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Author Topic: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.  (Read 14575 times)


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2015, 12:38:26 PM »

Thanks pepperminty  :)

I'm on day 7 of patch only, so hopefully will start to improve shortly. I have noticed though that even though I barely slept last night, my mood isn't as despairing and desperate as I would usually feel after zero sleep. So maybe the HRT is starting to flex it's muscles?

I see my consultant next month. Oddly enough she did approve of combined HRT for me, even though I still have periods. Said it wasn't the 'norm' but wouldn't have a problem with me taking it if I reacted well to progesterone (though we assumed I wouldn't because have always suffered with PMS etc).

By the time I see her I will be finishing my next Utro phase, and if I feel as good again on it I will mention it to her, and see what she says.

I just hate this rollercoaster. Never knowing when you're going to dip or rise. I feel so helpless in the face of it.


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2015, 12:40:53 PM »

The sleep or not sleeping well issue has been going on for me for a couple of years and it's awful.  I just want to add that I am of the mind that it is lack of progesterone that causes this issue, or more accurately the ratio of progesterone and estrogen being 'out'. I am not on HRT but presume that eventually the HRT will over-ride your own hormones and get the balance right - or at least that's what is supposed to happen I think - but logically, in perimenopause the hormones are up and down and getting balanced, whether with HRT or not might take a while once you add or change something in your life, either medication or otherwise.

It's a complete marathon of a balancing act.  Hang in there, things will get better.  Keep noticing and learning what's happening for you.  I wish there was a quick fix and it might be that things do settle soon for you, if not, keep the faith that they will x


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2015, 12:43:57 PM »

Also wanted to add that I was told by a menopause doctor recently that we actually need very little estrogen to keep our bones and heart healthy and that most of the symptoms we experience are due to the ups and downs and the ratio's being out of kilter.  I don't know if you have any idea of whether you are low in estrogen or have symptoms of hot flushes or vaginal dryness but it might be that you are still producing enough estrogen at times and the HRT is swinging the balance too far??


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2015, 01:45:14 PM »

That's interesting to read Brightlight.

I've never had a hot flush (but neither did my Mum) and haven't had a problem with vaginal dryness yet.

I'm only 3 weeks into HRT so it is very early days. I'm hoping that the HRT will start to flex its muscles soon and override my own hormonal fluctuations.

My GP assured me it would. But he also assured me it would cure the insomnia and that certainly hasn't happened yet.

I have been battling with these mood swings and poor sleep for well over a year now. I just want some continuity and confidence that I am going to sleep.


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2015, 01:53:20 PM »

Sounds like you need to just hang in there and let your body adjust - here's hoping you get your wish very soon and the sleep improves.  It's a horrible symptom and I can empathise with the lack of continuity in how you feel, it's really annoying.  I haven't really chilled out about the changes yet ;)



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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2015, 02:12:48 PM »

Thanks Brightlight. I guess I just need to be patient, but it's so hard. I am the least patient person ever and I'm just so desperate for some mood stability and quality of life again.

Can I ask why you haven't tried HRT for your symptoms?


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2015, 02:19:51 PM »

When I am 'out of kilter' for any reason outside of my 'norm.', my brain immediately kicks in with 'what if I never feel normal again, what if this continues?'  :'(


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2015, 03:30:22 PM »

It might be that you are one of the women who feel much better on progesterone. We did have a member (Bette ) who took the mini pill for years along side HRT. She just felt so much better and relaxed on that regime, so it's not that unusual.

Maybe start a new topic and you will get specific answers on whether some feel better with constant progesterone.

I was put on a conti regime in my early 50s, although it's not the norm my GP thought I would do better as I was having constant breakthrough bleeding on sequi. I was not at all sure as I had read on the forum that you had to be one year bleed free or over 55. I emailed Dr Currie and she assured me that it was perfectly fine to move onto a conti at my age. It's not a rule that's written in stone it would seem.

Perhaps you will be able to discuss other options with your GP as sometimes it takes some tweaking before we get it right. It's rare to settle on the first HRT you take.



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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2015, 03:39:51 PM »

Yes that's just how I start to think CLKD. I catastrophise my symptoms all the time. I annoy myself so much.


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2015, 03:42:43 PM »

Thanks honey bun. I willention it to my GP tmrw (need a repeat HRT script) and will mention to my consultant next month too.



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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2015, 03:44:09 PM »

Hi GypsyRoseLee,

I totally know what you mean when you say "even though I barely slept last night, my mood isn't as despairing and desperate as I would usually feel after zero sleep. So maybe the HRT is starting to flex it's muscles?" I feel exactly the same. So when I am disappearing , I need to remember that point to help me through. I am unsure as to whether moving up a dose of oestrogen with help , but it is early days. Lets hope that the progesterone isn't the bad guy here for us both, and that with tweaking it will sort itself eventually. It is the roller coater of emotions that's the killer. Lets hope you will feel better tomorrow . I am glad you are seeing a specialist as my GP is hopeless/ clueless. I think I may ask to be referred to a clinic as the waiting list is long and I can always cancel if my symptoms improve by the time I get an appointment date! Stay strong and keep us informed !! Perhaps we need to be on conti , but I think they wouldn't let me at 48 and still having irregular periods.

Pepperminty xx


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2015, 08:29:25 PM »

Hi pepperminty. I feel a little bit better tonight. Had aong chat with my Mum which has made me feel better and more positive.

Also just taken a Kalms Night, and will take another just before bed. They've worked for me before, so fingers crossed.

I'm glad you understand what I'm trying to explain. Even though I feel physically drained and head ache, my mind feels quite alert and I feel more on edge rather than despairing (as I normally would after no sleep).

I haven't experienced this feeling before, so I'm hoping this is a positive sign that the HRT is kicking in?

As regards taking continuous prog, bothy consultant and a locum consultant would have been happy for me to take combined HRT, despite me being 44 and still having regular periods.

I would definitely encourage you to visit a clinic. The gynaecologist know so much more than GPs. Even if you feel better before you go it's worth it. I felt better before finally getting my first appointment so refused the HRT offered. Just 10 days later my mood really dipped and the anxiety was back. Then I couldn't get another appointment for 5 months!


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #27 on: April 29, 2015, 11:21:49 PM »

Thanks Brightlight. I guess I just need to be patient, but it's so hard. I am the least patient person ever and I'm just so desperate for some mood stability and quality of life again.

Can I ask why you haven't tried HRT for your symptoms?

I haven't felt clear enough that my symptoms are all hormone related, though I'm pretty sure the sleep issue is.  So far things that were really difficult to deal with have come and gone for me and I'm left with minor things that at the moment I can manage. I'm looking into some herbal medicine for the sleep issue and hope that might help.


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2015, 07:51:48 AM »

Hi GypsyRoseLee,

I think I will ask to be referred to the meno clinic , as you say better to be safe than sorry. I hardly slept last night and feel awful this morning but mind still clear like yourself. I will monitor how I feel on the progesterone phase in a week and if I feel good maybe I need the combined as you say. I do feel a little teary , but it's controllable !! Feel a little nauseous , I hate that when I am tired.  Maybe it will improve as the morning goes on. Funny I had absolutely no idea about the menopause before I started it. I also have developed very sweaty palms for some reason? Shame that isn't the only symptom!!


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Re: 2nd night of no sleep. On my knees.
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2015, 09:31:49 AM »

Morning pepperminty

Well I tooky second Kalms Nigjt, had a glass of warm milk and took myself off to bed feeling tired. Read for a few minutes then switched off the light, quite confident I would sleep.

It took a while to drop off, then just as I was dropping to sleep my body gave a huge jolt, strong enough to knock my book off the bed.

That was the end of me trying to sleep naturally. Tried for another hour and a half to drop off. Gave in at 1.30am and dejectedly took 10mg of Amitriptyline (still have a stash from when I stopped taking them last year). Fell asleep with half an hour.

Maybe this is what I have to do? Take HRT but also 10mg of Amitriptyline to sleep.

Very disappointed though as I thought HRT would cure the insomnia by itself. And if I take the Amitriptyline every night I don't know if the HRT is kicking in, especially as Amitriptyline does sedate you slightly in the day ( though not sue how much at only 10mg).

Like you, my mind feels clear and focused this morning but mood is very flat. No joy. No pleasure at the thought of holiday next month. I just feel 'functional' not 'human'.

If this continues right through just my Estradot stage then zI notice an improvement with the Utro I will mention it to my consultant when I see them in 2.5 weeks and see what they say about taking combined HRT.

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