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Author Topic: Struggling with it all  (Read 17665 times)


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2015, 04:19:55 PM »

You make an interesting point Freda.

If we're on HRT for anxiety/low mood/whatever, and it (hopefully) works, then how will we know when we can stop?

If the HRT makes us feel better by stabilising our fluctuating hormones, then as time goes by and we lose more and more of our hormones and so the difference in fluctuations has much less impact, then can we stop taking it?

I'm no expert, but if your hormones fall very low (past the point where they can cause issues) then would keep giving yourself extra hormones make you feel worse, again?

Does anyone know?


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2015, 04:24:40 PM »

If you feel well why stop? 


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2015, 08:07:31 AM »

Well, good point CLKD  ;)


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2015, 08:26:55 AM »

When hungry we eat: stop when full.  If we find a food stuff that we don't like, we avoid it - otherwise? and a little of what we fancy …….. I went through loads of ADs until the GP found one that kind of suits back int he 1990s, since then I've continued taking them - acceptance was the hardest part, I felt my brain should cope without  ::) - but the alternative to not taking them ……..

Also I stopped telling people.  I think a lot of the problems in the West with taking medications is that we feel the need to tell anyone who asks: well actually, it is a private matter.  I tell who needs to know, other than my very supportive GP, my Psychiatrist and my Husband, unless absolutely necessary no one knows.  Especially my family  ;) whereas on here, I feel I can tell exactly how it is  8)

Well done your Girl Jedi  :medal:  are you having the 'nerves' for her?  I remember when DH gave a Paper in the European Buildings it wasn't him running to the loo  :o!  As for the cattery, burning the blankets won't make any difference  >:(! unless they are shut for a while (we need the lady Vet. from Cananda to tell us) and deep clean the whole kennel areas it will remain.  It's the LA that holds the Licence for the cattery!

Does your son avoid lactose?  People find that goat products work well as they have different enzymes to cow.


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2015, 08:56:38 AM »

I do feel nerves for her because i know how hard she trains and what it means to her. The nerves don't crop up until we start travelling but I'm aware it's coming up. The expense annoys me too but it's such a short lived sport to excel at i can't begrudge her it.
My son has just started a dairy/lactose free diet but i feel it's mostly stress re his exams plus the drying winter months.
The trouble re the cattery is I can't prove it came from there as they are cats which like to be out alot but the timing fits.
Hope all is well with you today xx



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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2015, 10:44:04 AM »

It sounds as if you have got a lot on your plate jedigirl and I think you are coping marvellously. How is your coughing son this morning? We had a croupy virus going round school which gave similar symptoms to those you describe and the first lot of antibiotics didn't seem to work in a lot of cases. As for the cattery. The flu jab is not 100% effective but should mean a much milder illness. The cattery can only ask that all cats are vaccinated and ask to see the appropriate proof and as long as this is adhered to they can't be held responsible for vaccinated cats developing flu. Info from Cats Protection here  I do hope they recover ok. Good luck to your daughter too. You must be very proud of her.

Taz x


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2015, 11:31:31 AM »

Thanks Taz2,
I don't feel like I'm coping! Maybe outwardly.
Son had a disturbed night, was in bed with me so i could be close if he choked. I can't sleep anywhere but my bed so hubby in sons bed. He had less episodes but I was like a cat on a hot in roof all night. I have wondered about croup but it sounds more like whooping cough to me.Will need a nanna nap later!
We are proud of our girls achievements. She first became British champion when she was ten then three weeks later missed a move at gym and had a horrendous break to her arm needing surgery and pins. She managed to get fit with sheer determination and got the title again the next year!
Cats seem a bit brighter today, more alert and cheeky again. It's been a really hard week, the kids have been down about the cats and the older two worrying about sons cough and hearing him choking in the night. Hopefully next week a few things will ease.
Thanks for support xxx


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2015, 02:53:28 PM »

Do you use steam in the room, I remember grandma setting up a kettle and sitting the coughing kids close by ……. whooping cough is obvious, the child really does WHOOP and it's painful to see.  They can't get breath and eventually vomit. 

You have a lot on your plate right now.  Little steps  ;)


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2015, 04:00:14 PM »

I did try a steamer in the room a couple of nights ago but didn't do a lot. He is making a horrible gaspi noise and then vomits but its all mucus. Go given him same antibiotics as whooping cough but didn't think it was likely?


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2015, 07:12:43 PM »

Did the GP say it's whooping cough?  ABs will ease any infection but a steamer should work.  Does he need a nebuliser?

How is he during the day, maybe sleeping propped up with pillows in a chair until symptoms go?


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2015, 07:19:13 PM »

Gp wouldn't commit to a diagnosis, said an infection in his airways!!
We try to prop him up but he slides down through the night. Might try the steamer again tonight thanks x


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #41 on: April 18, 2015, 09:23:44 PM »

Have you tried rubbing his chest with Vicks.

I went through so many chest infections with my daughter. I used to get menthol crystals and put them in very hot water and get her to inhale.

She had a weaknesses in her chest for years due to inhaling vomit into her lungs as a baby.

I used to bring her into bed with me and have the towels and bowl ready. It's so hard to listen too and horrible to cope with.
I also used to give her a little teaspoon of honey to try and stop the cough before it got to the throwing up stage.
Even getting him to suck a sweet to try and ease things.

You both have my sympathy. I'm so glad she is all grown up now although she still gets horrible coughs  ::).



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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #42 on: April 18, 2015, 09:32:00 PM »

Whooping cough is obvious: 'our' 6 month old baby had it. the whole body would shake ………. as well as her two siblings.  Fortunately the rest of us didn't get it.

Maybe sitting up at night ? Let us know how you are in the morning  ;)


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #43 on: April 18, 2015, 09:59:31 PM »

Jedigirl, I had whooping cough about four years ago, just as the meno symptoms first struck so it was a double whammy. It was absolutely terrifying at night, I would have the most dreadful coughing fits that only ended when I vomited, either mucus or stomach contents. I was really frightened I was going to die as I was making these awful whooping noises as I struggled to get my breath. The cough was always much worse at night, at first my GP said I had a bad cough and to use over the counter cough medicines. When it didn't get any better I went to see a private doctor who dismissed my claim that I had whooping cough as he had never seen a case of it in this country and said that the cough had caused me to develop asthma and he prescribed an inhaler. A couple of weeks later my mother heard me coughing and she said it sounded just like the noise she remembered from when people had whooping cough when she was a child. I went back to the private doctor and asked for blood tests and, sure enough, whooping cough. Apparently it is making a comeback and they are discovering that the vaccinations that we had as children have now reached their 'sell-by' dates. It did take me a long time to recover but I was struggling with meno-symptoms at the same time. Hope your son gets better soon x x


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Re: Struggling with it all
« Reply #44 on: April 18, 2015, 10:02:07 PM »

Vaccinations!  ::) …………. we didn't get those, I think they came in much later.  The kids had it in the 1960s.
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