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Author Topic: Workplace stress during Peri menopause  (Read 4110 times)


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Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« on: April 08, 2015, 08:53:17 AM »

Since I started going through peri just over two years ago, my worklife has become increasingly stressful due to things that are beyond my control. I work in a high pressure, low control IT environment and due to increased anxiety levels, I am finding it hard to cope.

Has anyone else experienced an inability to cope with work place pressures since going through perimenopause?
How did you handle it? Change jobs or reduce your hours?

At this point in my life, I really don't want a high pressure job and I am considering alternatives.

Workplace pressure can be hard to deal with at the best of times but I am finding it hard with increased anxiety levels. Some days I just want to cry but wait till I get home and then let it all out. :'(

I have been to the doctor who has given me (surprise, surprise) antidepressants which I am taking to try and tame the anxiety but I don't think they are doing much to help me (although I suppose I need to give them some extra time).

Anyone else experienced this problem?


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Re: Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2015, 09:14:22 AM »

Hi Sparkle

Thanks for your words.

I am also having problems with memory and concentration and find that I have to write a lot of things down these days - I just cannot store stuff in my head anymore.
What also concerns me is that I am one of the older people in my department, the IT world is becoming increasingly fast paced and full of young people who can do things much quicker than me and have literally grown up with technology.

My job hasn't always been like this but in the last 3 years it has, as you say, become an 'everything now' type of job.
I really need to look for something with a slower pace I think.

I do try to relax as much as I can out of work and walking definately helps.


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Re: Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2015, 11:38:53 AM »

Hi Kristy

I agree with Sparkle that your quality of life matters but I also appreciate that not everyone has the luxury of changing jobs or reducing hours.
My job isn't particularly stressful but it is difficult as I have no idea how long my workplace will continue to exist. The stress of the uncertainty and trying to juggle running the home and general family life was making me feel really anxious and exhausted. I have recently reduced my hours, the reduction in pay was a worry but I think that being at work less has resulted in me being calmer and able to deal with the stress better.
I find myself having to write things down more too but so what? I work with younger people too and they are just as forgetful to don't beat yourself up about that, I think they're just better at covering things up! x



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Re: Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2015, 11:54:19 AM »

Yup. I'm an emergency vet and work in a busy as hell practice. I found that the mood swings brain fog and headaches were definitely getting the best of me. Add to that I work nights ( 8 pm to 2 am) coupled with insomnia.
I was not coping well but pushing through anyways. I found the sad cases would have me in tears, and those busy busy days which were always stressful had me locking myself in the bathroom for a cry. Lol. I've cried more in the last two years then I think I've cried before in my life.

I reduced my hours and picked up some extra in general practice. It helped considerably.
I need a reliable pay check to make ends meet so dropping hours altogether was not an option. I seriously considered complete career change but all of it was overwhelming.

Much much better now !
Good luck


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Re: Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2015, 12:21:32 PM »

I can totally relate, before peri started I was bookkeeper for a small business doing payroll too, and loving the people.  I'd been there 5.5 years so was very much part of the 'family'

One day, I sat at my desk and didn't understand the work ! I was really upset but soldiered on but was deteriorating in many ways, the brain fog was awful, I was less tolerant of the personalities and handed in my notice 6 months later and joined another small firm with less hours and less responsibility, but the lady in charge left and I got lumbered with the exact workload I had in my old job, plus I couldn't take to anyone. Now I really like my job as a payroll assistant, it's high pressured and I'm fighting the tiredness and all the other horrible symptoms in the hope this is my last job before retirement, and once I can get these hormones balanced I hope i will do even better there


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Re: Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2015, 01:26:13 PM »

Kristy, I could have written what you have written! I started to struggle with the pressure of my job in my early forties. I was overwhelmed by anxiety about the standard of my work and what people thought of me even though I'd been told that I was good at what I did. By the end of the working day I was unable to be with other people and just had to park up on the way home and have some time alone. I too cried and at times howled an awful lot. I was put on antidepressants and was signed off for 3 months which helped. I now think that what I actually needed was HRT to help with the anxiety, low mood, etc. In the end I gave up work altogether and we managed on one salary. Your feelings won't go away until the cause is dealt with. Is it worth you trying HRT? Don't struggle on being brave if something can be done to help. Good luck.


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Re: Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2015, 02:12:43 PM »

I have my own business and stress levels are always high but last year a member of staff made some huge errors and lost around £30k (as well as nearly losing us a huge number of customers). Within 3-6  months of this I've had breast lumps and am now waiting for results from biopsies and an MRI scan for my colon - I've never had anything more than chicken pox before that. I was never menopausal until then so have a sneaking suspicion the stress helped speed things along there too (excess cortisol can cause chaos). I've taken this as a huge warning and am looking to restructure the business to reduce mine (and everyone else's) stress levels - it's not healthy for anyone.   If you are already menopausal and struggling with the effects, stress is likely to be amplified even further.

Is it worth risking your health for your work? I'd say not. I'd say definitely definitely not. HRT may help but perhaps this is a good time to reflect on the work / life balance and if you can afford to do so, try taking your foot off the pedal a little so you're not running in the red zone.

GG x


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Re: Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2015, 04:03:27 PM »

I can sympathise. My brain used to be really sharp and clear. But since starting with peri menopause I seem to have lost all that sharpness. Even worse I have lost confidence in my own ability to do my job. Even the smallest bit of pressure at work can bring on my anxiety, when previously I would have just shrugged it off and consoled myself with a glass of wine when I got home.

Not any more. I feel vulnerable and exposed at work, and some days I don't know how I push myself through the day. It's so demoralising. I'm pretty sure that if I could give up my job I would feel more able to cope, but that's not an option for me.

I am going to try HRT and hope that improves my mood.


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Re: Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2015, 06:40:36 PM »


Like you I work in a high pressure job. SSRI and sleeping tablets and a cocktail of vitamins - b,c magnesium, and magnesium oil at night have meant that now I get stress related hot flushes and not the 15 or so every day before that..... at work only ....I say only but it's still awful as I work in a male dominated environment ....jacket on...jacket off doesnt look good !

I also had a session with psychologist to help me with the stress and to learn to minimise it and read a book called women who overthink (which really helped me). I still hate it when I get a flush at work and I'm about to try HRT to see if that helps . I'm trying to think differently ( research cognitive behavioural therapy ) as that's what can influence the level ofd stress. Hope that helps ....good luck


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Re: Workplace stress during Peri menopause
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2015, 12:29:42 PM »

Thanks everyone for your input. It is nice to know I am not alone in this.

I will try reducing my hours if I can and take it from there. I am also taking an anti depressant to calm the anxiety.
If that doesn't help, then a career change is definately on the cards.