, you suffer more with the psychological issues like low mood and anxiety. It is such a rollercoaster. You feel like you can never get your feet under you properly.

I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight. When I was on edge I found that taking a couple of Stugeron just before I went to bed help me feel drowsy and help me nod off. Might be worth a try?


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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2015, 07:34:50 AM »


Thanks for the pep talk. Yes I think I may well fare better on the patches , in fact it sounds less fiddly than tablets as I have to remember to take them. Interesting that your specialist said she believes its the best regime for peri.
 I woke up at 3am and my sleep seems to be getting worse . I am also very hot , but not sweating?This was how it was before the HRT, I couldn't stop crying and feel very low. I also ache all over really badly and I have bruise like pains on my skull.  I am no Albert Einstein but I don't think it's working anymore. Can it stop working ? I suppose your body can get used to the low dose and need more , who knows? I am driving around with the aircon  on the coldest setting , full blast , is this normal?

I started the tablets when I was due a period , but I didn't actually bleed , so I am not 100% sure when my natural cycle is , I hope that this wont matter.

I have tried diazepam , but still wakeup early. Its annoying and disheartening as my sleep had improved until now. Wonder why the change ?
Yesterday I forced myself to visit friends , but towards the afternoon , I started slurring and forgetting my words again , which is what I was like before. That was one of the symptoms that had gone , but it is coming back now .DEEP JOY. It's fine with friends , but not great when you work !

I feel pathetic moaning on, but I am genuinely scared of not being well.
I took my tablet earlier yesterday and this morning I feel so awful, so I suspect the dose is wearing off each day before the next dose maybe.  :-\
I wouldn't mind so much but my moods don't even seem to be relating to my cycle now. mind you I have been bleeding continuously so do I have a cycle at the moment?

I can't even think of anything funny to say , which isn't like . Sorry for being a misery guts.

Peppermintyxx :'(



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Re: Struggling to source Estradot 50mg Patches???
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2015, 06:27:18 PM »

Oh bless you, you sound so low. I know exactly how you feel. I really think a patch might suit better, as it's continuous so doesn't have chance 'to wear off' as it's being absorbed through your skin all the time. And then you put a new one on.

I really think you need more oestrogen. It's not going to do you any harm and will most likely do you far more good. I completely sympathise with feeling so muddle-headed and forgetting words. When it happens to me it's so upsetting and confusing. You start to doubt yourself.

Bloody hormones. I never, ever knew they had so much power. But you will get better, You just need to find the right regime.

How long until you see the meno nurse?
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