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Author Topic: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?  (Read 19121 times)


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Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:54:51 AM »

Hi everyone,
I've been suffering for almost 5 years now and went on hrt just over a year ago. It took 3 months for the sweats to go completely then I lost my husband suddenly last summer and the sweats returned. I decided that because I'd been on hrt for 12 months and the sweats had returned it seemed pointless staying on it and so came off. My daytime sweats haven't returned but the night time ones are as bad as they were before coupled with my emotional state I'm hardly sleeping at all now. I tried all the herbal remedies before going on hrt and nothing worked for me. My GP told me to go back if they became bad again as there were lots of alternatives I could try. I'm wondering what these are? I can't get in to see my usual GP and am seeing a male doctor this afternoon.
Any suggestions please?


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2015, 12:23:37 PM »

So sorry about your sudden bereavement. 

It may be that you need a different HRT regime to ease the night-time flushes.  Have you read the menus, top of screen?


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2015, 12:23:59 PM »

Sorry - no experience - but there are some drugs listed under 'prescribable non-hrt' on the 'Treatments' tab above, that are used for hot flushes.


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2015, 12:27:52 PM »

Hi choc57 - My condolences, what a tough time you've had. The alternatives your GP is talking about are the ADs/SRRIs - if you look under treatments it tells you all about them.  My gynae is keen on Citalopram(which is not mentioned in the MM list) and it does seem to suit many women - though many women often need systemic HRT alongside an SRRI to really control the flushes etc. Like all drugs there are side effects with ADs/SRRIs and they don't always work for meno symptoms - again it is trial and error - but it could be worth your while trying these as they can help with sleep. Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2015, 12:30:55 PM »

Have you tried acupuncture?
It used to work for me before I had severe stress combined with illness and stopped exercising and then had a menopausal hormonal melt down.
I've also just finished reading a book by Dr Marion Gluck which had a lot of useful information in it about diet and supplements - she runs a clinic in London - if you can afford it, it might be worth a try.
I've started exercising again since I've been on my new HRT treatment and am feeling a lot better for it.
I'm so sorry that your husband died - a stressful sad event like that could well throw one's hormones out of balance.
Sending hugs xx


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2015, 12:55:24 PM »

Thanks everyone.
I did try citalopram a couple of months after my husband died. Not to help with flushes but I think my family didn't know how to help me and thought the only thing to help me deal with my grief was for me to go on anti depressants and so I was persuaded. After 4 weeks they worked but just made me feel numb and living in a kind of fog and I didn't feel it was a healthy way to deal with my grief. But because I was on hrt I don't know whether they had any affect on my flushes.
Maybe a different hrt would be a good idea. I just wish I could get an appointment with my usual female GP who I feel I can discuss this with rather than this one who is male. I realise I'm being sexist but just feel he might not have a clue!
I'll let you know how I get on x


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2015, 01:50:17 PM »

Hi choc57 - are you 57? If so then a low dose of Oestrogen as gel or patch with Utrogestan for progesterone would be a good idea? Failing that, why not try Femoston conti - this suits lots of women very well.  DG x


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2015, 03:08:29 PM »

Just back from the doctors, what a waste of time that was! He reckoned he didn't know of ADs which helped sweats and told me to go back to the other doctor who I can't see until 2nd June. He seemed surprised that my sweats had come back even though I was on hrt.
I've made the appointment to see her and so will have to wait. I felt he was in a rush and wanted rid of me. He could see I was agitated...not getting much sleep and missing my husband so much so he gave me a choice of going on ADs, beta blockers to calm me down or see the mental health team. I didn't want to go on ADs as they might not have been the ones to help my sweats. My blood pressure is pretty low and the thought of beta blockers scared me so I took the piece of paper with the telephone number on for self referral to the mental health people.
Looks like I'll just have to wait until the 2nd June.
I'm 58 but was still having the odd period before hrt and so went on Elleste duet 1mg. Interestingly up until I lost Andrew I had the bleed each month as expected but this stopped suddenly when he died so that does indicate a stress related hormonal problem I imagine.
Thanks everyone x


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2015, 03:08:52 PM »

Not personally but my friend has citlopram as she cant have hrt and her sweats were just awful likewise her around coping,she does well with them.


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2015, 03:12:03 PM »

I'll discuss Ads when I see my female GP.
I forgot to mention one thing he did offer me which he said would help with sleep problems was something which would give me the 'appetite of a horse' and I would put on 'masses of weight'....sounds appealing!!


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2015, 03:15:19 PM »

Sorry your gp doesnt sound at all helpful bless you  :hug:

You have an awful lot on your plate right now ,you are still grieving for your husband,I know it wont help with the sweats but maybe you could look into bereavement councilling which would help with your emotional side of things. Keep posting we are always here x


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2015, 03:17:40 PM »

choc57 - he may have been suggesting Amitriptyline? DG x


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2015, 03:18:56 PM »

It could be what I have just started taking which is low dose ad for acute anxiety,palps,etc and insomnia do you remember what it was called,I have been good on them even though very anti AD !


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2015, 03:34:48 PM »

No I can't remember what they were called and I don't think he actually gave me the name. But having lost a couple of stones recently and having bought lots of new clothes I don't like the thought of a massive weight gain! I suppose I'd have other health problems to contend with then as well.
Through the mental health team I might be able to have some counselling. I did have some at first but I think it was too early on for me so maybe I'd do with some more.
What is it you're taking Dazned and have you noticed any weight gain? x


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Re: Has anyone managed to get rid of hot flushes without HRT?
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2015, 03:42:52 PM »

Mirtazapine 15 mgs 1 at night I then sleep well ,it has brought my appetite back ,which is good,but as it also got rid of all my anxiety and panic attacks etc.Im now more active so not gained any weight thank goodness. It suits me for now when all the others I tried made me feel worse. Unfortunately its horses for courses . Hopefully you will find something that works for you ,all I would say is be prepared to do / take what ever it takes to feel right for you. 8 months I baulked at ads now I wish i started these sooner.
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