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Author Topic: Bleeding after menopause - again!  (Read 18380 times)


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Bleeding after menopause - again!
« on: January 06, 2015, 05:05:56 PM »

Just wondering if anyone may have had a similar experience....

I am now 55 years old and went through the menopause age 51. After a year and a few months I had some slight bleeding so went to my GP. I had a vaginal ultrasound and biopsy and both were normal. I was told it was hormonal.

A year after this I had the same slight bleeding, just on wiping, for a few days. Went back to GP who again referred me to hospital. This time I had another internal ultrasound, biopsy and a hyterscopy (sp?) which I was told was the 'gold standard'. All came back completely normal. The consultant said if I got anymore bleeding to 'ignore it' unless it was different from how it normally is.

Today, nearly a year to the day of the last episode the slight bleeding has started again and I have a stomach ache. I am a worrier and cannot just ignore it especially after a year without bleeding so will probably go to see my GP next week.

I am wondering if anyone has had anything similar or has any advice for me as I am worrying that they have missed something on the other two occasions. I really do not relish having to go back to Hospital again to be honest but dont want the worry either!

Just to say I am not or never have been on HRT.

Am thinking maybe a hyserectomy may be the answer!!!
Thank you for reading x


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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2015, 07:07:46 PM »

Why have a hysterectomy?  It's a big operation and not to be undertaken lightly.  If you have no 'symptoms' that are particularly bothersome, despite being a 'worrier' I would wait on that one!

I expect your hormones are still up and down, enough to trigger a light bleed.  Give your surgery a ring for advice, your GP can give a 'ring back' ……… have a browse of the menus, left of screen and I'm sure someone will be along later!


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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2015, 08:11:56 PM »

Hi ceci

Sounds like this is a pattern for you, nevertheless the recommendation is to investigate any post-menopausal bleeding and especially as you are not on HRT - so you are right to go to your GP I would say.

Did they find any small polyps or fibroids which could be the cause of the bleeding?

Also if you don't mind my asking does it occur after sex? I presume this cause will have been eliminated during your previous investigations?

Like CLKD I would not take the decision to have a hysterectomy lightly and in fact I doubt whether this would be recommended - but I guess you didn't really mean that, but just frustrated!

Hurdity x


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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2015, 08:17:04 PM »

 :thankyou: Hurdity!


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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2015, 09:39:35 PM »


Thanks for the reply.

Yes the hysterectomy line was just frustration!

They didnt find anything at all last time. Lining was thin and photo's from hysterscopy showed nothing. I have just looked at my letter and it was dated 11th December last year (when I got results of the tests).

No nothing after sex.

Seems to be a yearly occurance for a few days and then only slight when I wipe. Mind you I do wonder if it is so slight that sometimes I dont notice it as it is just in the vagina (if that makes sense!).

I was told I have a uterine prolapse and maybe this bulging could be causing bleeding and also they said things looked " congested" down there - whatever that means! (Sorry if to much info!)

Its just so frustrating that its the third time now and although my results before have been normal, I cant help worrying that they have missed something! Doesnt help that I am an anxious worrier!!

Thanks again




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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2015, 01:49:30 PM »

Just to say Hurdity that I went to GP today. She did an internal and said all was ok. She then spent a long time looking at my records  ;D

She eventually said that because of all the tests I had had last year, she was happy not to refer me back to the hospital again for all the checks.

She also said she had looked at images from an MRI I had in October for my lower  back and said that they could see on that the lady bits and nothing was picked up from that.

She has prescribed me Vagifem to try because she thinks its due to thinning tissue in the vagina?? Anyone help with that at all? Does that cause bleeding?

Obviously Im sort of happy Ive not got to go back to hospital for more of the same tests, but I have a niggle in my head that is saying maybe I should be referred in case of something more sinister  :(

Anyone have any views or advice?

Most appreciated



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« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2015, 10:50:52 PM »

Anyone ?


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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2015, 04:20:51 PM »

Hi ceci

Yes that is one of the reasons for bleeding ie overthinning of the vaginal walls.

There is a very clear summary here on the NHS website:

I was going to mention also overthinning of the uterus too - as you haven't been on HRT. Did you use the progesterone only mini pill or have a Mirena before you became menopausal?

Glad the GP is being very thorough and is not concerned. Yes Vagifem will certainly help you down there! it will plump up the cells and tissues. You insert one every night for a fortnight and then twice a week thereafter. Some women need a longer than 2 week "loading" period - but if you haven't experienced noticeable problems eg soreness or itching then maybe you will be OK on the recommended dosing.

Good luck and keep us posted with how you are doing!

Hurdity x


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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2015, 10:39:34 AM »

Hi Ceci.

I could honestly say, I seem to have had a carbon copy of your symptoms.

I too, am 55 and have had all sorts of symptoms through the menopause and into post menopause.

Just over a year ago, I started getting backache followed by spasms.  I had an MRI which showed nothing bar wear and tear.

I also had a show of blood on the toilet tissue last September and promptly went to the doctor as it had been 2 years since my last period.  They are very keen for you to get seen and I had a gynae appointment the following week.  I had a vaginal ultrasound, pap smear and a biopsy, the results were clear.  It was the weirdest thing seeing your bits come up on screen above your head but the uterine lining wasn't thick and I only had a very small fibroid. 

I had another show of bright red blood on the toilet tissue last night and am now in a quandary as to what to do.  It's only been 8 months since my gynae appointment, does that mean it should be olay anyone?

Today, I feel sore and itchy almost like my vagina is inflamed.  I may have inadvertanly "nicked" myself in the shower or when I was applying some Yes, Yes, Yes water based lubricant?  How can you tell where the blood is coming from, unless you're a trapeze artist?

To make matters worse, I live in Norway and sometimes there's a language barrier.

It would be great to hear from you, as, I'm a born worrier like yourself and have every eventuality going through my head.  I think I shall take a urine sample to the doc when I get an app as it may be the start of a UTI.



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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2015, 07:18:14 AM »

Hi donnarob

You're symptoms do sound remarkably like mine!

As I am a worrier if I was in your position I would visit the gp to see what they say. I worry about going and worry about not going!

 I think I have had the bleeding symptoms about 4 times now and 3 times was referred to the hospital. The same tests were carried out each time with the same result.

I had the course of vagifem but was not prescribed anymore than one packet, so can't see what good that would have done to be honest.

I haven't had any further bleeding since January, but I do feel like I am just waiting for it to happen again!

I wonder if the bleeding is coming from over-thinning of the vaginal walls like they said mine was due to your feelings of soreness etc?

Anyway if you do decided to go to the GP let me know what they say.
Ceci  :)


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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2015, 08:33:22 AM »

Hi ceci

Can you not go back and get the vagifem on repeat if it helped ?? Thats what it is intended for use continuously not a one off !
Also you mentioned they said you have a uterine prolapse what are they / you going to do to rectify this ? My friend has found out she has one and is having it repaired before it progresses further.Just a thought .


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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2015, 03:10:08 PM »

Hi dazned

I did go back after the initial course and was asked if it had improved things, but I hadn't noticed any difference! She initially said the bleeding could have been down to prolapse or over thinning but I had no symptoms only this slight occasional bleeding. Is that in itself enough of a symptom to carry on taking these?

When I said I hadn't noticed any difference from the vagifem I was not offered anymore  ???

In regard to the prolapse I was referred to physiotherapy. I saw the phsiotheripst three times and she signed me off!!  ;D

Ceci xxx


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Re: Bleeding after menopause - again!
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2015, 04:17:56 PM »

GPS Im flabbergasted  :bang:

She said bleeding could be down to prolapse or overthinning but she didn't offer any solutions !  :beat:

I fail to see how physiotherapy will mend a prolapse !  Whilst it's nothing drastic to worry about it can drop lower and also in my friend's case displace your bladder. I would definitely address that issue if it warrants it it's only minor day surgery and could prevent further issues down the line and definitely think go back to using vagifem will help maybe you dint have it long enough to notice much of a difference as Hurdity says there is a two week loading time the weekly maintenance to get optimal effect ! Hope you get some answers soon.