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Author Topic: F*cking dopey GP's  (Read 11753 times)


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2015, 08:11:36 PM »

I think more carefully consideration and tact might be order of the day here.

People can talk as they wish to in regards to there "personal experiences" on this part of the forum.
It might help them see where they've been, where they are and where they want to go.
If estrogen does help dandelion then good for her and she's becoming a survivor however she might not yet know it.
I've read quite a few distressing threads caused by the double speak, confusion, interference and inaction of others we should be able to trust in the last few days.
I just hope with our support and by sharing with Dandelion and others, that a lot of us have been at our wits end with this often ignored path we follow.

If some don't like it then please don't read the thread.
However please don't make others feel that they are somehow unwelcome and this is not an appropriate place to air their personal experiences.
This maybe the only outlet to their emotions they have.


Hi peegeetip
I know some of my depression is not meno related but circumstantial and unsolvable.
When I get a problem, I say "what can i do about it" and if I can do something I will, but some problems, I cannot do anything about, so I have to shelve them, and get on with my everyday life but I still get affected by them.
Meno induced depression on top of these was just too much for me to take.
I do get comfort from talking online, writing was always easier than talking for me.
Im not heard when I talk but I am when i write, and I really appreciate the ladies on here.



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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2015, 07:39:41 PM »

How are you feeling today Dandelion?

Taz x  :)


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2015, 09:02:06 PM »

How are you feeling today Dandelion?

Taz x  :)
I'm fine thanks Taz.
I was thinking of all the trouble you went through because your GP forced you off HRT.
I'm not curious about how I will be without it, as I know i will always need oestrogen.
Even if I was ok without, i still think I would take it, as it seems like the life blood for us women when we get beyond a certain age.


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2015, 09:09:21 PM »

What surprised me was that the decision really came from the menopause clinic first. I then transferred back to my GP who did give me a wry smile and commented on the fact that originally I asked to be referred because I felt the menopause clinic would give me better advice but then, when I disagreed with that advice, I returned to her for my treatment. I had to admit she had a point  ;D

Taz x

Ju Ju

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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2015, 04:33:35 AM »

Hi dandelion,

It is in the middle of the night and I am wide awake, so I have had the opportunity to catch up. I was saddened to read your post, written, I presume when you were feeling particularly low? I suffered from depression as a child, which in hindsight was caused by circumstances, but then compounded by raging hormones in puberty. I do remember flashes of suicidal thoughts, so I can empathise.

I wonder whether sharing some things I have learnt and believe through the help I have been given will help.

We come into this world as perfect, beautiful beings. That is our soul, the essence of ourselves. Our personality/ ego/ behaviour is shaped by life experience. Many of us do not experience unconditional love. That is being loved just as we are. Most of us experience conditional love eg being loved for what we do, how we behave, what we achieve, what we look like etc.. Then we can end up feeling not good enough, not worthy. This makes us vulnerable to fear and depression. Which I believe lays us open to physical problems.

What I am trying to say is whatever you believe about yourself, however badly you may behave, the beautiful essence of you is intact. You can't destroy it. (Yes, I know this can lead to philosophical arguments about the awful acts some people commit.)

In other words, there is nothing wrong with who are. You're OK! I hope you understand what I am trying to say! I'll leave you with the words of Macrina Wiederkehr.

"O God, help me to believe the truth about myself- no matter how beautiful it is!"


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2015, 05:12:03 AM »

That was so nice to read this morning :)


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2015, 10:34:13 AM »

What surprised me was that the decision really came from the menopause clinic first. I then transferred back to my GP who did give me a wry smile and commented on the fact that originally I asked to be referred because I felt the menopause clinic would give me better advice but then, when I disagreed with that advice, I returned to her for my treatment. I had to admit she had a point  ;D

Taz x
Blimey, the so called experts took you off.
I cannnot see any point in women coming off hrt, but that's just me.
Some of my GP's wouldnt give me patches due to migraines, until Dr Currie said patches are better for migraines.
I haven't had a migraine for a while, sometimes I would get two on successive days, but luckily no headaches, just visual disturbance.


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2015, 10:37:32 AM »

Hi dandelion,

It is in the middle of the night and I am wide awake, so I have had the opportunity to catch up. I was saddened to read your post, written, I presume when you were feeling particularly low? I suffered from depression as a child, which in hindsight was caused by circumstances, but then compounded by raging hormones in puberty. I do remember flashes of suicidal thoughts, so I can empathise.

I wonder whether sharing some things I have learnt and believe through the help I have been given will help.

We come into this world as perfect, beautiful beings. That is our soul, the essence of ourselves. Our personality/ ego/ behaviour is shaped by life experience. Many of us do not experience unconditional love. That is being loved just as we are. Most of us experience conditional love eg being loved for what we do, how we behave, what we achieve, what we look like etc.. Then we can end up feeling not good enough, not worthy. This makes us vulnerable to fear and depression. Which I believe lays us open to physical problems.

What I am trying to say is whatever you believe about yourself, however badly you may behave, the beautiful essence of you is intact. You can't destroy it. (Yes, I know this can lead to philosophical arguments about the awful acts some people commit.)

In other words, there is nothing wrong with who are. You're OK! I hope you understand what I am trying to say! I'll leave you with the words of Macrina Wiederkehr.

"O God, help me to believe the truth about myself- no matter how beautiful it is!"
Thank you Ju Ju

Your post was reallly nice.
I can't believe my doctor saying "I don't want to make your life bad", but that is what she will do if they take me off HRT. I want it for life, I mean that, even if my meno symptoms abate, I still need oestrogen for optimum health, we are not talking addictive drugs here, we are talking necessity.
I'm now going to change my patch.


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2015, 03:19:12 PM »

Mine was like this about staying on it, I said I was prepared to risk getting cancer as there is no history in my family and the fact that I felt so bad when off it, but was told that if I got cancer the nHs would then have to fund treatment for me!!!


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2015, 04:16:02 PM »

But you might get run over by a bus  :bang:

Loulou - what a crass thing to say.  I would go back and ask the GP if he/she really meant that comment …….. certainly not part of the hypercratic oath  :cuss:

My problem is, when faced with a response like that, I don't have a flippant answer to hand  :(.  But I would go back and discuss it, making a double appt. and pointing out that actually, I know my body, I know what will happen if menopause symptoms (in my case anxiety) takes over and do they want to attend my funeral …….
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 04:17:49 PM by CLKD »


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2015, 11:07:16 AM »

I agree with CLKD, your doc is being crass and narrow minded.

There is still no clear association with HRT and it being the "real cause" of BC or others cancers in older woman.
Statistically 4 out of 5 cancers will affect those over 50 before HRT is even considered.
So the dice are loaded even before we start down the HRT route.
As someone recently posted before often cancer is down to plain old bad luck.

To prove without doubt we'd have to run a test with ladies who are only on HRT and have no outside influence on them in relation to lifestyle.
As I've said before alcohol on its on is many times worse for our breast health than HRT.
And we don't have our doc's lecturing us on our use of alcohol in the same way though?
Perhaps we'd be able to treat far more cancers in general with far better drugs if more people reduced or stopped drinking.
Rather than a tiny amount that could be possibly associated to HRT use.

I would love to know what cost this doc thinks is associated with our use of HRT in comparison. Or even how much we HRT users save the NHS on the things they "dont" have to treat us for!!! ???

"The total annual cost to society of alcohol-related harm is estimated to be £21bn"
"The NHS incurs £3.5bn a year in costs related to alcohol."

"NHS increases budget for cancer drugs fund from £280 million"

Those are two stark comparisons on how futile and cruel doctors taking the "cant have hrt because it might give you cancer approach".
Perhaps if they paid more attention to the amount their patients drank first then we might have £3.5bn extra to treat cancer, menopause and any number of other health issues like the much touted "proton beam" therapy's.
Whether I smoke, drink, eat smoke meat or take HRT, its will always be my choice and I expect to be left alone and in piece to enjoy each one if I choose.

Hippocratic oath seems to be something they choose to use/quote/hide behind only when they feel like it.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 11:19:59 AM by peegeetip »


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2015, 02:00:55 PM »

 :thankyou: …….. maybe our teenage daughters/neices should go into the GP and ask now how menopause is treated  ;) - with the proviso "I WILL be back and I WILL expect sympathy and consideration and not have statistics thrown in my direction"  ;)


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Re: F*cking dopey GP's
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2015, 03:27:01 PM »

Just want to say that increased cancer risk wasn't mentioned to me by either the GP or the menopause clinic when I was being advised to stop at age 60. The increase in stroke and heart attack risk was the main concern although oestrogen only HRT carries less of a risk than combined HRT's apparently..

Taz x
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