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Author Topic: HRT, should I?  (Read 3038 times)


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HRT, should I?
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:21:29 AM »

Im sitting here looking at a prescription for HRT, my life has gone to nowhere since this started and i dont even know who i am anymore... But on the plus side ive just been reading thru some of your posts and i can tick all the boxes on your topics because im feeling them all.. I still feel alone tho and wondering when i will become me again, if ever!  Or has life changed for good, which if so then im not handling it very well,if at all.


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2015, 10:39:18 AM »


Hi Ginnyliz70 well first off you're not alone anymore !

At least you've managed to get HRT so that's one hurdle down  ;)
If you've had a look around at all the posts you will see thats no mean feat !

How old are you and whereabouts in this lovely meno journey are you ?
What Hrt have you been prescribed?
What is making you reluctant to try it ?

I find looking back has not helped me at all in fact its made things harder ,need to focus on way forward if you can,not easy I know.
Keep looking around and keep posting others will be along soon.


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2015, 11:52:40 AM »

Hi, thanks for your reply, im 44, had a full hysterectomy Dec 13, AND thought that once i got better ( and that in itself was hard work) life would continue!.  How wrong was i, its got worse and worse and i think im going mad most of the time, and thats hard as i wasnt quite right in the first place lol!.  I was given HRT after i came out of hospital but i only took it for a short while and then thought stupidly that i would be ok once i gained my strengh back, never thinking about the psychological impact or the mysterious aches and pains that have arrived. Then i decided i need help so went to the doctors and after tests i now have a prescription for climaval 1mg tabs.  I was determined before i got the script that i was going 2 take them, now im confused about it.. This is my brain not making any sense  ;D.


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2015, 12:08:55 PM »

Hi Ginnyliz70,

 My friend had a hysterectomy and went into menopause quickly. she didn't feel herself and almost had a breakdown. She started on HRT , just oestrogen and didn't look back. You do not have to worry about taking progesterone , just  getting the correct oestrogen balance to feel better hopefully. Take it and give yourself time. You and your body have been through a traumatic experience , so you are bound to feel like you do. Reading your post you felt better on it before and there is no reason why you shouldn't again.

good luck
Pepperminty xx


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2015, 12:42:08 PM »

Hi GinnyLiz

sorry your having such a hard time.

As mentioned on other posts, having HRT after Hysterectomy is shown to reduce the chance of you having Breast Cancer.

The bad part is that doc's still don't have this information to hand.

Sorry you didnt get good advice to stick with HRT post operation however your still in a good position to get back to as normal as possible. The longer you leave things the harder it will be to get back to where you were.

Hope you try things out and feel better soon.



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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2015, 01:46:44 PM »

At your age 44 you really do need to take onboard estrogen,it will protect your heart and bones for one thing.
I have just posted a link on the topic " muffin top " it is part of a 4 part talk by Dr Annie Evans a very knowledgeable dr on HRT it might be worth your while to watch them very interesting.


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2015, 05:40:19 PM »

Ginnyliz70 - you need the oestrogen at your age. It will protect your heart & bones, reduce your risk of bowel  cancer and early onset vaginal atrophy and bladder problems.  AS others have said, you needed better advice. Get your life back and start that oestrogen.  Keep us posted  DG x


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2015, 08:14:42 PM »

Thankyou everyone, it has helped more than i could ever say :)


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2015, 08:34:20 AM »

Ginny - you have been given quite a low dose for your age and pills don't always work as well as patches or gel.
I'd start them a.s.a.p. give it 3 months and if you are still feeling rubbish ask for a stronger dose.  Perhaps try using the gel later as you can control the amount you use better.  HAving said this, you may find you do fine on the pills - many women like just popping a pill each day as it's less hassle. Keep us posted. DG x


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2015, 11:49:26 AM »

Hello and welcome Ginny, you're not alone anymore. We're all here to listen and support you.

My Mum had a hysterectomy at 43 due to fibroids. So she went straight on to HRT. She felt massively better within herself in just a few weeks. She hadn't realised how low and depressed she'd become in the few years prior to her operation. She'd also been suffering with random anxiety that was so severe that my father had to call out the emergency GP several times in the night.

At no point had she connected these symptoms to her hormones, even though early menopauses runs in the family very strongly.

But oestrogen only HRT turned her life around very quickly.

That was 25 years ago. But she now belongs to a social group for retired ladies, and she says it's quite easy to tell the ones who took/take HRT and the ones who don't. The HRT ladies all look younger and seem to have much more energy, and don't complain of the aches and pains (and bladder issues) that the non-HRT ladies do.

You only to trial the HRT for a few months. You really have nothing to lose xxx


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2015, 07:05:54 PM »

Hiya, its day 3 of taking HRT, ive taken the plunge so to speak, onwards and upwards i hope  :)


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Re: HRT, should I?
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2015, 08:42:05 PM »

Hi GinnyLiz

 :welcomemm: from me too and glad to hear you have started the HRT.

I agree with the others - at your young age you do need it if you've had a full hysterectomy ( but that I presume you mean ovary removal as well?), and that the dose of 1 mg may not be enough in the long term but good to start low and build up slowly until you reach the right dose for you.

Do hope it makes you feel better soon. :)

Hurdity x