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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Weight Gain  (Read 6895 times)


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Weight Gain
« on: April 18, 2015, 08:18:14 PM »

Hi everyone,

I!m sure I am not the first to post about this subject but I am at the end of my tether.

I have put on a stone in the last 9 month without eating or drinking anymore. My weight had previously been very  stable, I weighed myself every day - all was good.

This recent gain is out of character and out of control and it's that last bit that is getting to me. Everyday I seem to be another pound heavier, another uncomfortable layer of fat around my middle.

It's three month since I had a period (I am 51 by the way). I am in no doubt this is the start of my menopause.

What worries me most is everything I read about menopause/weight gain is doom and gloom, as if I will not be able to beat it and trust me that's how it feels. How have you all coped? What diet changes have you made? Please help with any advice you can offer.

Lynda x


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2015, 09:11:55 PM »

Hi there. Oh if only there was an answer to that one. I was told that from age of 40 women should eat half what they used to, to maintain weight. I didn't wish to starve myself, so got the spare tyre.


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2015, 09:31:09 AM »

Hi Lynda

Welcome to MM  :welcomemm:

It would be lovely if there was a quick remedy for the weight gain thing.
I tend not to diet but do keep my exercise up. Then, at least the increased me is toned  ::)


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2015, 11:18:24 AM »

Thanks Cubagirl and Limpy. It's all a bit of a shock to me - and I've just been told I can't run anymore as I have a damaged knee - long term and not something surgery is even likely to fix - so am even more paranoid about not being able to exercise. I'm considering joining a gym but admit I am very half hearted about that :(


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2015, 12:00:56 PM »

Could you cycle? Less impact damage.
How about swimming - front crawl is better on knees than breast stroke.
You say you aren't keen on the gym, but I found the rowing machines gave good spurts of exercise. You may also be able to cope with short stints on the running machine.

I had to stop running, at the time (quite a few years ago) I was told it was impact damage, so I changed to cycling, swimming, aerobics and hill walking. Still exercise, but of a different sort.

It would probably be worth seeing a physio to see what exercises you can do to help your knee. Incidentally, who diagnosed the damage on your knee, is it a specialist or a GP?


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2015, 02:07:37 PM »

In my late 40s I went up from 9st 2 to 11st 2 after a hysterectomy but it didn't keep going up. Then it went back to 10st 2 all this without changing diet or activity levels.  I stayed at 10st 2 for several years then last year I went down to 9 and a half stone but looked awful, my neck was all stringy and my face looked long and thin and I had no energy even though it was more than I was when I was younger.

I now seem to have settled at a middle aged weight of just under 10 st and feel ok at this level.

Please be reassured that your weight probably won't keep on rising and rising if you are mindful of your diet and lifestyle and when your hormones start to settle your weight could too.


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2015, 03:45:51 PM »

Hi Lynda,

Lynda I am exactly the same as you, I am 53 and my weight has just gone up and up and up - I have always looked after myself and still do but I have no control what so ever on this one  - I could cry (actually have done this week) I have wardrobes full of clothes I just cant get into them anymore. If I cut down my food anymore I won't be eating nothing.

I wish I could type an answer for you and me! but I can't I am going to step up the exercise more and I will let you know my outcome.

Wish you  luck Lynda, let me know how its going.




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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2015, 03:54:14 PM »

Hi Lynda

You say that this recent weight gain is 'out of character'.  Yes, it may be related to the menopause, or perhaps not.  Just wondered if you'd thought of having a chat with your GP to check out any other potential cases e.g. under-active thyroid.

All the best.

Ju Ju

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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2015, 04:16:27 PM »

A year ago, I was a lot heavier than I am now. The weight, of course, settled mostly on my middle, so I had no waist. There was little difference between where my waist was and my hips. The gynaecologist told me I was insulin resistant, which accounted for a lot of symptoms. It also meant I was in danger of developing diabetes 2. As I have a very strong family history of diabetes 2,I followed dietary advice. This meant following a low carb diet, cutting out sugar as much as possible and snacks. I had to limit fruit to eat 2 pieces a day and only with meals. I have an egg on toast every day, which stops the low blood sugar swings I was experiencing. I try to eat loads of veg and always have some protein with each meal and limit the carb content. I lost weight very quickly (11/2sts) and am at my ideal weight. I have a waist! I now have some naughty things to eat. I feel much better. I look better in clothes, though I had to buy some new ones.  :) I don't do exercise, but have started yoga and walking more. I had motivation. I didn't feel brilliant and there was a further threat to my health, which was avoidable. So it is possible. By the way, I checked out any other cause.


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2015, 04:18:17 PM »

Have to say that swimming has worked for me in the past. I'm no great swimmer, head above water, breast stroke or at least my version of it. Try to swim 3/4 times a week for about 20 mins each visit. Swimming would be easier on your knee. Hubby has arthritic knees & he was told swimming or cycling. He still finds cycling painful though.


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2015, 06:28:39 PM »

Hi Lynda07

 :welcomemm: from me too!

This weight thing is a pain isn't it. I have dieted on and off for years just to keep the weight gain at bay (I am 5'1"). I have never over-eaten in the sense of being a glutton but presumably have eaten (and drunk!) more than I need. I am not lazy, nor do I have disabilities, and do take exercise. I am now 61 - well nearly 62, and heavier than I have ever been not counting pregnancy. I find it very very difficult to avoid putting on weight. I go to 3 exercise classes per week - 2 of them cardio, + do some walking, as well as working part-time where I am on my feet. I've just come back from a walking holiday in Spain where I walked nearly 80 miles in 8 days and I have put on 2 pounds!!!! Fortunately I have a medium frame so don't look fat although have to pull in my stomach and wear clothes that hide the roll that has developed. Still have a bit of a waist - probably due to the oestrogen in the HRT.

Our metabolism slows as we age and I agree with the others that eating less and exercising more is the only way to fend off those extra pounds. I eat from a smaller plate and try to have low GI foods to stabilise blood sugar as Ju Ju does - although I eat lots of fruit. Also low fat, few refined carbs almost no sugar (apart from what occurs in fresh fruit) and almost no processed foods, loads of veg. Not many carbs except what occurs in beans and pulses etc. Limit the bread and spuds, pastry, puds etc. Sadly also cut down the wine and alcohol....

I agree with tiger74 - do mention to your GP and especially re thyroid. Also in relation to that - I understand that some women have normal or near normal TSH ( the standard thyroid test) but have abnormal T3 or is it T4 and therefore still have underactive thyroid. I think you would have to push to get these further tests. I am just plucking up courage to go to the doctor to ask to get mine looked at in more detail (due to morning and general tiredness, as well as weight gain) but I don't get much joy out of my docs with these symptoms!

Does the bad knee preclude exercise classes generally?  Mine are Zumba, piloxing and Pilates. Swimming sounds like a great idea.

Hurdity x


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2015, 04:38:42 PM »

Hi Lynda
Exactly the same thing happened to me and at the same age oddly enough. Suddenly seemed to find that all my jeans were snug and skirts a bit to tight and I was sure that I wasn't eating any more than I had ever done. I'd put on over a stone in about 12 months . Saw myself in the "rear view" mirror in M&S and that was sufficient of a shock to make me do something  :o
Never been over-weight and previously if I had put on a few pounds I could easily loose it.
Doesn't work like that any more!  I started going to Pilates class and found that helped with the muscle tone around my tummy and my posture in general. I also found that I was feeling quite low around that time and generally fed up. When I get like that I snack and after keeping a record of what I was eating for a week I was quite shocked to find that I was dipping into the fridge or the biscuit box far more than I'd realised. Amazing how all these little things add up.  So biscuits, crisps, snacky things  were banned from the house. the wine GOBLET was replaced with the small wine glass and then only half filled. Made sure I didn't cook for 4 when there were only 2 of us. etc etc . Managed to loose a 16 pounds in about 10 months.  Would like to get a bit more off but just can't shift that but at least it's not going back on . I've also found that I've lost the cravings for very sweet stuff and the wine but do enjoy the odd treat. 
Hope this helps but above all - you're not alone - it's just life - I'm 58 now and 3 years without a period. I have some hot flashes at night and some low moods - the odd ache and pain but nothing major . Take heart not everyone has an awful time at this age. If you feel bad then talk to someone or come on here and there will be someone with good advice or a shoulder to cry on. It's helped me no end xx



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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2015, 05:58:44 PM »

we looked after our granddaughter today so, of course, hubby was happily snapping away with his camera. OMG, I have deleted most of the ones with me in, especially the rear view ones. 

I still don't understand who that fat old woman is in the photos with that pretty little girl.  I am sure it is not someone I know or have ever met  :'(

Ju Ju

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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2015, 09:31:46 PM »

I hate photos of me, but what I see is not what my family see. They see the real me, the person they love. Please don't deprive your your family of pictures of you. My MIL, sadly no longer alive, hated photos being taken of her and now we have very few, mostly ones taken unaware, not very good. It is sad, especially for my DH.


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Re: Weight Gain
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2015, 07:45:47 AM »

I've just read this thread and it's frustrated me.  Three weeks ago I went over very painfully on my right foot, so I can only do little bits of gentle walking by now, hardly enough to remove the pounds.   Maybe I'll get back into doing some yoga.  It's not aerobic and it's not impactful, but at least there are some good trimming-up exercises  ::)
Ju Ju and Babyjane - I know what you mean about photos making us look the way we never thought we did!  There were a couple taken of me after I had given a concert last September.  I was wearing a very pretty sleeveless dress (bad idea, I know!) and thought I looked really good in it.  The photos - taken from the side, while I sat at the organ - showed that I didn't.  I will never wear a sleeveless dress in public again, unless with something to cover the tops of my arms, which might as well have my age stamped on them.......oh, the shame...!
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 07:56:55 AM by Dulciana »
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