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Author Topic: Breakthrough bleeding on Femoston Conti  (Read 5092 times)

English Rose

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Breakthrough bleeding on Femoston Conti
« on: May 15, 2015, 09:57:57 AM »

Hello ladies,

I am in need of some help. 2.5 weeks ago I changed from Femoston 1/10 to Femoston Conti on the advice of my GP. I'm 51, had been on the 1/10 for 3 years and generally got on very well, but was beginning to have a few issues with the withdrawal bleeds (i.e. reactions to tampons and discomfort following bleeds), which were light but very regular and predictable. I also use Vagifem as needed but this was not helping with the problems I had following bleeds.

So, I'm now 2.5 weeks in to the Conti and I've already started a period/bleed. I've also not felt as well on the Conti as the 1/10 i.e. a bit of flushing and more joint pains than normal. I'm not sure what to do next. I have some 1/10 left so could go back to that, and then see GP does not feel right carrying on with the Conti,which contains daily progesterone, whilst bleeding.  I am beginning to wonder whether I should have asked to try the 2/10 sequi (higher dose oestrogen) as maybe that is what I am lacking most (?)

Any advice/insights from ladies who have had similar issues with changing over would be appreciated. Ah, this menopause lark - I used to moan about my periods when younger - little did I know...... :(

Many thanks and enjoy the weekend

ER x


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on Femoston Conti
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2015, 11:39:28 AM »

If I were you I would give it longer. When I changed to a conti regime I felt crappy for 4 weeks - I was convinced it wasn't going to be right for me, then it all just settled into place and I felt good!


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on Femoston Conti
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2015, 12:17:58 PM »

I'm not sure about the other symptoms you're having but when I did exactly the same swap as you last September I did have one bleed that was roughly when I would have had one had I stayed on the 1/10.  I rang my nurse who said that was quite normal but to contact her if it happened again so she could look into it.  I haven't had another one so I assume it was just my own body sorting itself out?  I used to feel better on the prog part of the 1/10 so the conti is suiting me just fine.


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on Femoston Conti
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2015, 12:18:29 PM »

I would stick with it a bit longer - conti 1/5 is the equivalent dosage of the sequi 1/10 which has controlled your symptoms for three years - although I've noted you are 51 which is the average age most women go over into menopause so maybe you do need an oestrogen boost. Do you know which stage of meno you have reached? GP's don't normally recommend moving to a continuous regime until the age of 55 when the majority of ladies would be post meno.  So maybe go back to your GP if things haven't settled at three months?

I changed from Femoston sequi 2/10 to conti 1/5 four months ago. In myself I feel better and a pain I had in my hand for four years has disappeared overnight! Coincidence? And I've had no breakthrough bleeding whatsoever, but then I'm definitely post meno. It's great not to have a monthly bleed and the hormonal fluctuations created by taking progesterone for only half the cycle. However the hot flushes and night sweats have reappeared and I've had the odd dizzy spell and palpitations. Not so much that I can't cope with them though - two to three flushes during the day and two to three during the night. Unfortunately Femoston don't manufacture a higher conti dose so I'm hoping given time everything will settle down.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 12:35:41 PM by Morwenna »

English Rose

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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on Femoston Conti
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2015, 03:58:44 PM »

Thanks so much for your helpful replies. I'll try and stick it out but my gut feeling is that sequi may be better for me as I seem to be having a period rather than a small spot/bleed (sorry for the gory detail). I feel like my cycle (which was really predictable on the 1/10) has gone completely haywire. I'll probably make an appt for the GP but will have to wait a couple of weeks for that (!) - I'm glad you are all happy on the Conti.

Morwenna - I have no idea what stage I'm at - never had any blood tests but I started symptoms at age around 44-45, although I didn't realise I was perimenopausal. I was 48 when I finally went on oral HRT (Femoston 1/10)and I would say it's been a great help, especially when trying to manage busy family and working life. I think I may well need a bit more oestrogen though as I'm getting a little symptomatic again now although I have good and bad days.

 Sorry to hear about your increased symptoms Morwenna, I don't know why Femoston don't do a 2mg Conti although I know other brands have them according to the list on the index here. I suspect though, like me, you like the idea of staying on the "kinder" progesterone(?) I've heard alternative types can cause hair thinning which would concern me as I have fine hair in the first place.

Thanks again, ER x
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 04:08:01 PM by English Rose »