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Author Topic: Rapid weight loss  (Read 38534 times)


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2015, 05:41:08 PM »

No drink today.
Took 100mg 5htp hope they work.
I kept them in a warm place accidentally so i hope they have not lost their potency.
My mum wants me to phone her as she saw my faceook status last week when I was very unhappy. The status was a bit of a dig at my family, I said I am waiting for ADHD assessment, and if not diagnosed, will have to seriously consider my future, as  I might be psychologically damaged beyond repair.
I won't kill myself as mentioned earlier on in this thread.
My mum wants me to call her, but she will just put me down, when I am vulnerable like this, she makes it worse by saying things like "We kept you little".
I don't feel mentally safe if I call her. I am not ignoring her, I just don't want to speak to anyone in my family right now.
I feel like they are a negative influence, they talk down to me, and make me feel like rubbish and this can bring on self harm incidents afterwards.
Still, no alcohol so far, and it's 5:15pm.
I stayed at home today, even though it's festival weekend in our little town and everyone is out, it's a beautiful day.
If I went out, I would be on my 2nd or 3rd bottle of cider by now, so if I have to stay in, out the way, to avoid booze, then I will. Going out makes me feel too weak against booze, too many triggers.
The good thing is, I am not physically dependent on alcohol, and so I won't get withdrawals.

Good for you for staying strong Dandelion.

If you can, try to avoid contact with your mum for the moment - sometimes we have to set boundaries for our own well being.

I read your posts with interest because I get that with talking therapies people can get stuck with the talking.  One of the things that has helped me enormously over the years is yoga.  It's helped me learn to self soothe my nervous system.  I've also found, from teaching it and in my own practice, that it can help to safely release emotions that are stuck in the body too.  It's my passion in terms of the area I want to work in - with people who've experienced trauma - to combine yoga with talking therapy to help heal the mind and the body.

Maybe next time you're on YouTube, see if you can find a gentle yoga clip to practice too - you don't have to turn yourself into a pretzel to get the benefits!  And it is hard with ADHD to focus on things - I've supported people with that condition and services are patchy and it's a challenge to live with.  So you are doing well.

I see a lot of strength and courage in you Dandelion - you had the courage to endure 25 years at home for starters.  I left home at 18 and only left because my boss helped me to leave - he took the afternoon off after hearing one too many stories about what was happening to me and helped me sort out a room to rent.  I would never have had the courage to leave otherwise because I believed that I was worthless and would not be able to cope on my own because that's what I was constantly told.

So celebrate and remind yourself of your capacity to endure Dandelion - it shows considerable strength of character.  You are still here.  Still breathing.  And you have the capacity for insight on the impact of what has happened to you.  A lot of people don't have that - and instead they act it out on others.

BTW have you ever given St John's Wort a try?  I know they use it in Germany a lot.  The only thing is it does interact with other medications - so if you do try it, check out it's impact on what else you are taking with either a pharmacist or a Dr.  I've heard it can help with depression.

Also, a book I found interesting to read was Anatomy of the Noon Day Demon - by Andrew Solomon.  I don't know whether your ADHD impacts your ability to focus and read because it is a bit of a big book!  But it tells the story of his depression and things he tried - he tried a lot of stuff.

Sending hugs xxx


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #76 on: May 23, 2015, 06:17:52 PM »

Good for you for staying strong Dandelion.

If you can, try to avoid contact with your mum for the moment - sometimes we have to set boundaries for our own well being.

I read your posts with interest because I get that with talking therapies people can get stuck with the talking.  One of the things that has helped me enormously over the years is yoga.  It's helped me learn to self soothe my nervous system.  I've also found, from teaching it and in my own practice, that it can help to safely release emotions that are stuck in the body too.  It's my passion in terms of the area I want to work in - with people who've experienced trauma - to combine yoga with talking therapy to help heal the mind and the body.

Maybe next time you're on YouTube, see if you can find a gentle yoga clip to practice too - you don't have to turn yourself into a pretzel to get the benefits!  And it is hard with ADHD to focus on things - I've supported people with that condition and services are patchy and it's a challenge to live with.  So you are doing well.

I see a lot of strength and courage in you Dandelion - you had the courage to endure 25 years at home for starters.  I left home at 18 and only left because my boss helped me to leave - he took the afternoon off after hearing one too many stories about what was happening to me and helped me sort out a room to rent.  I would never have had the courage to leave otherwise because I believed that I was worthless and would not be able to cope on my own because that's what I was constantly told.

So celebrate and remind yourself of your capacity to endure Dandelion - it shows considerable strength of character.  You are still here.  Still breathing.  And you have the capacity for insight on the impact of what has happened to you.  A lot of people don't have that - and instead they act it out on others.

BTW have you ever given St John's Wort a try?  I know they use it in Germany a lot.  The only thing is it does interact with other medications - so if you do try it, check out it's impact on what else you are taking with either a pharmacist or a Dr.  I've heard it can help with depression.

Also, a book I found interesting to read was Anatomy of the Noon Day Demon - by Andrew Solomon.  I don't know whether your ADHD impacts your ability to focus and read because it is a bit of a big book!  But it tells the story of his depression and things he tried - he tried a lot of stuff.

Sending hugs xxx
Hi Greenfields, thanks for the hugs and the lovely post.
I do have trouble focusing when reading.

It's good that I didn't drink today, dunno if I am in the mood to be honest.
I tried st johns wort when I was working, but it didn't work, dunno if you have to give it time.
The 5htp I took earlier has seemed to work, I took 100mgs. I tried 200mgs a long time ago and it made me throw up, so I know I cannot do that dose all in one go.

I feel like I am ignoring my mum, cos I have hid my online status on facebook and not replied to her messages, and I feel bad about this, but I also have to protect my self from future further risk of self harm.
I think she loves me for the wrong reasons, she loves to drain my energy by putting me down and taking out her anger on me, and it makes me feel like I have been shit or pissed on, somehow soiled.
I still have that homelessness fear in the background.
In England, there is an atmosphere, a general vibe, of scarcity, lack, 'not-enough-ness' and it is a metaphor for how I feel 'not strong enough, not tough enough' I cry at the drop of a hat.
I have had some drugs today, pregabalin, calms me down, illicit, but it is the only one that works, and docs wont prescribe it, although it is prescribed for anxiety for some people.
Before I had that, I think I was heading for an irrational anxious long sunny day indoors.
I have booted the drink, which is good, but I had to stay indoors alone, because outdoors on a sunny day is too much of a drink trigger.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #77 on: May 23, 2015, 08:51:24 PM »

Why do you go onto FaceBook  :-\ - where all and sundry can access your threads? 

You are an adult.  You can choose who you contact.  Who you tell how you a re feeling  ;).  I don't tell anyone which medication I take unless the topic crops up in conversation and only then when I think it adds to the thread.

It took me years before I realised that I no longer had to tell my family anything at all  ::) - I love writing letters and tended to tell all, as it really is.  Then I decided to back off from the family and find the 'real' me.  Now I can be evasive when necessary  ;).

Little steps.  Make sure that you have plenty of nibble-type foods in the house, also plenty of non-alcoholic drinks.  I can go weeks without thinking about booze until DH opens a bottle and offers me a sip: then I remember why I don't drink.  Don't like the taste much  :-X



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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #78 on: May 23, 2015, 08:51:53 PM »

I thought that MIND as a Charity are self-funding  :-\ and access to all?


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #79 on: May 23, 2015, 10:23:43 PM »

I thought that MIND as a Charity are self-funding  :-\ and access to all?
They lost the council funding in this town, as the end of the contract came up and a cheaper outfit put in a better bid, so now, our local MIND funds itself. It costs £2 to get in now. I think someone donated some towards it, but it's still going and fundraising.
Thanks for your other post :)


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #80 on: May 23, 2015, 10:28:11 PM »

Have you plans for a short walk over the weekend, weather allowing?  I tend to choose times when I know people aren't likely to be about ….. same with shopping.  That way I don't have to be sociable   ;)



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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #81 on: May 23, 2015, 10:34:06 PM »

Have you plans for a short walk over the weekend, weather allowing?  I tend to choose times when I know people aren't likely to be about ….. same with shopping.  That way I don't have to be sociable   ;)
I went to the shop tonight to get some more tobacco, that was nice, the birds were singing, as it was that lovely 'in between day and night' time.
I smoked a bit of weed and that lifted my mood.
I will park it on my mum for a bit.
I feel guilty for posting that fb message and having a dig.
I normally use fb to spread political messages and interesting articles rather than relationships, but the odd time I do post how i feel.
It was like a digital tantrum I guess.
Dunno if mum is really worried about me being unhappy or worried that she may lose me and have no one to pick on, hoping that I will come back.
When I re-established contact she said she knew I would come back after 7yrs, and that pissed me off.
Dunno if she genuinely misses me or misses someone to put down, she hated seeing me happy and so did Dad when they were in bad moods.
I feel good like I am hurting her, but then again, this is not mature.
I can only feel in a good mood if my heart feels right. I know that sounds starry, but if I try to be in a good  mood when in my heart I am not, it will not work, and only be successful if somehow I get my heart warmed and lifted.



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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #82 on: May 23, 2015, 10:38:04 PM »

Nope it isn't mature.  Resentment can breed hostility.

I don't engage.  Unless I have to do so.  Works for me as we are miles from each other.  I don't look for 'mights' any longer, Mum has her agenda and I let her get on with.  We don't know what our parents went through before we arrived and can forget that they had a Life before children  ;D ………. one that can damage or re-inforce habits that are then passed down.



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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #83 on: May 23, 2015, 10:49:15 PM »

Nope it isn't mature.  Resentment can breed hostility.

I don't engage.  Unless I have to do so.  Works for me as we are miles from each other.  I don't look for 'mights' any longer, Mum has her agenda and I let her get on with.  We don't know what our parents went through before we arrived and can forget that they had a Life before children  ;D ………. one that can damage or re-inforce habits that are then passed down.
I know, my parents have had their souls stolen during bad experiences that I cannot even imagine. They never told me they did, I can just see, from the way they behaved and acted out on me, but why choose me?
And, that is why my heart hurts, and resentment is there needing to be transmuted and released somehow.
I'm not asking you this, I am speaking rhetorically:
I ask why choose me?, What is bad about me that attracts damaged people to act out their damage on me.
I feel vulnerable and resentful sometimes, but I need to get it out properly, in a healthy way, I just dunno what that is.
Writing helps and I am more aware now, but my awareness is only increaseing slowly, and when it increases even more, and the resentment is transmuted, the immature thoughts will go, as the crying child is healed.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #84 on: May 23, 2015, 11:37:47 PM »

I didn't insult my family, I said I make mistakes, have had relationships, and bring the worst out in my relatives. I said that if I dont get an ADHD diagnosis, it will mean I am psychologically damaged beyond repair.
It was comments about me, but there was a dig in there somewhere, I just didn't put about the abuse in.
I know they are damaged, I just want to be able to protect myself from the fallout of others acting out their own damage on me, I want to be able to repel it. It's a skill I have not learnt and don't seem to be able to, no matter how I try. In confrontation, I get really visibly physically nervous, or cry or lose my temper and self harm.
I resent being vulnerable and feeling unsafe, more than I resent the individuals who psychologically abused me, family.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #85 on: May 24, 2015, 09:42:32 AM »

I want to be able to repel it. It's a skill I have not learnt and don't seem to be able to, no matter how I try. In confrontation, I get really visibly physically nervous, or cry or lose my temper and self harm.
I resent being vulnerable and feeling unsafe, more than I resent the individuals who psychologically abused me, family.

To quote from your earlier post
"I feel good like I am hurting her"
Is this your  way of repelling future abuse?

Again, quoting your own words
"this is not mature"
Dandelion, for your own sake you have to do something, anything, positive.
It's not realistic or reasonable to blame others for the way you feel.
YOU are the person that is making you feel as you do.
You CAN change things, you are in control.



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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #86 on: May 24, 2015, 12:45:36 PM »

I want to be able to repel it. It's a skill I have not learnt and don't seem to be able to, no matter how I try. In confrontation, I get really visibly physically nervous, or cry or lose my temper and self harm.
I resent being vulnerable and feeling unsafe, more than I resent the individuals who psychologically abused me, family.

To quote from your earlier post
"I feel good like I am hurting her"
Is this your  way of repelling future abuse?

Again, quoting your own words
"this is not mature"
Dandelion, for your own sake you have to do something, anything, positive.
It's not realistic or reasonable to blame others for the way you feel.
YOU are the person that is making you feel as you do.
You CAN change things, you are in control.
I struggle as an adult.

Every time I tried to have an adult conversation with her when she was picking on me, she would just tell me to grow up, even when I was trying to be the adult. She would just bombard me with insulting names about my character. A few years ago, she admitted trying to keep me little.
What type of a loving parent does that? :(
As I was growing up she used to just put me down all the time, and when I told her to stop putting me down, she would tell me to shut up.
She wanted someone who she could pick on and take out her bad moods on, she never wanted me to grow into a functioning adult.
This tells me that she did not have my best interests at hears.
I have been trying to do my best since, but my earlier brainwashing has made me struggle at every step of the way.
I would have loved for a nurturing family, but I just don't trust them.
I've got limited control because I have found it impossible to undo all the negative conditioning from my parents.
I am in fear of losing my home, but I don't want to go back to my mum's house because she did mentally wound me so much that i feel disabled as an adult and limited in what I can do.
It's all very sad.
When I try to do positive things, as my heart is still hurting, it just all falls through.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #87 on: May 24, 2015, 12:59:54 PM »

I think you need to sever all ties with your mother then, once and for all

My OH and I when we were both 45, had no parents left, we are on own making our own good/bad luck

Annie xx


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #88 on: May 24, 2015, 01:06:58 PM »

I have got a property which I may lose due to my money being cut.
I might end up in debt when it sells cos the previous owner breached the lease really badly.
It's all too easy to say make your own happiness, but try telling that to someone with tons of debt around their neck and nowhere to live.
If your personality has been warped that much it is impossible to make your own happiness.
I would have loved a husband but I end up getting men who treat me like shit, or just want me for sex, or cheat on me, so having a man ended up making me really miserable.
I just feel doomed.
I don't mean to disrespect anyone who has terminal illness, I am sad for them as they want to live, but I don't want to live any more than about five years.
I obviously wont commit suicide but I don't like living with all this stress.
I am sorry, I just cannot form a genuine smile. I can do a false one, but what is the point in that?


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #89 on: May 24, 2015, 01:52:48 PM »

I think you need to sever all ties with your mother then, once and for all

My OH and I when we were both 45, had no parents left, we are on own making our own good/bad luck

Annie xx
If I had a loving husband, things would be much easier but I have no one.
But, I agree, a zero is better than a minus.
I just want to be sure it is the right thing that I am doing.
I don't 100% know, but I strongly suspect, my mum had it in for me, and wanted me to be miserable, it energised her.
I wish/hope I am wrong about this, but there are a small percentage of mothers who don't like their kids, or maybe some mothers like all but one or two of their kids.
I'm going to speak to my counsellor on tuesday and see what she thinks.
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