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Author Topic: Rapid weight loss  (Read 38545 times)


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #60 on: May 22, 2015, 09:40:55 PM »

Like I said in an earlier post, part of me wishes the weight loss is down to cancer, but I should be so lucky.

I actually find this quite offensive. You have a chance to sort out your problems, you've been offered support and if you cut out the drink too then there's a chance you can get back on your feet. If you're struggling mentally, talk to your doctor for a review. It's not about more benefits, but a proper diagnosis to get you out of the black hole. I'm hoping that I'll be able to "sort out" my problem too, but may not - it's out of my hands.  Lucky?

GG x
Hi Geordiegirl
I am editing the first paragraph of this post, I do see that you have cancer, and I hope the treatment goes well. I didnt mean to upset you and I am sorry that I did.
I am sorry you have cancer in your life also, especially because you want to live.

I have some problems, won't expand on them here, with property, that I cannot solve, and have sought expert advice from the relevant people who confirm this.
It is to do with my lease, and it would take tens of thousands to resolve.
I just put the problem in a box and try to get on with my life, but it comes up and makes me feel anxious in the pit of my stomach, without my control.

I can't solve the psychological damage done by my family, but it has disabled me emotionally and this gives me a handicap in life.

I am not asking for more benefits, just to keep the ones I am on and not have them snatched away by the governments constant assaults on the vulnerable.
I have been assessed and deemed unfit for work, unlike some other poor people who have been wrongly declared fit for work, or sanctioned, so that they cannot afford to eat and have to visit foodbanks.

As for mental health, there is no support. Austerity cuts mean that support has been taken away. Cuts to local councils also mean that my support workers have been taken away. That's how it is now.

As for a diagnosis, I am waiting for an ADHD assessment. I have already returned completed questionnaires to the ADHDH clinic, and am on a waiting list to have an assessment, and, hopefully, a diagnosis.
It will be positive, because I will accept myself a lot more, and I will also be able to put some of my more problematic behaviours down to ADHD, a learning disability.
Hopefully, I will not have to wait too long, and will get the right help, if a diagnosis is made.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 09:52:25 PM by Dandelion »


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #61 on: May 22, 2015, 09:50:23 PM »

What's also noticeable is that whilst you have replied to Honeybun in disgust at what she posted, you have totally ignored my point about you wishing you had cancer. Not one word. I'd have been apologising profusely.

It doesn't bother me to be honest, I have a lot of lovely friends, family and more to the point, a positive attitude. In that sense I do feel lucky. Not because I have cancer, but because I can look for the blessings in life and be grateful for these, rather than blame everyone and everything for making it sh*t. 

It's so sad to see someone go down the route you're following, but unless you take control and actively seek to change this, it's just not going to happen.
Hi again GG
I have just seen this post, I got a bit muddled with this thread, and missed some posts, sorry.
I really hope the pioneering treatment works for your cancer and that you do get better.
I hope you accept my apology.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #62 on: May 22, 2015, 09:51:00 PM »


I didn't see your post before I posted about cancer being a ticket out.
I wish we could swap, I am sorry that my comment hurt you.
I wish you did not have cancer and I wish for your cancer to be healed.
I didn't mean any offence honest.
I stopped drinking for five years, and only just started again back in October.
I realise how much of a tw*t drink addiction can turn someone into.
I was depressed long, long before I started drinking again.
Still not felt like having another drink today though, it's easy when I am not in the mood to drink.

Thanks Dandelion.

The comment hurt me mainly because you're not seeing how precious life is, YOUR life. It hurt me because I've seen so much of this before, the very same pattern of events in my own sister. It hurt me because I've seen where it leads unless you stop the drink. Such a tragic waste.

If you've stopped drinking before you've been amazingly strong. You need to draw on that strength again. An hour at a time, a day at a time, baby steps. Be proud of yourself for each little goal but don't chastise yourself too much if you fail, just jump straight back on the band wagon again.

Sort out the drinking and you'll feel much better in yourself, and be in a better position to tackle other issues. In a better position to climb out of the dark tunnel.

Please don't wish you had cancer, instead wish you were healthy and fit! Focus on moving towards that as much as possible and making the changes needed to help you along the way.

Best of luck with it all,

GG x
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 09:53:45 PM by GeordieGirl »


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #63 on: May 22, 2015, 10:01:10 PM »

I hope you accept my apology.

Of course I do.

A big hug to you, I know it isn't easy and I really feel for you, depression is debilitating. I do so hope you'll revisit this thread in a few months time though from a much better place.

GG x


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #64 on: May 22, 2015, 10:03:37 PM »


I didn't see your post before I posted about cancer being a ticket out.
I wish we could swap, I am sorry that my comment hurt you.
I wish you did not have cancer and I wish for your cancer to be healed.
I didn't mean any offence honest.
I stopped drinking for five years, and only just started again back in October.
I realise how much of a tw*t drink addiction can turn someone into.
I was depressed long, long before I started drinking again.
Still not felt like having another drink today though, it's easy when I am not in the mood to drink.

Thanks Dandelion.

The comment hurt me mainly because you're not seeing how precious life is, YOUR life. It hurt me because I've seen so much of this before, the very same pattern of events in my own sister. It hurt me because I've seen where it leads unless you stop the drink. Such a tragic waste.

If you've stopped drinking before you've been amazingly strong. You need to draw on that strength again. An hour at a time, a day at a time, baby steps. Be proud of yourself for each little goal but don't chastise yourself too much if you fail, just jump straight back on the band wagon again.

Sort out the drinking and you'll feel much better in yourself, and be in a better position to tackle other issues. In a better position to climb out of the dark tunnel.

Please don't wish you had cancer, instead wish you were healthy and fit! Focus on moving towards that as much as possible and making the changes needed to help you along the way.

Best of luck with it all,

GG x

I promise, I won't become an alcoholic.
Some days, I am not in the mood to drink. Other days, I get bored with it and start making cuppas instead.

Some people are suicidal and have suicidal ideation and genuinely don't want to be here.
Life is precious, but some people's lives have not felt very precious, those who have had one bad experience after another.
Some people cope with adversity better than others, I have not coped with adversity very well at all in my life.

Cameron's Britain is going to get very tough for more and more people, time will reveal all. Not just benefit claimants, but the NHS, the Human Rights Act and a lot of other things that could affect us all.
I'm not labour either, mind, as I think both parties are as bad as each other, labour brought in the Work Capability Asessment in the first place.
All they care about is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, trouble is, they are making more people poor, not just benefit claimants.
I just don't feel strong enough.
I don't cope with stress very well at all. I go to pieces. This was the way all my life.
I won't be dying of alcohol induced liver disease though definitely and I am glad that I am no longer offending you, that was never my intent.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #65 on: May 22, 2015, 10:35:42 PM »

Dandelion I've had a lot of very expensive therapy to recover some of myself from the trauma of my own childhood.  One of the things the therapist used to say to me is "it's never too late to have what you can have."  I used to get intensely irritated by this but over time, I came to realise the truth of it.

The thing is though, sometimes we have to grieve our losses for a very very long time.  I know I did.  I had 8 years of weekly therapy - sometimes having it 3 times a week.  And I was lucky that I was able to afford it and that I found a good therapist - I had several really shit experiences with therapists before I found someone who could help me.

The other thing to know is that I'm very sensitive and so it took me a long time to recover from what had happened to me as a child even though, from reading through the posts on this board, it wasn't as bad as what has happened to some people.  People often say well so and so got off their arse and did stuff after having a crap childhood but every child is different.  Every child has a different disposition and every child has different levels of resilience.  I know, I was a sensitive kid, I didn't have much resilience and I was deeply impacted by the way I was parented.  I didn't get the help I needed until my late thirties, early forties.  By which time I felt I'd pretty well messed up a lot of my life.  And I only finished therapy last year by which time I was 50.

Things are still a bit of a mess for me life wise with the menopausal thing and the breakdown thing (didn't foresee those!) - which is why I post on here!  But, I do now have a sense of self worth and more inner strength.  So what I wish for you are these things too. You're worth it even if you don't currently feel you are.  I get the worry about benefits - I'm terrified too.  It's another reason why I want to leave this country because I've become aware of so much suffering since I got back and I think that a lot of people are insulated from it - and it's going to have get a lot worse before things change.

However, living one's life in fear is cutting short the joy we can have in the moment.  Life is precious even when it's really crap.  Keep doing the counselling and try and find something that brings you joy each day and write it down - even if it's just noticing the sun shining through the window.  A daily practice like this has been shown through research to shift the mind's focus.  I've done it, and it's a very helpful practice.  During my breakdown I wrote down things like, still breathing, roof over head, food in belly, warm bed - really basic things I appreciated but it helped me so much. 

If you have access to the library, get hold of a copy of "The mindful way through depression" by Williams, Teasdale, Segal and Kabat-Zinn.  If you can get hold of Jon Kabat Zinn's CD's through the library - do, particularly the body scan one.  Try doing the relaxation and meditation practices.  It's not an instant fix but, over time, it can help.  And you don't have to move in order to do them! You can do them in your chair or on a bed.

Sending much love and hugs - take care of your precious self - you deserve nothing less however hard it feels to give that love to yourself at this moment. xxx
I love the way this post is well written, you have a talent with words.
I am sorry to hear you had to have lots of therapy, but glad it got completed.
I'm sorry that things are a bit of a mess for you with the meno and breakdown, and I hope that things get much better for you as soon as possible.

I admit, when feeling low, I become convinced that my life is buggered up for good. I often don't feel strong enough, and I don't really have any close enough people in my life around me.
I do find it a comfort, though, when anxious, to appreciate what I have got, even the seemingly small things. I feel grateful I can feed and clothe myself and walk, and appreciate these things massively.

I'm also really sensitive, I have always been. That can be part of ADHD.
I used to cry a lot at work. I used to attract abuse from colleagues. :( School was also a nightmare.
I wish I could just forget about my mum and what she did to me, but I just cannot get rid of the intrusive thoughts. Again, an ADHD confirmation will be a positive thing in this respect, because it will mean that I have a learning disability that can be treated, and not irrepairable psychological damage.

I will try to keep up the counselling, so long as my benefits are not cut, if they are, I won't be able to afford the counsellor I have.
I agree that some people are insulated from the cuts in government departments at the moment.
If I hadn't of chosen a ten year fixed rate mortgage in 2006, I would be insulated from his cuts, because I would have paid off my mortgage, and even though, the benefits may be cut, I would be left with enough money to pay bills, food, etc, and would feel a lot more safer in that respect.
I didn't though, so I am left feeling exposed and vulnerable and unsafe.
It is this that affects my mood, as well as the lease problem. I did speak to shelter who were lovely, but could not answer some questions. The leasehold people answered them though, and it isn't good news.

I don't have a cd player, and my laptop doesn't have a disk space, but thanks for the CD recommendation. I find it hard to relax and focus my mind on my body, again, ADHD, it often comes down to ADHD, and the sooner I get a diagnosis confirmed the better, but I will be gutted if they say I don't have it, which I think is unlikely though as I have so many of the symptoms.
Maybe I will be better at mindfulness if I can get help for ADHD, and can then read the book you recommended also.

Thank you for the love and hugs.



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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #66 on: May 22, 2015, 10:48:33 PM »

Lovely thread Greenfields.

My mantra - Little steps!  (Rome wasn't built in a day).  I really thought I would not survive but once I had ditched my childhood, I could move forwards.  In face, once I had spent 3 years in talking therapy, the problems were no lingered remembered.  Discuss, decide, ditch  ;)
I've spent tons of time in talking therapies, not just my counsellor but nhs counsellors and therapists too.
Some things just stick emotionally, especially if they are not resolved.
We can hide them from ourselves by trying never to think of them by keeping busy, but ultimately we need to deal with them, whatever it takes.
Intrusive thoughts cannot be controlled or masked over with drugs, or drink/recreational drug misuse.
I just use these to get through the day.
The last day i didnt use them, I badly self harmed. It came out of nowhere a deep rage, I have had this all of my life, and yet again, is another thing that can be put down to ADHD, rage outbursts, that is, not self harm.
But it can also be caused by emotional energy getting stuck and needing releasing, and sometimes, talk therapy does not work for whatever reason, but I am glad I have my counsellor, as I trust her to open up to and she is very experienced.
I have contacted shelter and MIND. MIND were funded by our local council, but they lost the tender for the contract as another organisation put in for it with a cheaper bid.
I also use this organisation, but sometimes, when depressed I cannot face people. I love a lot of my own space, and am really thankful to have this flat, and this is another reason I feel really worried, because I need a lot of my own space, and when homeless, this is not possible.
I know this has not happened at this stage, and I hope to god it never does.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2015, 10:49:09 PM »

However, living one's life in fear is cutting short the joy we can have in the moment.  Life is precious even when it's really crap.  Keep doing the counselling and try and find something that brings you joy each day and write it down - even if it's just noticing the sun shining through the window.  A daily practice like this has been shown through research to shift the mind's focus.  I've done it, and it's a very helpful practice.  During my breakdown I wrote down things like, still breathing, roof over head, food in belly, warm bed - really basic things I appreciated but it helped me so much. 

If you have access to the library, get hold of a copy of "The mindful way through depression" by Williams, Teasdale, Segal and Kabat-Zinn.  If you can get hold of Jon Kabat Zinn's CD's through the library - do, particularly the body scan one.  Try doing the relaxation and meditation practices.  It's not an instant fix but, over time, it can help.  And you don't have to move in order to do them! You can do them in your chair or on a bed.

I totally agree. I had a really stressful time last year and I have to say YouTube kept me sane. I'd regularly tune into Jack Canfield motivational videos, and other TedTalks and it really lifted my spirits and helped me focus on the positives. There are some fabulous speakers on YouTube, all free and if you don't like one, it doesn't take long to find someone who does strike a chord with you.

GG x
I love youtube also.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #68 on: May 22, 2015, 10:52:28 PM »

Hi there

I am afraid I feel distaste with this post......we all have stuff to manage in life and some of it is beyond our control ......for me the suicide of my eldest boy Jack aged 23......what a shock.

Drinking, smoking, overeating ...we all have a chose to do those things, alcohol is  a depressant so makes sense to avoid it if one has anxiety needs. Solution focused is my way of coping.....make a plan however small or great and work towards achieving it. Only the individual can do it , no amount of support or counselling helps unless the core of us wants things to be different....Yes???

So life is no rehearsal, we live just the once and should make it as happy as we can before we get the camera roll to the end and regret not doing the things we so wanted for ourselves.

mrs j

Hugs! Mrs January.

You are obviously a loving mother and I am really sorry that your son committed suicide at 23.
I didn't mean to offend you or anyone on this thread.



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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #69 on: May 22, 2015, 10:58:25 PM »

I hope you accept my apology.

Of course I do.

A big hug to you, I know it isn't easy and I really feel for you, depression is debilitating. I do so hope you'll revisit this thread in a few months time though from a much better place.

GG x
I hope I can visit it several times over the next few years and feel in a much better place. Thank you for this.
Poverty is really bad for depression, it's a trap. Where I live is lovely, I live near some old trees, we get foxes, badgers, deer, etc I would hate to lose it cos of some silly mistakes i made in the past, but I have read extensively about ADHD and many of my mistakes can be put down to that, if I get a diagnosis. If I do have ADHD, I will accept myself a lot more, and just hope that the government don't cut ADHD services, like they have done with my vulnerable adult support worker, and mental health support worker.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #70 on: May 22, 2015, 11:08:59 PM »

What a thread ladies, heartbreaking the pain of some peoples childhoods.  The lesson i suppose is where possible stop the rot, break the cycle and not carry it into another generation.

Dandelion, i really hope you find the strength to look for positive outcomes for your issues.  Good luck to you.

Geordie girl love your positivity, keep going with it.  As for the green sludge i add at least an inch of ginger to mine when i juice it, much more palatable, plus anti inflammatory which helps with the cancer.



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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #71 on: May 22, 2015, 11:34:43 PM »

What a thread ladies, heartbreaking the pain of some peoples childhoods.  The lesson i suppose is where possible stop the rot, break the cycle and not carry it into another generation.

Dandelion, i really hope you find the strength to look for positive outcomes for your issues.  Good luck to you.

Geordie girl love your positivity, keep going with it.  As for the green sludge i add at least an inch of ginger to mine when i juice it, much more palatable, plus anti inflammatory which helps with the cancer.

I agree, stop the rot, don't let it affect other generations, which is a big reason why i chose not to have babies.
I guess my mother never had the luxury of that choice with abortion not being legal back then.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #72 on: May 23, 2015, 08:00:24 AM »


Im not normally one for self help books but this is an interesting read.  Healing without freud or prozac by david servan schreiber.



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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #73 on: May 23, 2015, 12:30:00 PM »


Im not normally one for self help books but this is an interesting read.  Healing without freud or prozac by david servan schreiber.


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Re: Rapid weight loss
« Reply #74 on: May 23, 2015, 04:21:04 PM »

No drink today.
Took 100mg 5htp hope they work.
I kept them in a warm place accidentally so i hope they have not lost their potency.
My mum wants me to phone her as she saw my faceook status last week when I was very unhappy. The status was a bit of a dig at my family, I said I am waiting for ADHD assessment, and if not diagnosed, will have to seriously consider my future, as  I might be psychologically damaged beyond repair.
I won't kill myself as mentioned earlier on in this thread.
My mum wants me to call her, but she will just put me down, when I am vulnerable like this, she makes it worse by saying things like "We kept you little".
I don't feel mentally safe if I call her. I am not ignoring her, I just don't want to speak to anyone in my family right now.
I feel like they are a negative influence, they talk down to me, and make me feel like rubbish and this can bring on self harm incidents afterwards.
Still, no alcohol so far, and it's 5:15pm.
I stayed at home today, even though it's festival weekend in our little town and everyone is out, it's a beautiful day.
If I went out, I would be on my 2nd or 3rd bottle of cider by now, so if I have to stay in, out the way, to avoid booze, then I will. Going out makes me feel too weak against booze, too many triggers.
The good thing is, I am not physically dependent on alcohol, and so I won't get withdrawals.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 04:42:54 PM by Dandelion »
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