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Author Topic: Pain around clitoris!!!  (Read 74659 times)


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #105 on: June 21, 2015, 08:05:29 PM »

I know, I wish I had closed the door on any hanky panky when I reached 50  :-\


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #106 on: June 21, 2015, 08:49:03 PM »

Yes ring me Tuesday......text me first to make sure I am not out shopping don't want to talk vaginas and clitorise in the middle of Waitrose 😜 he does have a team , but I think he is the main man, but no retirement is not imminent.

It will be a miracle if we ever have sex again , very sad😔 would be to scared of making things even worse.......but there are more than one way to skin a rabit.😎


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #107 on: June 21, 2015, 09:20:04 PM »

Shame the 3 of us can't have a conference call  :lol:


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #108 on: June 22, 2015, 05:13:15 AM »

I have two other ladies wanting to chat to me this week......wish I was known as the sewing guru or something like that one flipping vaginas everything to,do,with our nether regions.😝 but Judith 57 you are my original fanny friend 💐


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #109 on: June 22, 2015, 06:03:03 AM »

Aaaah thank you, wish I was your frozen shoulder friend though  :'(

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #110 on: June 22, 2015, 08:18:28 AM »

me too.....this is all so hard to deal with and to discuss....


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #111 on: June 22, 2015, 07:11:33 PM »

I have lost all modesty .....half of Harley Street saw my nether eg ions last year 😳 and Judith 57 sometimes me in the am and her in the pm with the same wows😏my daughters ring me and say how's your vag mum.....and also my son in law......a problem shared is a problem halved and belive it or not we do laugh about it sometimes as I am cried out.

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #112 on: June 24, 2015, 06:51:43 PM »

Maryjane....thanks for the advice the other day....Hope yours and Judith57s flare ups have calmed a bit......


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #113 on: June 24, 2015, 07:04:11 PM »

How are you getting on? Are you feeling any better? I took the day off work yesterday as I had booked to go to the theatre, the first time since all this nonsense started. I missed so many things last year that I had booked and paid for, a weekend in Nice for the Monaco grand Prix, tickets to see Carey Mulligan and Bill Nighy in a play, umpteen NT live performances at the cinema, my nieces wedding  :'(

Anyway, yesterday was quite successful, I took my cushion and had booked an aisle seat just in case. I saw Bradley Cooper in The Elephant Man, he was amazing, I even went to to the stage door like a groupie.

I hope you are feeling better and not still having to take morphine....  xxx


Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #114 on: June 24, 2015, 08:33:11 PM »

Its so lovely to hear that Judith...good for you...I love Bradley Cooper.....and would love to see a play..or even go out for a meal or a coffee (well luckily my local cafe has a high bar...I can stand and the family sit on the stools...)

I can't sit much at the moment..I haven't got the right cushion yet....but I am also really trying to protect myself a not do any more this relatively early stage I am trying to give the nerve its best chance of settling down...I am doing meditation tapes (never thought I would) and a lot of reading of trashy novels (again, never thought I would)....lying on my front is the only comfy position...and my sister has me on an anti-inflammatory diet which is just very healthy and she is trying so hard to help me out...its very touching...

I have only taken one morphine since last maybe the nortriptoline is beginning to work....I think my physio helped a little too....even still any advice gladly received....I honestly think that only people have had this could have a clue.....

I have always been really sympathetic with my mum, but I am now sure she has this too..and I look at her in a new just how strong she is... She almost missed my wedding with it, and I totally understand that now...

I am sorry you had to miss all those lovely events....I am looking at Glastonbury this weekend thinking my goal is to go to that in the future....

ANY tips on what to do..always greatly received...

I have never been on a forum or anything either, and I am still quite moved at the kindness of everyone...'the internet is brilliant for some things!



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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #115 on: June 24, 2015, 08:58:18 PM »

Glad to hear you are feeling better  :). I had never been on a forum before either and have absolutely no intention of going onto NO HOPE!


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #116 on: June 25, 2015, 06:24:20 AM »

My daughter and other half are off to Glastonbury this weekend......third year now......they have to go to work on Monday having got back to London at 6.00am and straight to work.....they are going to smell......they both asked for days off and where told the are going to make them pay for there lack of hygiene over the few days they will be there.

Yes lying on your front takes all,pressure off the pesky nerve.

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #117 on: June 25, 2015, 12:32:54 PM »

I mailed pelvic pain support group on sunday first contact with them..she says she doesn't know how long Prof Roberts will carry on for..probably 2-3 years..
And there is someone in Boyenne, Dr Raine (?) that does it??

I know this is all a long way off...but I sort of need to know I have options down the road?!!! How do you two feel about it?

How long is is reasonable to try to manage symptoms for in order to know if you are going to get better or not? Ie how long do people wait and do physio and so on before heading down the surgery route? And do you know of other people with this clitoral pain that Have got better through more conservative methods???

my physio and another one have said its possible to make very good improvements?

i want to be a bit clued up before I see Dr G!!

thanks again..I will stop being demanding at some point, honest!!!


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #118 on: June 25, 2015, 03:45:55 PM »

I told myself two years......which is the Christmas as I am also aware of the clock ticking regards Professor physio who had it herself took two years to come 95% right, she has patients who went to Feance within 6 months that she said was right for them as if the nerve is trapped no amount of physio is going to cure that.

I am going to set the ball rolling mid August regards arranging a consutation with him and his team as I have nothing to loose, it doesn't mean I will have surgery but it will be my best chance of a proper diagnoise.......

I have been thinking the last few days since your post has turned up and am I really 75% better or have I just got used to it, I am probably thinking the later, I rarely cry anymore about it like I used to, I am just p%$$#d most of the time, I had a good day a few days ago but did to much and now I am suffering and its just blah.

The problem is in the UK, there isn't anyone we can really talk to about it, and we have to be our own guides and help each other out, as its so brushed under the carpet.

There is also someone called Jacques ........ In Belgium I believe that also does it. The lady I chat to who has had the surgery the other week, has had her dressings off and doing ok, obviously far far to early to see if it will be a success.

The problem is no one knows who gets better, as the ones who do don't go on the forums as they wont to forget about it, I do no where ladies have had the clitoral pain for years with no other symptons and suddenly bang its spread....but who knows with nerves......but if any of is do head down the surgery is still a life time of looking after the area as in no horse riding / riding a bike, yoga, Pilates and breast stroke, and be careful what and how long you sit some peolp do re intrape.......

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #119 on: June 25, 2015, 04:21:07 PM »

Yes....thanks Mary Jane....this is what I was thinking, and its crazy that there is nothing in the UK to help...just crazy. Even the thought of getting to France is difficult for most with this condition, surely.....

There is the American surgeon's website full of happy people post-op....driving and scuba diving after decompression surgery! But I guess thats a selective portion too..I am glad you don't cry too much any more...I have a blub every now and again, but my family don't let me wallow - and I have to keep it together for the kids....

I suppose r G may offer me more medication...but the trouble with that is its just masking the problem, isn't it? I may also think about a consultation in you say, at least you know what you are dealing with then....I have had the vaginal pain on and off since Feb, and this clitoral pain for seems long enough for me!!!
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