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Author Topic: Off to the Docs  (Read 19433 times)


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Off to the Docs
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:08:27 PM »

This is the worst thing for me, going the docs, due to the health anxiety I suffer from.  However, I need some reassurance, that my symptoms are peri related.  If you have seen my light period post you will know that I have been bleeding for 9 days, but its just there when you wipe really.  Started off on day 23 and caught me by surprise.  Started off the way a period normally does but then never developed into anything.  I am just worried it's a sign of something else.  Problem is there is only one doc that can see me and I don't like her.  She is miserable as hell and has no bedside manner at all.  I need a doc that can put me at ease and she never does, she always looks like it's a chore for her to speak to you.  I have a lot I want to get off my chest, as I have other symptoms I want to talk about: inflamed gums, dry eyes, gaining weight, tired all the time, low mood etc... What would be the best way to approach her today do you ladies think?  Thanks in advance!!


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2015, 01:13:19 PM »

Hi mandy43

If the GP is as unhelpful as you anticipate then I would do one of two of things. Either rebook with another GP/nurse specialist interested in women's health, or go armed with some evidence that you're suffering menopausal problems.

If you have access to a computer and printer try 'googling' 34 symptoms of menopause - this is a fairly comprehensive list and include most of your symptoms.

Try not to be put off - good luck x


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2015, 01:48:06 PM »

/Thanks for the reply.  I specifically asked for the docs I wanted but they are not available for 2 weeks.  I then asked for anyone but her and again, no-one available for 2 weeks.  This doc on the otherhand had a cancellation for today, which I have no choice but to take.  I am making a list now, so will go in as armed as I can and with an open mind to maybe on the other occasions I have seen her, she was just having a bad day!!


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2015, 02:57:43 PM »

Good luck Mandy, I share your anxiety around health and doctors - hopefully you will have a good experience. :)


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2015, 04:24:16 PM »

I'm back and it went really bad.  Because I am late with my smear, she concentrated on that alone and has worried me silly.  She wouldn't even give me an internal to see what's going on... no checks at all.  Wouldn't even consider it being down to the menopause, as I am too young... sick to death of docs telling me that!!  I am now a mess and thinking I have cervical cancer.  My test isn't for 2 weeks and then a 2 wk wait for results, I can't go through this worry for 4 weeks.  I'm going to have to go private, not that I can afford it but I have no choice.  I was in and out in 3 mins, 2 of which she spent at the door, showing me out!!


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2015, 04:33:13 PM »

Sorry that the appointment has given you more anxiety. Did she relate your light period to the smear test, or is that the anxiety - I know how easy it is to put two and two together and make fear.   Did she say what she thought the light period was due to, if she didn't think it was hormonal?

If the light period came at the time of a period, in sync with your cycles, then it isn't usually considered 'worrying' - that is my understanding.  I am 45 and earlier this year had a period that continued for over a week with spotting and only when I was wiping (sorry if TMI) and it was definately hormone related - either that or they have missed something with me as well, because they didn't do any further investigation.


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2015, 04:41:22 PM »

Hi there Mandy,

I was the same as Brightlight. My last two periods were over a week long but very very light.  After my last period I booked in for a smear. My results came last week, all normal. I'm on yearly smears due to abnormal cells in 2009.

As long as the light bleed or spotting is part of your cycle it's quite normal for this stage in our lives.

Have you got someone that could come with you to an appointment?  My gp is useless, refused to refer me to gynae for months. I took my DH to my last gp appointment and he refused to budge until we got what we wanted/needed. We weren't rude or threatening, just very quietly "firm". It gave me strength to have him with me xxx


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2015, 04:43:23 PM »

hi brightlight.  i explained to her how the period had come on day 23 and that it started off like a normal period bleeding for a day (always light on day 1) but never changed, just sort of in there but not coming away much.  I asked her if this is a period or not and straightaway she said it's spotting and related it to being late with my smear... wouldn't entertain it being peri related and just showed me door.


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2015, 04:46:57 PM »

thanks clairelou.  Problem I have is my periods are all over the place... only the last few months have they been fairly regular, so I can't tell if this is a period or not.  It's very light (really don't need to wear anything but a liner) and came  on day 23.  I've had periods on day 11, so that doesn't bother me, it's just that it hasn't developed into a proper bleed.  I can't get an appt at my docs for 2 weeks and I can't wait worrying for that long, I will have to go private.


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2015, 04:50:30 PM »

Hi Mandy,

I really feel for you. It's annoying and frustrating and very wrong for GPs to dismiss us without a backward glance.

I'm sorry I can't be of any help but just wanted you to know that you're not alone.  I really hope that you get better luck with your private gynae.

Take care xxx :)


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2015, 05:02:37 PM »

Sending my sympathy as well, it isn't helpful or right to be so dismissive.  As much as it will cause anxiety, getting the smear done will have huge benefits, not least of all, ticking it off the list. 

With my health anxiety issues I have come to realise that many GP's - mine included tend to tick box their way through diagnosis, checking certain things before putting it down to things they can't 'measure' like hormones.  What I am trying to say is that although I think it wrong that your GP isn't really listening to your concern and I totally understand your anxiety, they may well not have made a judgement about anything and simply seen a smear is due and to do that first. 

A private test will help you with the anxiety and I wish you well,  meanwhile I will just say again that light bleeding can very much be part of hormonal shifts at this age.  x


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2015, 05:14:09 PM »

Hi Sparkle, I will ring tomorrow and try... my bleeding is the same as yours went from purple and red day 1 with clots (all light though as I said) to brown/ browny red ever since and only there when I wipe.  And brightlight I know she is just being methodical and with a normal patient that would be fine, but not me.  I am a couple of years late with my smear, as I kept putting it off and when I had the transvaginal scan last may and I was told all was normal, that made me feel better, as I asked about my cervix.  However, a sonographer can't see cell changes, so I should have had it done and all I keep thinking now is, what if it is that? 


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2015, 05:30:58 PM »

Hello Mandy,

How old are you?  I am 48 and just had a very very light period after having heavy periods all my life, but I think it is just hormonal.  I am also having trouble getting my doctor to link any of my symptoms to menopause so I sympathize with you.


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2015, 05:47:16 PM »

I'm 45 next month.  When you say light toffeecushion, was it blink and you would miss it light?  I didn't have wear a pad just a liner after day 1 and the blood was browny red from day 2/3.  I have been peri for 3 years now, been through hot flushes, night sweats, urine problems, inflamed gums, dry eyes, mood swings, gaining middle weight... you name it!!


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Re: Off to the Docs
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2015, 06:46:44 PM »

The first day was very very light, wasn't even sure it was a period.  Then I had a couple of days when only a liner was needed and even then there wasn't much, mainly just when I wiped.

Back in October 2013 I had a period that started off very light and ended up very heavy and lasting 53 days, this was followed by a break of 5 days and then a normal period.  Since then my periods have been getting closer together,  although this last one was a week late.  My doctor wasn't concerned and didn't even think it was menopause related.  Don't know what you have to do to get the doctors to listen.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 06:51:03 PM by toffeecushion »
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