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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Pain around clitoris!!!  (Read 74660 times)


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #90 on: June 18, 2015, 07:27:09 AM »

Lol yesterday has gone.

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #91 on: June 18, 2015, 09:29:27 AM »

thank you mary jane...that is reassuring...WOw wearing pants is a big step forward...I am currently struggling with a period as well!!! i suspect you have had that dilemma too...and yes..I am panicky, and stressed and who wouldn't be??!!

I am terrified I won't be able to be the mum I want to be, that I will miss out on things my children do...that I will live in pain! that I'll never go back to work...its all overwhelming...

I will try to live in the now...especially not looking doesn't help..


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #92 on: June 18, 2015, 11:41:16 AM »

Spoke to soon😖 resting for now......nerve pain is such a 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #93 on: June 18, 2015, 12:43:16 PM »

Ahhhh..poor you...yes the jinxing...never do that!!!!
I'm thinking of you.....

BTW I wasn't sure how anonymous to be, but my name is Kate.

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #94 on: June 19, 2015, 11:39:10 AM »

Hmm..just back from the physio who says she is baffled..... as mine is not classic pudendal nerve presentation...just the branch to the clitoris?? and becuase the pain is so intense....Also she can't find any trigger points to work with...did anyone else have this? Don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing....

Wow this is frustrating...and I know so many others have hed their own versions of all of this...


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #95 on: June 19, 2015, 03:38:10 PM »

Well.......the fact that it's the branch of the PN nerve is a form of PN in my opinion, and many ladies on different forums only have clitoral pain, but are diagnosed with PN. But as I have said before nerve pain is nerve pain,made you any better ? How are you getting on with Noratriptyline?

She will probably call it clitoredynia, dynia Latin for pain, put the two together pain in the clitorse.


Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #96 on: June 20, 2015, 07:11:03 PM »

Hi, yes thought that Maryane...and the ohysionsaid as much too...that even with just the clitoral pain, its still PN....I am waiting for the nortriptolyne to kick in! Its maybe doing something...say 20 per cent less angry...but that could also be the physio..or time, whatever..its hard to know whats doing what I guess..

I have had all the info through from Dr Greenslade and it includes costs fot the two types of nerve if I might have them (or be offered them) there and then...I really want to know about these before I go...i know you have said avoid the steroid one..and I'm not so sure the benefit of the diagnostic one, if it doesn't tell you for usre? I guess it can rule other things out? Are there any other forums where this is discussed a lot? or where women have had them done by Dr Greenslade....? I am all for letting things try to calm down really....


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #97 on: June 20, 2015, 09:50:00 PM »

There is Pudenadal hope or as Judith and I call it No hope......there is pelvic pain unlocked UK based and the FB Groups which are they are mostly Americans on them and they have EVERY investigation known to man and it just causes more problems.......

I can in box you a ladies name who had surgery at Bristol and you can read her thread ( bad bad bad ) I am happy to chat to you in the phone as sometimes it's easier as unfortunately I know all there is to no about PN😒which it was hip replacement or something more common, not demeaning hip problems but there really is nothing like genital pain, some people get a 100% relief from Nora......but remeber the nerve is still angry.

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #98 on: June 21, 2015, 10:38:43 AM »

Yes, I found pudendal no hope very early on - its hideous in every way....and scared the life out of me....It has no good news stories....even going back on it to check out cushions was horrible as they have all this disability equipment, which I am sure some people need, but its so upsetting when you are young and want to get physio says she has helped a few ladies to get a 95per cent improvement....(with medication and other help too) and its takes time...and she seems very professional and realistic...but there is nothing like that on PH.

 I suppose I am stuck at the moment, because I don't want to hear the bad news stories.....but I know I need to do some research too. I don't want to go for my consultation unprepared. The irony is that I have worked in research all my life and now suddenly I am scared of the facts....

Maybe I should read the thread of the woman who had the surgery in Bristol....although I would never do already seems like its France or nothing, even if thats a long way down the line. i hope roberts isn't getting near retirement or anything?!!! I cant believe that there seems to be one place in Europe.....I read about a man who had surgery in Bristol but had seen no improvement. I suppose this is a genuine problem that to get experienced, they will have to do more surgery, but at whose expense?

I think it would be really helpful to talk on the phone, and thank you for offering to do that. How do we make contact?

And Judith if you are reading are you doing too? I don't even know what retocele is!!


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #99 on: June 21, 2015, 11:10:11 AM »

Hi yes I am still reading this and glad you are beginning to see a little bit of improvement. I am down in the doldrums a bit at the moment. Look at my other posts over the last few days and you will see what a rectocele is   :sigh: I have also had issues with my GP prescribing the wrong HRT product!

All of my problems started with some slightly energetic sex on 22nd Feb 2014  :-[ I should have remembered that I wasn't nineteen anymore! The next day I had soreness and bleeding when I went for a pee and a UTI was diagnosed but nothing felt the same inside me, I started to get more and more pain until eventually the PN seemed to get involved and I was in agony, could hardly walk, crippling clitoral pain etc.

Basically, I now think my whole pelvic floor is knackered and the rectocele is causing me a lot of distress as I now have a 'pouch' in my vagina and have to intervene to empty my rectum. I do not get very much actual pain anymore just a general feeling of being very uncomfortable.

I think my pudendal nerve is trapped on the right side as I need to cup my right hand under my buttock if I sit without a cushion  :'(

I think my next plan of attack is to have a pelvic floor scan at the place where MJ had hers done, see if anything can be done about the rectocele and then potentially look to going to France for the PN surgery. I have an appointment with my boss at 10.00 tomorrow morning as I am finding it increasingly difficult to go to work now - not what you want to hear, sorry! It isn't the pain causing issues anymore though it is the rectocele.

Have a chat to MJ, she really is an expert now as she didn't mind reading the scary websites. They frightened me to death, even the periphery of the sites when you want to look at cushions are horrible, as you say.

I had three nerve block injections but I don't really know if they helped and they weren't very nice either, had to go into an operating theatre and be sedated.

Keep posting!!


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #100 on: June 21, 2015, 05:52:48 PM »

I will in box you my phone number.......and to be homest I have suddenly gone down hill from nowhere the last few days, I think becuase I had to do quite a lot of sitting with Grand daughter in hospital and it has all reacted. After my daughters wedding in August I am going to set the ball rolling to pay a visit to France......Judith 57 want to come does not mean I will have surgery but it is the closest I am going to get to a diagnoise.......


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #101 on: June 21, 2015, 06:01:18 PM »

Judith they don't knock you out in Bristol or France, why its so much cheaper to go to Bristol than London and cheaper to go all the way to France than London, wish I'd gone when I said I was going to to be honest, just talking to,a UK lady elsewhere who's friend had it done 20 months ago and is now better, she didn't she backed out at the last minute but is talking about going ....Prof Robert is staring to cut his hours yes regards age.


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #102 on: June 21, 2015, 06:11:16 PM »

I think I will go and have a 'standing up' scan where you went, I have been really uncomfortable this weekend, things just not in the right place. We need to get to France before the Prof retires.... :scottie: :scottie: :scottie:

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #103 on: June 21, 2015, 06:31:48 PM »

God,  now I am really scared.....surely he has a team? and someone coming up behind him??????? can we find out?

Maryjane....I accidentally replied to your pm without putting a message in! Can I call you on tuesday?

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #104 on: June 21, 2015, 07:17:52 PM »

And Judith...that is soo, soo difficult....I really feel for you. These womens issues are just so complex and so debilitating..I am amazed that you have managed to work through this..I have been off work for nearly two months...You must be very strong...And To think it all began with sex.....nothing like this ever happens to men does it? Can you imagine if all the effort that went into developing viagra had gone into women's research...there would be a prof Roberts in every hospital....
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