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Author Topic: Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!  (Read 2644 times)


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Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!
« on: April 30, 2015, 07:59:30 AM »

As I approach the big 5-0 this year, and having, in the past, followed as many diets as most of you could think of, I don't want to have to go and buy even bigger clothes, again.  I am SICK of patronising websites that tell you to eat horrible processed things like margarines and fat-reduced dairy products, and imply that you're a porker simply because you stuff your face like a madwoman at every opportunity without moving your backside off the sofa.  The vast majority of us just aren't like that, and don't eat like that, and it's NOT FAIR!  Have any of you hit upon a really good way of eating that helps reduce that unbelievably stubborn roll of flesh that sits just below my bosoms?  I always lean towards low carbohydrate, because that has been my most successful attempt in the past, and I have read elsewhere that this is normally pretty helpful for women such as myself.  I love vegetables, all types of meat, fish, and am fine with dairy.  I do find that wheat products make me puff up like a bloater fish, but other than that, I don't think I have any allergies/sensitivities.  I would seriously appreciate your input.


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Re: Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2015, 08:48:17 AM »

Sadly, I find it's simply about eating less PERMANTENTLY and even then the fat seems to shift to my upper hips and diaphragm so my body shape has completely changed - it's all very depressing.
You are not alone with this problem. It sounds as though you are eating well so perhaps keep doing this but try reducing portions.   AS for upping the exercise, I have a dog and enjoy walking so I try to do as much walking as I can. I personally think brisk walking is the best and safest exercise to do. Good luck  DG x

Ju Ju

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Re: Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2015, 09:37:10 AM »

Cutting out sugar as far as possible, which means avoiding processed foods, no more than 2 pieces of fruit a day and not bananas and only with meals, new potatoes, not old, whole meal grains and rice. Loads of veg, fish, white meat and smaller plates. How about making an appointment with a well qualified nutritionist/dietician to help you tailor your diet to your needs. It's more of a way of eating healthily for the rest of your life, rather dieting for the short term. This worked for me. I got down to my ideal weight, which is what I was in my teens. Oh and of course, exercise, something you enjoy doing. You wouldn't see me in the gym or running!


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Re: Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2015, 10:08:01 AM »

I have lost weight so far on this peri journey......personally for me as long as you're rfit and healthy, love yourself......I was pretty overweight, but the weight has dropped off....I would rather be a little fatter and have my happiness again, enjoying food as opposed to making myself've got to live in your skin though so  I understand and know its uncomfortable when your clothes don't sit right xxx


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Re: Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2015, 02:14:43 PM »

This thread could run and run on any Forum  ::)

I weighed 6st 8 for years++ - 7st 2 on my wedding day, remained around that for many years.  We walked a lot, swam, played sports ….. gardening is my main exercise these days.  For 12 years we had an active dog and although I ate a lot of chocolate all our meals are from scratch and many of our veg./fruit home grown.  When the dog aged my weight rose to under 9st by a few pounds.  She then died  :'(  (as they do).

I borrowed a puppy and walked again, miles each day with him.  It took 14 months to get back to 8 and a half stones, weighed on Sunday strangely - down to 7 and a half. 

We are 2 home alone.  DH does all the cookery.  He makes meals from scratch and we rarely have left overs.  So don't tend to munch from the fridge between meals. He eats way more fruit than I do, I find it bloats me.  Also eating is hard work  :-X

Typical week:  breakfast always the same: porridge for Himself, granola for me. Full fat milk, NEVER anything else.  Cups of tea are black with 2 sugars, he drinks coffee, black without. 

Lunch varies: usually a cheese with biscuits/pork pie with salad, soup in the Winter with bread.  If out and about we may have a cooked lunch.

Evening meal varies: DH will cook freshly caught trout with home grown veg.; or on a bed of boiled rice.  He uses ginger and garlic in lots of the meals he prepares.  We de-frost Naan bread which goes under the grill; added a layer of tomato purred, grilled; adds tomatoes, chopped peppers, mushrooms, grill topped with cheese, melted.  Really filling.  He occasionally makes beef burgers from scratch adding ginger and garlic to the mix, grilling until done.  Spag. bol is a similar recipe served with pasta or spaghetti.  Occasoinally we go to the chippy.  2-night it's home smoked filleted trout with pasta: pasta stir fried in tomato sauce with salt/black pepper, ginger/garlic, yellow peppers, trout thrown in - ready to serve.

Roast meals are done in the oven -  meat, veg., potatoes …….. the only way to eat parsnips is roasted  ;)  I can't eat onions so he cooks those separately.  Very Good Gravey when necessary.

Don't buy 2 4 1 meals 'cos there's a pressure then to eat them !  On mainland Europe the housewife shops daily and has a store cupboard of fillers i.e. dried herbs for soups.  We have lots of pickles, mustards, sauces to add and frozen veg. usually peas and sweetcorn.  Don't buy what you think puts weight onto you but allow yourself a treat daily. 

As we age the muscles become lax so although I have a droopy belly my weight is fine. Can't do much about the droop but it's all paid for  ;)


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Re: Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2015, 03:46:25 PM »

For me, cutting out sugar/carbs as much as possible (read all labels) and walking at least 3 miles every day is what works. Though having said that, this used to cause me to lose a bit of weight, now it only maintains the weight I am - grrrr!


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Re: Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2015, 04:14:53 PM »

Weight or muscle?


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Re: Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2015, 07:27:28 PM »

5;2 works a treat and gets rid of tummy fat, however you will be on it for life but at least 5 days a week you can eat "normally".

there is a journalist writing in Times and hes lost over a stone or perhaps 2 in a year - he says he did this by simply eating less .........


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Re: Weight loss - I don't want to be such a porker!
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2015, 07:39:42 PM »

We are what we eat ……… there was a programme about food labelling on TV recently, well I never read labels  ::) ….. but there's supposedly a traffic light-type system of red being a danger level of i.e. salt or sugars …… the tinned foods we buy are tuna in oil, peas, prunes in syrup, sweet corn; rarely soups which all taste artificial to me  ::)
