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Author Topic: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x  (Read 13720 times)


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2015, 02:02:38 PM »

Hi Sunnydays
How are you getting on with half a patch? After two horrendous nights of constant sweating, feeling really ill and thumping one sided headache, also my ear is painful. I have just finished a course of antibiotics so I know it isn't an infection:(( I removed the Femseven Conti and have reverted back to estradot 50. I still have the headache but flushes have eased. My oestrogen level was 200, so I am now wondering whether to increase the patch to a 75, I have another appointment with doc next week, so will see what she advises. I have been reading up on the forum and a lot of ladies are advised to increase dose to 100 to override their own cycle, maybe this is the way for me to go. Just fed up with all the constant changing. I really hope your new regime is working.Cacey x


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2015, 02:16:51 PM »

50 mc is quite low for your age ,I started hrt about your age and started on 1 mg estrogen,as you have hot flushes still think you need to up your estrogen.


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2015, 05:41:24 PM »

Hi Dazned, how soon & by how much would you advise, as I am a bit scared of feeling worse, although at the moment I am still struggling to shift the headache, would an increase help with headache & flushes, as I have said previously I am showing no signs of high oestrogen, as boobs have all but disappeared and I have not gained any weight, in fact I am a skinny minny  :o could do with putting on a few pounds to iron out my wrinkles  :o :o


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2015, 07:51:35 PM »

Well I'm no expert but the patches you have I believe have estrogen and progesterone combined,the progesterone in it is synthetic and maybe the constant progesterone could be the cause your headaches,I know that be the culprit in some women. I can't take constant progesterone it makes me bad headaches etc.
The hot flushes are definitely down to estrogen . Are you post meno? As this hrt is for post meno not peri I believe.It is femseven conti isn't it ?


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2015, 08:47:56 PM »

Cacey I'm struggling to be honest. The headache eased, thought it was getting better but now I have sensitive touch over my head and face. I've posted under Sinus as I'm not sure if it's sinus or the progesterone. I'm on just quarter of the combined patch which is ultra low dose and only taken it for a few days. I don't know I'd it's a virus as I feel a bit achy and my glands are a bit swollen under my throat. I'll give it 2 days then I'll just have to take the patch off I guess.


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2015, 07:33:27 AM »

Hi Dazned, I am nearly 52, I had the mirena previously for 18 months but prior to that, I only had occasional spotting. So not sure where I am, although I had an internal probe (scan last month, all was good re lining etc) although the lady said that I still had follicles. So whilst I have no bleed I know that I am still going through the change as periodically I get all the symptoms of a period with no bleed, this is when I completeley crash. The patch I put on yesterday was estradot 50.
I only had mild sweats last night, although I still feel a bit rough this morning, almost like flu symptoms alongside period pains. I have estradot 75 in the drawer and maybe will try with one of them today.
Sunnydays, I hope you are feeling better today, it's so hard trying to find the right balance, as like you I have the same symptoms but mine are relieved by increasing the patch. Do you know what your oestrogen levels are, as had mine tested last week and they were 200, although the specialist told me this reading was high!! Mind you he also told me that headaches and night sweats were NOT part of menopause. Quite scary as he is a private gyne and although I explained all of my symptoms every time my body crashes, including no libido, no energy, lack of motivation, joint pains, flu symptoms etc he did say that he had never heard of this before... Needless to say I will not be returning. I have another appointment with my doc on Friday and I will discuss increasing my estradot and using utrogeston alongside. On a positive note since removing my femseven patch & replacing with estradot 50 my mood is better, headache is easing and flushes are certainly reducing, I have also noticed this morning that my sinuses are draining and the pressure I had in my right ear is easing. This can only be down to the change of patch. I feel for you as it is sooo frustrating trying to find the right balance. X


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2015, 12:52:38 PM »

Hi Cacey,
Unbelievable that the specialist hadn't heard of those symptoms; I've had exactly the same as you in the past.
I don't know much about hormone levels - I'm just a few months older than you I think, and my levels were tested by the GP a year ago. oestrodol less than 50 pmol/L Serum FSH 109u/L and serum LH 49.3u/L Haven't a clue what any of it means!

My heads a bit thick this morning but the quarter patch remains in place for the time being. I think I might see about doing the  Estrodot with the Utrogestan like you.
I know I need I need oestrogen; when I had the full patch of fem seven I could feel a tremendous underlying positive boost but it was all negated by, presumably the progesterone!

I'm glad your sinuses are draining etc; isn't it weird that the patch should have such an effect!


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2015, 03:23:30 PM »

Cacey the utrogestron is the kindest of all the progesterone so that's a good thing,I'm sure you will do better with that one. As you say try the 75 patch see how you go. However it does take time to adjust to anything new,they say 3 months be fore you can really tell .Are just going to use utrogestron for 12 days like me ? Are you taking it orally or vaginally ?
I wouldn't be paying to see your gynecologist again if I were you ! That's so bad he doesn't connect your symptoms with menopause !
Hope you feel better soon .x


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2015, 04:19:29 PM »

Hi Dazned, not sure about how to use utrogeston, any advice would be appreciated, re insertion and what days etc. re the oestrogen patch, I will increase slowly as I want to aim to tolerate the 100 patch as this would then override any fluctuations that seem to be giving me problems. Hope I am right in thinking that!!
Sunnydays, really hope you are improving as the day has gone on, I know that I act very quickly to any changes, in some ways this is good, but has a bad impact when my own fluctutations are pushing through. X


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2015, 04:36:15 PM »

Cacey how has your gp told you to take utrogestron? If you use it each day you shouldn't get a bleed but as you are peri and still having periods you should take it at the end of month last 12 days which give you a cycle similar to your own. By having the utrogestron for 12 days only you will have a bleed but at least you won't be on progesterone all the time if this is what you are struggling with.What did the person prescribing it tell you to do ?


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Re: Femseven Conti Update/ advice needed x
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2015, 07:54:09 AM »

Hi Cacey,
I've stopped my femseven conti patch. Even cut into a quarter I felt awful with it. Headache, sickness feeling and pressure in my head. I just took the patch off in the evening and the after a good sleep, in the morning the pressure was gone and I felt like 'me' again (whoever me is nowadays with all these hormone changes lol)
I do suffer form cataarh/sinus so I'm sure this plays a part but whatever femseven has in it, my body doesn't like it.
I'll give it a few days and decide what to do next!
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