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Author Topic: Help Please  (Read 3080 times)

Reds Best

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Help Please
« on: March 25, 2015, 03:00:40 PM »

Hi all, this is my first visit to this site and I am hoping you will be able to give me some good advice, as I am struggling with this menopause, Im feeling so overwelmed and feeling I can't cope.  Starting at the beginning.  I had a hysterectomy at the age of 36 after 10 years of endometrosis, followed 4 years later with my ovaries being removed due to more endo and very bad adhesions around my bowel, bladder and pelvic area.  I was then put onto climival HRT which was wonderful for 12 years.  In 2012 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, luckily caught very early, so had a lumpectomy but no radiotherapy needed.  Still was a massive shock and really floored me.  Because of the cancer my HRT was stopped.  I have been told since that if stopped suddenly that the menopause is quite severe, well thats right!!  Not long after the HRT stopped I went straight into bad night sweats and hot flushes during the day.  I still have these daily, but not as many but night sweats still keep me awake, to the point that I take Somminex to help me sleep.  I have many nights laying awake at 3 in the morning worrying about everything.  I also suffer with consent tiredness, weight gain, forgetfulness, confusion which drives me crazy, and don't feel I can cope with my job and all the other stress we have in our family most of the time.  We have two daughters with a rare genetic disorder that causes many health issues.  It feels to me that you seem to go through differrent stages as the months go by, has anyone else felt this??  Soon after stopping the HRT I started to have trouble with a sore vagina, and sex has been very painful ever since. I didn't realise how much I missed it until it became uncomfortable, and this has really upset me.  My husband is wonderful adn never worries about it. I have tried some of the over the counter creams but they didn't work, as orginally the GP wouldn't prescribe anything because of the cancer, but I have just been told I can now try Vagifem from the cancer consultant at my last check up, so will be trying that soon.  After about 6 months I then started having very painful hands and feet, and the GP thought I had capule tunnel in both feet and hands.  This was very bad for about 6 months, and it is still there but mainly at night.  Last year I then started to get pains similar to my endo and pelvic pain, but of course I have nothing there.  This became so bad that in January this year I went into hospital to have a laprosocopy.  Even on the day of the op the gyneo consultant felt he wouldn't find anyhting and thought it was my bowel, which I do have problems with too.  Anyway the operation ended up being a major one, and I had extensive adhesions on my bowel, bladder and pelvic area again.  I was devastated and have been of work now for 2 months. This certainly hasn't helped how I feel emotionally, but think the op is the last straw of the last two years. Does this all sound familiar, and would like some helpful tips on how to cope with this all.  I take multi vitamin, Vit B complex, magnesium. Plus aloe vera, as I have a hiatus hernia and food intolerances.  Looking forward to any replies xxx 8)


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2015, 03:11:14 PM »


Sorry to hear how bad you are feeling and what a long trying time you have had. I'm new to this menopause stuff too so not experienced enough yet to help but loads on here are and will soon be along to help you but we are always all here to support you just want to say Hi .


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2015, 04:51:39 PM »

Hello :)

Poor you, I know what you mean about the painful hands but mine go numb at night in bed aswell?  Also the sore vagina :( I've just started on vagifem so will see how that goes! I own my own business and sometimes I make the most stupid mistakes :o but I ride mountain bikes and apart from the sore vagina not liking the bike seat ;D! I find that the exercise really does help the memory and mind.

What us ladies have to go through!

Liz xxx


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2015, 06:02:30 PM »

Hello Reds Best


So sorry to hear about the tough time you've had throughout your life with all those difficult and major health problems.

I hope you find that Vagifem will ease things in the vaginal area quite quickly after the first two weeks " loading" period when you use it each day - some women find it does take longer to improve if atrophy is severe.

There are various drugs listed here on this site which can help with flushes and sweats for those who cannot take HRT: Maybe some of these have been suggested. You may not like the idea of taking this sort of thing, but if the flushes and sweats are interfering with your ability to cope with life and your family, especially with your daughters, then it might be worth a try to start a low dose of one of these - and then perhaps you might be able to stop the sleeping pills if you don't want to continue with them? The drugs should help with flushes in the day as well as the night sweats.

Other than that I presume you are following all the other self-help measures - there was a study about therapies that can help women to cope with flishes and sweats following breast cancer here:
Summary of the study here:

I'm sure you've read this but will post anyway:

Limiting caffeine and alcohol as well as losing weight (if necessary) also are supposed to help alleviate menopausal symptoms.

Hope this helps a little and wishing you well

Hurdity x



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Re: Help Please
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2015, 06:30:42 PM »

Hi and welcome

I really feel for you, as if menopause alone isn't bad enough you've had all your other problems

I can't give any advice, I'm new and really don't know what I'm taking about hrt wise.

But just wanted to say hi xx

Reds Best

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Re: Help Please
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2015, 09:20:03 AM »

Hi all, just wanted to say thank you for all replies and I will have a look at all the links. Great to have some support.  8) xxxxxxx


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Re: Help Please
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2015, 10:23:24 AM »

Hello Reds Best.

I can see that you have been given some good advice already but I wanted to welcome you to the forum.

This place is a wonderful resource and has helped me through many a dark time and I am sure it will help you too.

Wishing you well and keep posting.



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Re: Help Please
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2015, 10:46:51 AM »

I was on gabapentin for a year and a half and found it did significantly improve my anxiety and it works for hot flashes too. It may also help with the neuropathic  pain and lain from adhesions you're experiencing as well. Titrate up slowly to avoid side effects and taper slowly!!! When you decide to come off.