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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: 'Wonderful little hormone journey'  (Read 3387 times)


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'Wonderful little hormone journey'
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:33:09 PM »

Ok, so I meant to update on a previous thread but I can't find it so I've started a new one.
Endoscopy found a small ulcer which am now treating with 6 weeks of lansoprazole and at the end of that, doc will arrange camera up nose and down throat if i still have the phlegmy throat thing and crappy voice.
Echo and 24hr tape test done but cardiologist hasn't looked at my results yet. (don't rush dude, it's only my heart! tut tut) Gonna try calling again in a week.
Bloods done again recently and fsh levels have come down to 30 rather than 60 and 90 as they were this time last year. I'm getting periods every 3  months approx and when i do get a period, the flushes and night sweats stop but all the other symptoms remain (aches and pains, ibs, acid reflex, throat clearing, dizziness and brain fog to name a few).
Still haven't fully got my head round this 'wonderful little hormone journey' as it keeps changing all the time but at least I'm getting through my tests gradually.
Tooth extraction still to come this month and doc gave me beta blockers for my health anxiety after had a couple of embarrassing meltdowns in front of DH. Turns out they're panic attacks. DH was great but i felt a numpty afterwards haha. Called him home from the gym one time coz had a dizzy spell and thought was going to collapse. Didn't though, just ended up sitting on sofa crying and shaking and panicking. Still mega concerned about my health tbh (my latest is convincing myself ive got MS!) but trying hard to stay calm.
Re hrt, doc wants me to finish tests and maybe see if i can get closer to 40 without going on them as she says once im on them, if symptoms are worse in ten years time, there's nowhere to go in terms of treatment. I get what she's saying and she reassured me that i wont be putting my heart and bones at risk just yet particularly as im fluctuating and in peri what with getting periods still, albeit erratically.
So there we are. Think that's it for now. Does this sound similar to anyone else? Sorry if it's dull. Thought it might help if anyone else is in a similar situation/ meno phase. No doubt it'll be different next week when the next symptom comes along.  ::)


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Re: 'Wonderful little hormone journey'
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2015, 07:02:36 PM »

You poor soul...what a rough ride...I am not sure that I totally agree with your Doc, what does she mean by if your symptoms are worse in 10 yrs time...if you are taking HRT chances are they will be a lot better. I started HRT @ 40 and do not intend to give it up until 60 and then only if I have to. The rub on gel and Utrogestan are very user friendly, yr symptoms of panic attacks are exactly what I went through, all part of the lead up to meno...the HRT helped me tremendously. Agree that your heart etc is probably protected due to the fact that your periods have not totally stopped so you must still be producing some oestrogen , but when I was @ your stage of the journey and my FSH levels were similiar,  my Dr said to me, you are sitting on the fence, and he suggested HRT, am so glad that he did....all the best, I hope that your reports all come back 100%.


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Re: 'Wonderful little hormone journey'
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2015, 07:41:40 AM »

Hi Sparkle,

Can I suggest that you ask your GP to prescribe 'Yes' water-based vaginal moisturiser to ease your atrophy symptoms as you cannot use Vagifem because of fibroids.  I am sure that it will help a lot more than Savlon. It is what I use on the days I don't use Estriol (formerly Gynest) cream, but I used it every day for months just on it own when I had to stop using the oestrogen cream and it really helped to keep things comfortable. You can get a free sample if you email the company requesting one.

Hope it will help you.

Jenna x


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Re: 'Wonderful little hormone journey'
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2015, 08:27:34 AM »

I am out of the same mould and can relate to everything horses and sparkle are saying so I think it must be the blueprint of menopause, to mess with our minds and bodies to squeeze us into a shape we don't recognise.

It does me the world of good to read of others having the same thoughts and feelings, although I do sympathise  :hug:


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Re: 'Wonderful little hormone journey'
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2015, 08:57:49 AM »

Good luck with your journey!! Mine is not going to well.. Another hrt to try and gp says
If doesn't help may need to consider anti d which I really don't feel I need. My life is on hold
Until I feel normal again!! Let's hope it's not too long. Good luck everyone x