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Author Topic: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!  (Read 107232 times)


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #435 on: December 02, 2014, 07:59:25 PM »

My hubby has a bridge at the bottom and a partial plate on top. Why would anyone have to be gummy or have gaps when both of the options are available. Not quite sure I understand that.

£4500 for teeth. I have spent less on a car. Sorry but that's outrageous. Not many people could even consider that. But the main thing that really puts me off apart from the cost is the fact you need donated bone.....from a cadaver. No that instance I really would go gummy.



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #436 on: December 02, 2014, 08:15:48 PM »

 ;D ……. doesn't bother me as I'm a donor anyway and believe in 'recycling'  ;)

For the sake at my age of not losing any more teeth because of gum shrinkage it's money well spent.  Also if I spend it on my teeeef, the Government don't gets it  :D

Also, lots of people are 'going for implants' particularly younger people.  It can be performed under the NHS if there's been an accident, assault etc..


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #437 on: December 02, 2014, 08:30:36 PM »

If I could afford it I would have them definitely.

Taz x


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #438 on: December 02, 2014, 09:29:32 PM »

A lot of people go abroad to have it done Turkey for instace it's much cheaper. I know some who have and are very happy with treatment and results.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #439 on: December 02, 2014, 10:05:09 PM »

If I could afford it, then yes. I've got 3 crowns which won't last forever. Friend spent £2,000 having hers done, but had terrible anxiety problems. Said never again.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #440 on: December 02, 2014, 10:07:49 PM »

Oh I would rather have a plate or a bridge. Then again I'm a coward  ::)



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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #441 on: December 03, 2014, 11:12:47 AM »

I didn't ask about the donor part.  As for going abroad  :o - all I can say is that the patients were very very lucky because the body can perceive the titanium 'stem' as a foreign body - which is why UK dentists wait a while before fitting the rest of the tooth.  In case there is a reaction, rare but there is a possibility.

I had NO anxiety at all.  At least not once the dentist had pulled one of the teeth which needed to come out but was in at such an angle the LA ran out  :o  ;) ……… at 58 I could not face a plate and in order to save the other teeth, opted for implants.

Bone in the jaw line needs teeth in order to 'work' and maintain bone density: i.e. when we chew it activates the jaw line - if there is a gap then the jaw doesn't get the down beat to keep it healthy.  Bit like brisk walking exercise for other bones!  If the jaw doesn't maintain it's density then gum recedes and teeth fall out  :o


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #442 on: December 05, 2014, 12:17:35 PM »

Update on tooth woes.....I didn't realise there was a dental thread! Thanks CLKD... Lots of info and links but haven't had a chance to read it - I don't think I need it now anyway as the dilemma doesn't exist...

Well I narrowly missed having the wrong tooth out on Tuesday!!! So glad I declined the dentists's offer to do it there and then, as it was the wrong tooth!!!!!!

I thought it was one I had had root canal treatment on 10 years ago ( maybe longer) - but couldn't understand why as this one is dead. After the anti-biotics worked I realised it was probably the next one to it causing the problem ( which is mainly filling) and dentist confirmed it yesterday! Slightly worrying that I would have had a gap and having to decide what to do unnecessarily and very expensively probably....

Honeybun I couldn't have had a bridge because the teeth either side are poor (the dentists calls us the heavy metal generation - teeth full of fillings), so it would have been gap (not good structurally), plate or implant. So glad I don't have to think about this now!

Anyway dentist says he can do root canal treatment but I have to have a crown (the one next to it doesn't have a crown as they didn't do them in those days - I wasn't offered one. It's still going to be expensive but at least the canal is on NHS and I am paying slightly more to have a more realistic crown as the tooth is visible.

Hoping it (the tooth) will all last out until January which is next appt (for root canal) - as I can't actually chew on that side now!!! Don't know if infections recur?

Hurdity x


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #443 on: December 11, 2014, 10:32:35 AM »

 :o  did anyone watch Fake Britain earlier  :-X


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #444 on: May 15, 2015, 04:08:07 PM »

Need some support from all the lovely ladies on this thread who have faced and conquered difficulties with teeth.  I have severe bone loss and need to lose two teeth lower front.  Am going to check on bone graft for implant, otherwise its dentures.   Need some positive stories!!


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #445 on: May 15, 2015, 09:24:12 PM »

Hi well I haven't got bone loss but I had to have a tooth out (upper - half way round) in January and the teeth next to it aren't strong enough for a bridge, and the gap is very annoying as food keeps getting stuck (peanuts etc) so I am going for the implant. Also because of the gap I'm eating mostly on the other side which is also putting extra stress on the (not very good) teeth there too! Unfortunately not available on NHS and eye-wateringly expensive but worth it to help preserve the other teeth if I'm going to live for a few years longer. I've only had the preliminary appointment so far but dentist says it's OK for implant which I'm having in July (eek!).

I presume you're not on HRT hence the bone loss? If so, depending on how long since menopause it might be worth asking for a bone scan to check your general bone health too?

I know others have had implants so hopefully they will let you know too!

Hurdity x


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #446 on: May 18, 2015, 04:58:31 PM »

If you already have bone loss in the jaw area which is resulting in lost teeth …… the only person who can advise is your Dental Surgeon who, if he doesn't 'do' implants, must refer you to a Specialist Oral Surgeon who does.  It is a step above 'ordinary' dental treatment and not available on the NHS.

My dentist advised that I could have a plate on the NHS or implants.  He asked a colleague already qualified as an implant surgeon to have a look-see at my bone density.  All was OK so the latter Dentist began treatment (long story short  ::)).  I have 3.  Can't even remember where they are except when I have to do good oral hygiene several times daily.  The gums etc. have to be kept healthy so that the implant remains stable.  Do not let anyone convince you that this procedure can be 'done in a day'! 'cos it takes 9-12 months for each titanium pin to implant into the bone.  Should something go wrong with the procedure [highly unlikely] then it is easier to remove the pin - if a person has the whole process in 1 day and the body rejects any part of the procedure, it is a lot harder and more expensive to take out the whole implant.


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #447 on: May 18, 2015, 08:20:47 PM »

CLKD I'm having my implant done in July and dentist thinks I could have the false tooth around Christmas time so a bit shorter timescale than 9-12 months. However I had to wait 4 months from having tooth out, to have my mouth X-rayed and assessed for whether implant would be advisable.

Hurdity x


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #448 on: May 18, 2015, 08:29:52 PM »

I am having my first assessment in early June - 10 weeks since tooth out, dentist reckons about 9 months in total.  I will need bone graft for front teeth though, and will get him to check on that when I go in June. 


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Re: Dental abscess and not finished the shopping yet!
« Reply #449 on: May 18, 2015, 08:57:51 PM »

I didn't need grafts.  Do make sure that he has good knowledge  ;)
Best of the best money I spent so far …………
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